Chancheng Kui's face was a little pale, and such a domineering and invincible appearance naturally consumed magic power.

In just a few minutes, Jiang Han has consumed nearly [-]% of the magic power in her body. This is just the way to appear, if the battle will consume more.

But when she saw Jiang Han's happy expression, Chancheng Kui felt that it was worth consuming so much magic power.

"Men, there are always some hobbies of their own!"

Chancheng Kui thought so in his heart, as long as Jiang Han is happy, what is the consumption of magic power.

Irisviel stared at Jiang Han with admiration on her face, "Jiang Han, you were so powerful just now, that guy... who is covered in gold, is not your opponent!"

"Isn't that of course? If I appear in person, I can crush him easily, of course I can now!"

Jiang Han's face was arrogant. It wasn't him who bragged. As long as Aoi's magic power was enough, defeating Gilgamesh was just a matter of time.

"But, the magic is not enough...!"

Jiang Han's originally arrogant eyes immediately returned to calm, the pretence just now was really incredible, but it could only be done once, and it was too draining of Kui's magic power.

Suddenly remembering something, Jiang Han stared at Chancheng Kui with concern, "Kui, just spent so much magic power, is there anything... uncomfortable?"

If he consumes too much magic power, it will threaten his life, so naturally he can't do it.

"It's okay, it's fortunate that you came back early, otherwise you will definitely consume more."

Chancheng Kui showed a gentle smile, as long as Jiang Han was happy, it didn't matter if he consumed more magic power.

"Next time, I will pay attention and try my best to control myself! He is a heroic spirit like this, and he needs to release any Noble Phantasm and his own power. For... magic power, we should use it sparingly to avoid the embarrassing situation of insufficient magic power.

Jiang Han looked at the starry sky at 10:[-] at night, and stretched his waist: "Woo, go back to sleep, and prepare for tomorrow!"

With that said, the left and right hands wrapped around the waists of the two women respectively, and ran towards the parked black car.

Not long after, the three people returned to the black car and drove away from the dock where the first battle of the Holy Grail War started.

Back home, Jiang Han skillfully took Kwai back to sleep on the tatami.

Although the method of physical contact is slower than the other two, the remaining time is sufficient.

Suddenly, Jiang Han felt another delicate body rushing in, forming a pinch attack to surround him in the middle.

Don't think about it, you know who this person is.

"Jiang Han, sleep together!"

Irisviel said softly, and then the three of them slowly slept on a tatami.

Jiang Han was also startled, "Go to sleep, there are still six days until the end of the Holy Grail War, and a few days of life as peaceful as today."

Irisviel replied softly, she also knew the danger of the Holy Grail War, tonight was just a battle that knew each other, and it wasn't a fierce battle.

Starting from tomorrow, either the house will be demolished or... the building will be demolished.

The Tohsaka family, different from Jiang Han's relaxed style, Tokiomi's face was solemn, and at the same time he was carefully enduring the abuse from Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh was summoned back by Tosaka Tokiomi forcibly using a Command Spell, and his whole body was about to explode.

He was ignored by Jiang Han before, which made him feel a deep shame in his arrogant heart. Now he was recalled by Tokiomi Tosaka using a command spell. If the anger in his heart is attacked, it is estimated that even the sky can be burnt out.

"King, please calm your anger! I just summoned you back, just because something important happened, for fear that those... lowly heroic spirits would offend your noble existence!"

Tosaka Tokiomi is a human being, and he knows how to get along with an existence like the King of Heroes.

Such an irritable King of Heroes, with the strength corresponding to...

Even though he was scolded bloody, Tosaka Tokiomi always showed a noble smile, as if he was not being scolded.

When Gilgamesh heard Tokiomi's words, the anger in his heart weakened a little, and he said coldly: "In front of this king, don't call me "I"

! "

"As you order, venerable king! Greetings from your servant Tohsaka Tokiomi."

Tosaka Tokiomi's expression changed slightly with his head lowered, but he could only forcibly suppress the unhappiness in his heart and replied respectfully.

If he wants to win the Holy Grail, he must rely on Gilgamesh's help, so all personal thoughts are temporarily suppressed in his heart.

He has always believed that Gilgamesh is the most powerful of all heroic spirits, even the demon god of unknown origin. As long as Gilgamesh wants to win with that weapon, isn't it easy? Think of this, Tokiomi Tohsaka The unhappiness in his heart disappeared, and he stared at Gilgamesh with burning eyes, waiting for the moment when he showed his true power.

"Tokiomi, you go out first, this king is going to rest!"

Gilgamesh restrained the anger in his heart a little, and lay gently on the leather sofa, as if he was about to rest.

Tohsaka Tokiomi responded respectfully and slowly left the room.

Outside the door, Tosaka Tokiomi's eyes instantly became solemn, although he did not think that the heroic spirit called the demon god could defeat Gilgamesh, but it would cause obstacles in the way of competing for the Holy Grail.

"I remember, Gilgamesh has the lock of the sky!"

Thinking of the lock of the sky and that weapon...the weapon capable of cutting the world, the solemnity in Tosaka Tokiomi's eyes disappeared.

Chapter 22

The lock of the sky is aimed at the gods. Once bound, no god can break free. At that time, Gilgamesh is using the Noble Phantasm and can easily kill the demon god.

As for the so-called demon gods, it's just a joke.

