When the magic power was isolated, the three little guys looked much more comfortable, but looked at Hei Arturia with a hint of fear in his eyes, "You are so strong after being injured, Jiang Han wants to capture her, it will be very hard."

"Tell me about those four 44's in detail!"

Jiang Han frowned and asked, if four 44s really appeared, then it would be dangerous.

Although they are only Heroic Spirits with the same appearance, their strength is absolutely incomparable.

Tohsaka Sakura's big eyes were full of smiles, but she still said: "One of them is wearing a red dress, it seems to be a tyrant, and the other is wearing black armor that exudes an aura of destruction, and pure white armor, the last one is a body Wearing a blue kimono and holding a samurai sword."

"Princess Nero, berserker French village woman Joan of Arc, fantasy knight king, as for the last one... Okita Souji"

Going on, Jiang Han's face became more and more ugly, Gaia and Alaya were really doing something, and they directly took out all the faces of time and space.

"Aren't you afraid that the six 66 faces will compete with each other?"

Thinking of six faces with the same temperament but different temperaments competing for the Holy Grail, Jiang Han couldn't help his scalp go numb.

At this time, it is already the third day, and there are still four days before the Holy Grail War ends, that is, within four days, there will be four 44.

Even the genuine king of knights would be horrified to the point of being lost when he saw these...people who were just like himself.

At this time, Chancheng Aoi's voice broke the solemn atmosphere, "Everyone, it's time to eat!!"

"Come on, let's eat!"

Although my heart is dignified, I still have to eat what I should eat.

Even if he was stopped by four 44 girls with identical faces, who could stop him if he wanted to escape.

"The French Village Woman and Princess Nero are the most troublesome."

Thinking of this, Jiang Han's biggest headache is the French village woman.

If she is a saint in the original book, it would be better to say, but she is Joan of Arc who has transformed into a dragon witch.

Chapter 39

In the kitchen, a white as new dining table was filled with all kinds of delicious dishes. Chancheng Aoi looked at Xiang Jiang Han with a gentle smile, "Looks like our demon god has a headache."

As soon as these words came out, the three little guys laughed and couldn't close their mouths.

Tohsaka Rin laughed the most, "Sister Kwai, you don't know that Jiang Han just called the French Saint Joan of Arc, and called her a French village woman. I think now that Joan of Arc has noticed Jiang Han."


Chancheng Kui was startled and looked at Jiang Han with a strange expression.

She also knows the history of this saint, if this saint is summoned as a heroic spirit, she must have terrifying power.

Jiang Han looked indifferent, "Eat first, even if I come, I'm not afraid!"

A mere French village woman, it is difficult to turn against the sky before a true god, although she is a heroic spirit, she is not able to despise it at will.

Chancheng Kui felt Jiang Han's inner self-confidence, and a trace of tenderness flashed in his eyes, "Sure enough, the person I chose is the best in the world."

At this moment, in a dilapidated hut in Fuyuki City, Jeanne wearing jet-black armor and holding a jet-black long sword slowly opened her closed eyes and whispered softly, "Is my enemy a demon god?"

In another place, Einzbern Castle, the French Marshal Gil held the Luoyan City textbook: and smiled slowly: "Joan of Arc, wait for me! I will definitely restore your memory."

He also did not expect that the Joan of Arc, whom he was thinking of, would come again, but it was not the leftover girl, but the Dragon Witch.

In the city of Fuyuki, a commotion was going on at this time, and six girls who looked exactly the same seemed to be secretly planning something.

Their goals seem to be aimed directly at one person, the demon god Jiang Han.

...At this time, Chancheng Kui's home.

Jiang Han sat quietly on the sofa, his brows sometimes soothed and sometimes frowned, "Although I'm not afraid of them, Aoi and Irisviel may not be able to resist."

If it was just him, there was nothing to worry about.

It's just that the situation in Fuyuki City is too complicated now, the Holy Grail War has reached the third day, and not a single Heroic Spirit has withdrawn from the Holy Grail War, and even Diarmuid has not been eliminated.

"It seems that Kenneth was really tough, and he insisted on transferring the Command Spell to Soraka."

Thinking of this, Jiang Han's expression turned cold: "Once I am besieged, I believe the heroic spirits in the original book will be happy to shoot at me."

He is very strong, strong enough to disdain any heroic spirit, but under the siege of four 44-faced, can he withstand the French Marshal Gil, the hero king Gilgamesh, the son of light Diarmuid, and a hundred appearances. Hassan.

"Counting the numbers, there are exactly nine 9 enemies, as well as Emiya Kiritsugu, ten 10 Heroic Spirits!"

Jiang Han sighed again, the Holy Grail War has now turned into a hodgepodge.

The two guys, Gaia and Alaya, are still causing me trouble.

Thinking about it, a strangely shaped sword without a blade slowly emerged in his hand.

"In this situation, how can there be a deviation sword: there is no sense of security."

Deviating Sword: Although powerful, it is impossible for all enemies to stand in front of him, waiting for him to cut.

At this time, Chancheng Kui came to Jiang Han and sat with him, "What's the matter? Are you worried about the heroic spirits?"

Jiang Han nodded lightly, "This time, there are so many enemies, so many I can't even imagine."

"You are a demon god, can't you really win like this?"

Kui could sense the anxiety in Jiang Han's heart, he was not worried about his own safety, but about them.

"If I wasn't a Heroic Spirit, I would be able to single out Gaia Alaya and kill them all."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Han couldn't help but touch the Deviance Sword: All Noble Phantasms are just shadows, how can they exert their true power.

