Chapter 9

While speaking, Jiang Han had already taken out a book binding secret book, in which five 55 characters were engraved, "A real woman in one minute!"

"Stupid, although you are handsome, I am not a fool."

The girl raised her head and glanced at Jiang Han, and turned away without hesitation.

"Is it unexpected that the first one hit a wall!"

Jiang Han's expression was dull and he didn't take it to heart, after all, he didn't think the first person would be successful.

For the next half an hour, Jiang Han kept looking for good-looking, silly-looking girls to sell his super swordsmanship.


But an entire hour passed, and everyone thought he was crazy and refused to believe the secret in his hand.

Suddenly, a girl with bright blonde hair caught Jiang Han's attention.

This girl has a beauty that is not inferior to the goddess. Seeing her, Jiang Han's eyes are bright.

"This time we can succeed!"

Jiang Han secretly said in his heart that although his secrets can't be said to be true, they are not fake, but it's just a little difficult to learn.

"Ace, shall we go buy some nice little dresses?"

A beautiful elf with long green hair said softly.

The blond girl named Ace shook her head, "Riveria, the equipment on the main floor of the last raid was a little worn, I'm going to repair it!"

"Is it okay to buy it after it is repaired?"

Riviria's tone was a little helpless, Ais was like this, she only knew how to practice all day, and didn't like to dress herself up at all.

At this time, Jiang Han suddenly stepped forward, "Girl, I am surprised by your skeleton, I have a swordsmanship book here.

The cheats are sold to you cheaply, or just use 3 to fight 4! After you are skilled, you can even play dozens of times to increase your strength. I see how you and I can only sell you [*] Wallis.”

At this time, Jiang Han's voice was low, and his body was shrouded in black robes, so he couldn't see his specific appearance at all.



Rivia, who was beside him, didn't speak yet, and Ais instantly handed Jiang Han's wallet, "[*] Wallis!!"

Looking at the purse in his hand, Jiang Han was slightly startled, and glanced at Ais in disbelief, "Girl, you and I are destined! There is a secret in the future, and I will sell it to you!"

After speaking, Jiang Han left quickly at a speed that is unmatched by ordinary people.

The speed was so fast that even Riveria, who was the Nine Magic Princess, could not react.

For a long while, Riveria stared at the apparently brand-new secret in Aisi's hands, dumbfounded, "Aisi, you have been deceived!"

"I was cheated"

Ais tilted her head slyly, as if she didn't realize anything.

"But this secret, as long as you learn it, you can beat 3 to 4, and you can even increase your strength dozens of times!"

Ais was expressionless, staring at her hands with burning eyes, she believed in this secret book very much.

Riveria sighed softly, "You, it's... easy to be deceived! The most shameful liar, actually running so fast."

If the liar runs slower, she will definitely let him know what true darkness is.

Ais carefully looked at the secret in her hand.

"One Minute Real Woman!"

"What a fucking name."

Riveria has lost hope. Judging from this name, Ais must have been deceived, or she was deceived by [*] Wallis.

Ais was not disappointed, but her eyes became even hotter, "One Minute Real Woman, how powerful this skill is!"

When the introduction was opened, a eloquent introduction came into view, completely attracting Ais' attention.

"You can only use it once a day, condense all the power you have into one minute, force all the power to concentrate, and strengthen your physical strength dozens of times.

When used, the whole body will be lit with blue fireworks, with a dense light that can be seen by the naked eye, but after use, the body will rapidly weaken."

Aismei's eyes were extremely hot, "Rivelia, I want to practice this cheat book!"

"It's said that this cheat book is a liar, how can you believe it."

Riviria, who was beside her, was helpless to see that she didn't believe the introduction in this secret manual.

When she seriously looked at the practice method behind her, the expression on Rivilia's face changed from distrust at the beginning to: shock and finally solemnity.

"This secret is very likely to be true! Let's take it back and show it to Lord Loki!"

Saying that, Riviria pulled Ais towards the Loki Familia.

If this secret book is true, then the meaning of the representation is great.

After a while, the two stood in front of Loki and handed over the Secret of a Minute Real Woman.

"Oh secret?"

Loki looked lazily and took the secret book.

When she saw the cover, she also let out a sneer, if it wasn't for her favorite Ais, she would have already thrown it away.

When I turned to the first page and saw the introduction above, my face was a little stunned.

"This kind of secret is true! But the cultivation method is very difficult!"

