Immediately without saying a word, he stood silently, just staring at him with a pair of pale golden eyes.

Jiang Han gently raised Joan's chin, and smiled evilly, "I originally planned to collect all seven faces, but now there is no way to do it."

The blue and white Artoria should have been forcibly summoned by Emiya Kiritsugu using a Command Spell, otherwise, as her disabled person, it is estimated that she would have died in the aftermath of the battle.

"Come with me, it's time to get out of here! While talking, the three figures disappeared in an instant, reappeared, and returned to Kwai's side.

"Let's go first, let's talk about something!"

No waiting: Kwai replied, Jiang Han hugged her slender waist and disappeared into the huge deep pit in an instant.

Director Okita's eyes were confused, and when he saw Jeanne and Nero leaving with Jiang Han, he followed.

Not long after they left, there was the roar of helicopters in the sky, and people from the army began to check what happened.

After all, such a big movement is not easy to cover up, and it is difficult for the three major families to cover up.

Therefore, we can only let the military personnel investigate temporarily, wait for the limelight to pass, and rebuild the large underground cavity.

In the Chancheng family, the three little guys became more and more anxious. After all, there was such a big movement just now, but now there is no movement, and they are even more uneasy.

Illya's red crystal eyes flashed with determination, she took out the ruby ​​magical girl cane, "Magic girl transformed!!"

In the stunned eyes of Rin Tohsaka and Sakura Tohsaka, the ruby ​​magic girl's cane glowed with a pink light, enveloping Illya's petite body.

After the pink light disappeared, Ilya, who was wearing a pink revealing magical girl costume, appeared in front of the three of them with a high degree of shame.

"Ruby, let's go check the situation!"

Ignoring the shame of transforming in public, Illya planned to fly in the direction of Liudong Temple.

But as soon as he flew up, he was grabbed by Black Artoria and sat back on the sofa, "All we need to do is wait, wait for Jiang Han."

Illya felt a pang in her heart, and waved the ruby ​​magic girl's cane, about to launch an attack to break free from the shackles of Black Artoria.

But the power of the heroic spirit, where can a pink revealing magical girl break free.

Black Artoria did not change her face, and always held Illya, "Wait, I believe in Jiang Han and Kwai!"

Illya was speechless in anger, but Black Arturia's arms never let go, and she tried her best to no avail.

I don't dare to use other skills with great lethality. What if it hurts Black Arturia? "Okay, Illya! Don't worry, I can feel that Jiang Han is fine!"

Irisviel stepped forward and gently hugged Illya, as if she wanted to feel the warmth of her daughter. When Illya thought so, her little face wrinkled in the next second.

I saw Irisviel from time to time touching the extremely shameful magical girl's costume, and commenting from time to time, "Illya shows so much clothes, if you wear it, can't you say it?"

Hearing this, Illya was startled, looked at Irisviel's curious eyes, and said in a low voice, "No! She is having fun right now."

Because the voice was so small, Irisviel didn't hear it, she just thought she was muttering embarrassedly.

"Hey hey, this dress is nice, but unfortunately I can't wear it!"

Irisviel regretted that she dared not wear such a highly shameful dress for fear of being exposed.

Illya blushed and retorted: "This is a magic dress, you have to transform."

"Hey, magical girl!"

Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Sakura flashed a flash of love. They had also seen magical girl animations, but they had never seen a real person.

Today, I finally had the fate to meet a real person, and I couldn't put it down and stroked the various costumes on Illya's body.

Feeling the up and down hands of the three of them, Illya blushed and said slowly with a trembling voice: "Everyone, let go, I'm so ashamed."

At this time, the door of the room suddenly opened, and Jiang Han and Chancheng Kui looked at the movements of the three women in amazement, "You guys! Excuse me."

Jiang Han then exited the door and closed the door again.

"Isn't there a lily just now?"

Jiang Han was keenly aware that something was wrong, and he might suffer, "I'll go to persuade first to avoid Lily!"

Opening the door again, I saw Ilya and Tohsaka Rin, Tohsaka Sakura dressed neatly.

Chapter 45

It was just that there was a slight ruddy on his face, proving that what just happened was not wrong.

"Cough, cough, you should pay attention to the impact in the future, after all, the sky is still bright."

Jiang Han coughed lightly, revealing a look that I can understand.

Looking at Illya, there was a hint of indescribable in his eyes, "Among the magical girls Illya, Illya is... a lily, and now it seems that there is nothing wrong."

"Brother Jiang Han, have you returned safely?"

Tohsaka Rin stepped forward and glanced at Chancheng Aoi to see if she was injured.

"What are you looking at, just now Jiang Han swept Joan of Arc, Nero, White Arturia and Blue and White Arturia."

Talking about this battle, a burst of pride appeared on Chancheng Aoi's face, as if she was the one who defeated the enemy.

"Well, it's really awesome!"

Then, following the two who walked in, Rin Tohsaka was shocked, "Joan of Arc and Nero!!"

Nero was still wearing a bright red dress, and his beautiful eyes were full of arrogance. It seemed that he came to this place entirely out of Jiang Han's face.

"Don't use this look, take a rest, we still have things to do tonight."