Chancheng Aoi didn't answer, but just hugged Jiang Han gently and restored his confidence in his own way.

For a long time, Jiang Han was no longer anxious, and looked out of the house again, "The only way to take the initiative is to kill a few before they react!"

It is impossible for the four 44 faces to be destroyed for the time being. We can only focus on Diarmuid and Hundred Majestic Hassan. The two of them cannot be my teammates. Now it is best to kill them first.

Immediately, Jiang Han walked towards Tohsaka Rin, looking directly into Tohsaka Rin's doubtful eyes, "Where is Tohsaka's house?"

"Ha, you want to take action on my father Tomisaka Tokiomi"

Tohsaka Rin's eyes became: vigilant, although his relationship with his father was not good, he absolutely couldn't do anything to provide information to the enemy.

Jiang Han turned his eyes to Tohsaka Sakura again, and her eyes were the same as his sister's, with determination and refused to say Tohsaka Tokiomi's position.

"There's no other way, that's all."

Jiang Han looked helpless, if he didn't act ruthlessly, then both Kwai and Irisviel might be eliminated together with him.

It doesn't matter if he is eliminated, after all, he is just a heroic spirit, and he will restore the power of the true god immediately after death.

But Chancheng Aoi and Irisviel are different, they are ordinary people who will return to their roots after they die, and even if they find it again, they are no longer the ones they love.

In this battle, even all kinds of insidious means have to be used.

Tohsaka Sakura looked cowardly and said in a low voice: "Dad, his heroic spirit is Gilgamesh, who has the Deviance Sword: If you want to deal with daddy, you may get hurt, so what will Aoi do?"

"Yeah, in a dead end!"

Jiang Han's eyes slowly became deep, and he began to think about countermeasures.

After a long time, he remembered the only way, "The leylines of Fuyuki City have an inestimable magical power. If you forcibly swallow it, then you will have the possibility of victory."

"Kwai, Irisviel, let's get ready and go to Liudong Temple!"

As long as he absorbs the magic power of the leylines, then he can defeat these four 44s, but as a price, there will be an incalculable price. . . .

"Liudong Temple"

Tohsaka Rin was startled and looked at Jiang Han incredulously, "Are you crazy, you absorb such a huge magic power, you will be bursting in an instant!"

"If you don't want me to eat, I'm a demon."

Jiang Han smiled lightly, as long as he devoured the magic power of Fuyuki City, he might be able to break through the limit of ability value and reach the level of a pseudo-god.

At that time, won't the Holy Grail War just win if you want to win? Irisviel's eyes are worried, "Jiang Han, is this really the only way?"

She also knew that the huge magic power of the leylines was absolutely dangerous to Jiang Han.


Jiang Han shook his head without hesitation. If he lost, then Irisviel would be used as the Holy Grail vessel, and he would not even have a chance to be reborn.

Chapter 40

Therefore, if he devours the magic power of the earth veins, he is bound to get it. Whoever dares to stop it, he will be obedient to the sword: once it is opened, all the enemies will be destroyed.

"Mom, please tell Jiang Han, the magic power of the earth veins is not a joke. Once swallowed, it cannot be reversed."

Tohsaka Rin's eyes were anxious. Once Jiang Han had an accident due to devouring magic power, how would her mother get along in just a few days? She came to the conclusion that Jiang Han was reliable and would not abandon his wife and children. , is countless times more reliable than his father Tomisaka Tokiomi.

In the next life, it is better to let mother and Jiang Han be together, as for his father Tohsaka Tokiomi, he will die alone.

Chancheng Kui didn't care about Rin calling her mother, but smiled softly and stared at Jiang Han, "He will succeed, and even if he fails, Jiang Han will be fine."

Staring at this handsome and extraordinary young man in front of him, thousands of thoughts flashed in Chancheng Kui's eyes, "The first time we met, you looked so embarrassed! But who would have thought that you would be a god?"

"Let's go! Go to Liudong Temple and devour the magic power of the leylines."

There was a flash of determination in Jiang Han's eyes, since he had decided, there was no way out. If the four 44 faces came over, he would really be unable to resist.

I am strong, and I also need to have enough magic power to support, magic power is not enough... even action is difficult.

Sitting on the sofa, Black Arturia was slightly surprised, "Infinite magic power! Is it really that easy to obtain?"

She remembered the story of her own experience of obtaining this body, the endless negative will drowned herself, and there was endless resentment murmured every moment, as if cursing herself when she survived, she was no longer a heroic body, and thus incarnated Become a real heroic spirit and possess infinite magic power.

Jiang Han took the car key in Irisviel's hand, opened the door key directly, sat in the driver's seat and waited for Chancheng Aoi to enter.

When Chancheng Aoi stepped into the black car, the car slowly drove away from Chancheng's house and headed towards Liudong Temple, the convergence point of the leylines in Fuyuki City.

As for Irisviel and the three little guys, they stayed here. After all, there must be someone guarding the intersection of the leylines. If there are too many people, the location may be exposed.

Holding the familiar steering wheel, Jiang Han glanced at the rearview mirror, "No one, let's go racing."

"Kwai, hold on tight, I'm going to speed up."

A confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then the speed of the car suddenly increased, and the next second it turned into a black lightning that shuttled over various passages.

In the blink of an eye, the black car and sedan disappeared without a trace.

And behind Jiang Han, there was a beautiful woman in a white robe, looking around with cold eyes, "Failure to find tracking."

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