"The Holy Grail, in the end, belongs to Tokiomi Tosaka!!"

Talking about the Holy Grail, Tosaka Tokiomi's eyes flashed with a trace of fiery heat. Isn't he thinking about getting the Holy Grail and becoming a legendary magician? In the room separated by a wall from Tosaka Tokiomi, Gilgamesh was rarely silent. Among them, he slowly took out a silver chain from the treasure of the king behind it. The chain was not long and had wedges of different shapes at both ends.

"Enkidu, I will definitely win this battle! Then I will see you again!"

Thinking of Enkidu, Gilgamesh's irritable heart slowly calmed down, and it seems that as long as he thinks of him, his mood will be inexplicably better.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, except...Jiang Han and his party, few of the other masters fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Jiang Han suddenly frowned and said in a daze: "Oh, I can't breathe! What the hell is this, it has been suppressing me!"

In his sleep, he seemed to be trapped in a boundless purgatory, and a hot flame was burning him, no matter how hard he struggled, he could not escape the bondage.

"This feeling, it's you! Irisviel!"

Jiang Han finally woke up from his dream, his eyes were pitch black, and there was a faint scent of female Naixiang.

I saw that Irisviel had already embraced him and buried him in her own moon.

He just said, how could he have such a terrible dream, this dream still has a softness that makes him want to sweeten it involuntarily.

"Hey, Jiang Han, are you awake yet?"

Alice Feige rubbed her eyes in confusion, as if she hadn't woken up yet.

"Irisviel, can you let me go first! This pose makes me a little uncomfortable."

Jiang Han's face showed a helpless look, and a good night's sleep almost turned into a nightmare. Are you trying to suffocate me? His current state is a heroic spirit, not a god. He can have sufficient magic power without relying on sleep.

Although Chancheng Aoi worked hard to practice magic, the magic in his body could not keep up with his consumption. It is better to save a little now, so he chose to sleep to reduce his magic consumption.

Irisviel still held her hands in her arms and refused to let go. The beautiful face that coexisted with a lady and a girlish temperament was full of laziness: "Jiang Han, I still want to sleep!"

"stand up!!"

Jiang Han's face darkened. Although Irisviel's embrace was warm, it was too stuffy, making it difficult to breathe.

Hearing Jiang Han's gradually cold tone, Irisviel hurriedly let go of her hands and said, "Jiang Han, I'm sorry I was wrong, can you not be angry."

Jiang Han looked at Irisviel's pitiful tone and Jean's weak eyes, and his heart softened instantly, "I'm not angry, just don't hold it so tightly next time, it will make my breathing uncomfortable."

As he said that, he also glanced at the source of evil that made his breathing uncomfortable, which was indeed huge.


Irisviel's initially uneasy heart instantly calmed down, "I thought Jiang Han was angry, but it turned out to be just suffocated."

This is a method I saw on TV before. I originally wanted to try it to see if it could make Jiang Han like him more, but it almost backfired.

"You have to think carefully about what's on TV in the future!"

Jiang Han sorted out his slightly messy clothes and stood up to eat breakfast.

As for Irisviel, seeing Jiang Han get up, she also began to put on the clothes she took off last night, and regained her status as the... dazzling and beautiful Irisviel that made countless passers-by unable to take their eyes off her.

As soon as I came to the living room, the voice of Chancheng Kui came from the kitchen: "Is Jiang Han awake, breakfast is already being made, I'll be fine later."

Chancheng Aoi's mother said since she was a child, how can a woman let a man have to deal with housework after a hard day's work.

So she basically took care of the housework by herself, while Jiang Han was treated like an emperor.

"Jiang Han, I'm going to help Kui!"

After Irisviel finished speaking, she rushed into the kitchen to help cook.

Jiang Han glanced at him and smiled helplessly: "Irisviel can cook as long as she doesn't make trouble."

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, there was a regular and rhythmic knock on the door.

Jiang Han looked out of the house in confusion, "Is it because I came to knock on the door early in the morning just to grab a meal?"

He thought about it, the relationship between them and their neighbors in the past seven years was not that good or bad, and it was impossible for them to come.

At this moment, a ruthless voice came slowly from outside the door: "Ms. Chancheng Aoi, are you at home with Miss Irisviel?"

"Emiya Kiritsugu"

After thinking for a while, Jiang Han opened the door and saw Emiya Kiritsugu, whose face was slightly pale, "injured"

"Well, I met the assassin yesterday, fought with him and got a little wounded."

Emiya Kiritsugu always had a dead face, as if he had no worries about his injury.

Jiang Han turned around and walked into the house, sitting opposite Emiya Kiritsugu, "Is something wrong?"

"Last night, on the way back home, Arturia fought with her, but fortunately, she seems to have mistaken the person, and there was no accident."

Emiya Kiritsugu recounted what happened last night one by one, he said it in great detail, and repeated every detail he saw last night.

After all, Chancheng Aoi and Irisviel are both his allies, and if he conceals information, it may cause a lot of trouble.

Jiang Han's expression was flat, and his behavior towards...

It's just that now Gil and Ryunosuke Yuyu have formed the master, and they are the only master and heroic spirit who did not participate in the first meeting last night.

After a long time, Emiya Kiritsugu couldn't wait for Jiang Han to reply, so he told the plan in his heart, "Tonight, I plan to attack the master of the hotel! I hope you can help me!"

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