Loki's tone was solemn, and with her divine eyesight, she could naturally see the truth of the secret.

However, due to the complexity of her practice, only Ais in the entire family meets this condition.

Of course, it is only a matter of conformity, but it is very difficult to learn.

"Lord Loki, is this true?"

Riviria looked surprised, she automatically ignored the difficulties that Loki said, how could there be a secret that cannot be learned with Ace's talent.

"Of course, it's just the above practice method that makes me feel chills!"

Loki's face was slightly surprised. This method was practiced as a mortal, and if he was not careful, he might exhaust his lifespan and die.

"Loki, I'm going to practice!"

Ais directly took the secret book in Loki's hand, turned around and left.

She wants to become stronger and stronger, and in the secret recipe, a real woman can increase her strength dozens of times in one minute.

This kind of temptation, for her, is simply fatal.

Riviria looked at Ais heavily, "Lord Loki, won't there be any accident?"

Loki has said so, the process of cultivation must be extremely difficult, and may even endanger his own life.

Loki nodded lightly, "You and Finn go to guard together, if there is a rapid consumption of vitality, stop her quickly!"

She knew Ace's obsession with... power, even if she wanted to stop it, she couldn't do anything about it.

In the empty palace, Loki's eyes were empty, staring at the ceiling, "Who the hell sold this secret book to Ais, and what's the purpose?"

She would never believe that such a precious secret would be sold to Ais for fifty thousand Wallis.

But what Loki didn't know was that when Jiang Han sold this secret book, he just saw that Ais was so deceiving, so he sold it to her.

After all, no one wanted to sell it for [*] before, but now it is sold for [*], which is a tenfold increase.

Chapter 10

At this time, Jiang Han, who was walking to the rich hostess's shop, kept shaking the purse with a faint fragrance in his hand, "It's good, the food expenses for the next three days will be paid!"

Thinking of the future life, Jiang Han couldn't help but feel helpless for a while, the dignified true god has also been reduced to selling secret books for a living, so don't be too miserable.

Seeing the name of the rich hostess's shop, Jiang Han's eyes lit up, "It can be said to be the most popular restaurant in Oralee in the original book, and Kuangsan also came to buy dinner last night!!"

Before entering the restaurant, a fat female clerk greeted her, "Oh, this... Lord God, do you need to buy something?"

"Bring me a ten thousand Wallis lunch!!"

Jiang Han is not surprised that the shopkeeper of the rich hostess can recognize him. After all, the imposing manner of the gods is different from that of any ordinary adventurer, and no race can distinguish mistakes.

"Ten Thousand Wallis"

The rich hostess, the shopkeeper, was slightly startled, and her eyes revealed a hint of suspicion, "Why do I feel that you are very familiar with the charming little girl from yesterday!"

Last night was also a charming black-haired girl who came to Ten Thousand Wallis's dinner as soon as she entered the door, surprising a bunch of guests.

You know, [*] Wallis here is equivalent to [*] purchasing power, so don't be too arrogant.

Jiang Han laughed softly and said, "Yes, she is my dependent! I am the god of the new lower realm, so I have to feed my dependents well."


The hostess and the owner of Fengrao smiled slightly, and the smile on her face became even brighter, "Lord God, you are welcome to come often, we can give you a discount!"

If Jiang Han came often, every time it was [*] Wallis, this kind of spending power was unparalleled.

Jiang Han was greeted by the fat lady shop owner, and stepped into the rich hostess who has a long-standing reputation in Oralee.

Because it was morning, the store was relatively deserted, and there were not many customers in sight, only a few scattered people were eating slowly.

"Hill, give Lord God a glass of the best cider in our store, and I'll go prepare Lord God's lunch first!"

After speaking, the fat shopkeeper showed an apologetic smile to Jiang Han and walked towards the back kitchen.

Jiang Han sat on the wine table and looked at the shop slowly, "It's unexpectedly clean."

Different from the shops passing by along the way, the rich hostess did not show any mess, and the ground was as clean as new.

"Hello, Lord God, your cider."

At this moment, a delicate girl with short silver hair came up and handed a bottle of green fruit wine to Jiang Han.

Jiang Han gently took the bottle of fruit wine and glanced at the silver-haired girl lightly.

The girl's face is very delicate, in terms of appearance, some goddesses are incomparable, and inadvertently, there will be a hint of coquettishness that naturally radiates.

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