Jiang Han looked at the hair on Nero's head and his eyes became hot for a while. He wanted to see if Nero's hair would be plucked, and he would turn into a black Artoria like Artoria.

Nero noticed Jiang Han's fiery gaze, and felt a little shy in his heart, like a girl who was pregnant with spring: "Jiang Han, if you want it, you have to wait until the evening!"

"You're thinking crooked!"

Jiang Han said with an expressionless face, he was just curious about Duo Mao, and thinking about whether something terrible would happen when this strand of Duo Mao was plucked, makes people feel extremely curious.

Back home, Jiang Han was lying on the sofa like a salted fish, not moving.

Slowly thinking about what happened at noon today, at the same time, I couldn't help but feel a burst of luck. I swallowed the magic power of the leyline, and unexpectedly communicated with the three souls, so that the body of the past was revealed, so that the four 44 enemies were solved.

"Nero, please don't touch me, okay?"

At this moment, Illya's shy voice came.

I saw Nero, like petting a pet, hugged Illya in his arms, and kept stroking her hair, as if he had a gesture of never giving up.

"It's the first time Yu has seen such a cute little guy, let me touch it!"

Nero's attitude is very tough, letting Elijah struggle just...will not let go.

Nero, who is like a hooligan, is in love with Illya, it seems that she is very suitable for Nero's appetite.

The dragon witch Joan of Arc sat silently on the river, her cold face showed no expression, and her pale golden eyes seemed to be burning with raging fire forever.

Soon, the afternoon time passed like this, and night came quietly.

Jiang Han's eyes were deep, and he looked at Einzbern Castle, "Tonight, the French Marshal Gil is going to be dealt with!"

He couldn't help but glanced at Joan of Arc next to him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. With Joan of Arc, it was not difficult to kill French Marshal Gil.

"Joan of Arc, let's go! Go and solve your best friend first, and avoid any trouble with him!"

Jiang Han stood up, and the French Marshal Jill was able to describe the magic circle. Although the ability value was the weakest among many heroic spirits, if he was given enough time, he could completely create an indestructible and powerful position.

Jeanne, who had beautiful eyes and cold eyes, glanced at Jiang Han, and seemed a little surprised, "Who is my best friend, who is my best friend?"

"French Marshal Gil!"

Jiang Han said word by word.

Joan of Arc was a little surprised. I didn't expect Jill to appear as a heroic spirit of the Holy Grail War, but it was a pity that they were enemies.

Gently stretched her perfect slender figure and smiled indifferently: "If Jill dares to block your way, then kill him!"

Now that she has surrendered to Jiang Han, naturally everything should be for Jiang Han's sake, and her former friend Jill was only once.

Jiang Han was not surprised by Joan of Arc's indifference. At this time, Joan of Arc was a Berserker, and she was very light on emotions, and her best friend was not someone who could be killed easily in her eyes.

A flash of black light flashed, and the black one-piece skirt that Joan was wearing was replaced. It was dark armor before, and a pair of slender and fair legs were exposed. Ordinary people couldn't help but feel hot.

Jiang Han also took a few more glances at Joan of Arc's exquisite and delicate body, and couldn't help but praise, "Of all the faces, I am afraid that only the French village woman Joan of Arc has such a good figure."

Artoria's figure is ordinary, giving people a sense of heroism, while the tyrant Nero is like a red rose with thorns, with a good body curve, and it can be said that the most perfect one is the Berserker Joan of Arc.

Feeling Jiang Han's gaze, Jeanne's face turned cold, and an indifferent female voice came out: "Does it look good?"

"Beautiful! The figure is fascinating."

Jiang Han praised! "Humph!"

Such an answer was somewhat unexpected by Jeanne, so she could only snort coldly.

"Kwai, let's go to the Einzbern family first, you stay at home with Irisviel!"

Jiang Han greeted Chancheng Kui in the kitchen, and then went out.

At this time, there were already Nero, Chief Okita, Black Artoria and Hercules of Irisviel, and a total of four Heroic Spirits were sitting in town. Irisviel attacks.

Jiang Han and Nero rode in a black sedan, racing all the way to Einzbern Castle.

The surrounding scene kept changing, and even sometimes Jiang Han passed by the opposite car, scaring the owner of the car that was passing by.

Nero's face was as usual, and there was a hint of excitement in his pale golden eyes, as if he wanted to go on the field and drive in person.

"Jiang Han, I want to drive!"

Nero looked at Jiang Han expectantly, this feeling of racing gave her a long-lost blood boil.

Jiang Han glanced at Joan of Arc, and coldly refused: "Your job agency is a Berserker, if you come to drive, I'm afraid you can fly me."

Joan of Arc was in a hurry, then her face became colder, she turned her head and looked out the window.

Seeing this, Jiang Han felt helpless for a while: "When we deal with the French Marshal Gil, we will let you come when we come back!"

"it is good!"

When she heard that she could drive, Joan of Arc's beautiful eyes flashed with surprise. She was very curious about novel things, and wanted to try to drive it. Can she be able to operate like an old driver like Jiang Han.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Han and Joan of Arc slowly came to the Forest of Einzbern, and before they entered the forest, they could feel a strong stench coming from their nostrils.

"It smells like a monster!"

Joan of Arc showed disgust, the stench of monsters could waft out so far.

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