With that said, Jiang Han forced the [*] kilowatt in his hand into Hestia's hand and left.

He still has more important things to do. First, he must give a hint to Zeus' grandson Bell, otherwise what will he do if he goes to other family members: "Jiang Han, you!"

Hestia's big eyes slowly accumulated mist, it was the first time in so many years that someone treated her so well.

He gave her room and board, and even gave her money to buy clothes and daily necessities.

The purchasing power of one kilowatt is quite acceptable for Orari, enough for her to buy two or three pieces of clothes.

If there is a favorability level at this time, then Hestia's favorability has reached seventy, which is thirty short of the full value of one hundred.

There is a reason why Hestia has such a favorable impression of Jiang Han.

After all, the gods who were once aloof, prosperous, rich and noble have eaten all kinds of rare foods.

But now it has suddenly become: poorer than a beggar, this kind of life has made Hestia taste the warmth and coldness of the world.

In addition, she is unwilling to return to the heaven, and she naturally regards herself as a poor girl, if it is not for the fact that there are many god friends from time to time.

She may have to forget that she is the goddess of the heavens, Hestia, one of the three gods.

Now suddenly a rich and handsome person gave so many good things at the beginning of the game, how could she not be moved, "Is Hestia going to cry?"

At this time, Athena walked to the door slowly, staring at Hestia teasingly.

They are both goddesses of the heavens, and although the relationship between them is not very good, there is also a kind of sympathy for each other.

"Not at all!"

Hestia wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and ran downstairs all the way.

She wants to buy a few clothes, and at the same time choose some to use on the tatami, she can't let Jiang Han prepare everything.

When he just passed Athena, Hestia suddenly froze, staring at Athena in disbelief, "You are not a goddess!!!"

As a god, she can naturally feel the changes in Athena, which has already involved the soul level, and naturally cannot hide Hestia.

"Well, I am Jiang Han's concubine now!"

A happy smile appeared on the corner of Athena's delicate mouth. Being with Jiang Han was the most correct decision she made.

"Demon God!"

Hestia hesitated a little and gave this answer! "Demon God Jiang Han!"

Athena slowly repeated Jiang Han's name, a pair of unwavering beautiful eyes with a hint of tenderness, and her heart was filled with a strong sense of luck.

Hestia opened her mouth and left without saying a word.

She felt that her dream seemed to be shattered, and just planned to get closer to Jiang Han, but Athena came out and said that she was the concubine of the demon god.

This feeling is so uncomfortable.

It was obvious that he could fight for decades less, but he was disturbed by Athena.

Living in the lower realm for five years made Hestia lose the high coldness of being a goddess, and gradually turned into an ordinary girl with a little substance.

But it is such a material girl, but it makes many male gods helpless.

In the past five years, countless male gods have been thinking about how to attack Hestia, and even thought of various extremely precious magic flower holy armors.

Chapter 20

But they just ignored that all Hestia needed was a bowl of rice and a safe place to stay.

At this time, Jiang Han appeared in the sky, making Hestia's calm heart a little turbulent.

Rich, family members, handsome and caring, isn't that what she likes? Athena silently watched Hestia's back disappear in front of her eyes, "Kangsan, do you want us to help Jiang Hanyi? Bundle"

"help what"

At this time, a young girl rose from the shadow behind Athena.

The girl's black and beautiful hair was tied in ponytails of different lengths before the fierce, her skin was as white as pearls, her delicate and charming face always had a smile on her face, and her burgundy eyes exposed outside gave birth to The intoxicating blush, as the pace moved, the other ponytail was slowly raised, revealing a dazzling golden scorpion.

One of the clocks looks like a clock is slowly turning, "Once, I heard No. [*] say that if you do that kind of thing, you can also improve Jiang Han's strength, and the strength will become more and more powerful... If you do that thing, get The benefits are even greater!”

"I understand, Hestia can't let it go."

There was a flash of determination in Athena's beautiful eyes. They had long known that Jiang Han's identity was not simple, and they had to work hard to become stronger. Even Zeus, the king of the gods, was just a starting point.

The corners of Shizaki Kuangsan's mouth drew a beautiful arc, "Of course, if you can have a good goddess, you can try to deceive her."

"How can the goddess be so foolish!"

There was helplessness in Athena's voice, she liked Jiang Han willingly, and naturally there would be no rejection.

But the other goddesses were different. They were all arrogant and arrogant, just like Metis, jealous and disliked other sisters.

Tokisaki Kusan chuckled, his voice as clear as a silver bell, "Can't we just choose some of these goddesses? Of course we can't make Jiang Han feel sick."

They knew Jiang Han's temperament very well, and were extremely disgusted with all the junk, so they could only choose clean ones.


Athena nodded in agreement, Jiang Han's wish was their wish, and if he wanted to become stronger, they could do anything to help.

Walking on the street at this time, Jiang Han walked on the street according to his own feeling, looking for the trace of Belcroney, the grandson of Zeus.

Above his head, there was a fiery gaze staring at him, which was full of undisguised love.

Don't think about it, Jiang Han knows that there is only one person in sight, the goddess of beauty Freya.

As long as she came to the street and Freya could see herself, she would definitely not take her eyes away.

It's useless no matter what, Jiang Han will no longer pay attention to Freya's eyes, and treat her as if she doesn't exist.

On the top floor of the Tower of Babel, Freya stared at Jiang Han without blinking, a pair of eyes full of desire, "Ah, so dazzling! How can there be such a light in the world!!"

Involuntarily, Freya covered her eyes, hoping for the dazzling light from Jiang Han's soul.

"The brilliance of the white-haired boy and the young man just saw cannot be compared at all! If she hadn't met Jiang Han, she would have felt that the white-haired boy's soul was the most dazzling.

But after meeting the demon god, she realized that her soul is so dazzling and bright, if she releases her own light, even if the world falls into darkness, he can still light up the world with the light of his soul.

"It seems that I want to get him! But he thinks I'm dirty."

Unable to help, Freya secretly complained about her identity.

On the other side, Jiang Han, who followed his own feeling, came to the door of the rich hostess, just to find a person squatting at the door and drooling staring at the rich and fragrant dishes in the rich hostess.

Jiang Han jokingly stared at Zeus' grandson Bell, who made such a rude move, and quietly passed Bell's saliva to the place where the gods were chatting through the ability of water waves.

Immediately, under Bell's envious eyes, he walked into the rich hostess, "Boss, change the dishes for ten thousand Wallis' dinner!"


At this time, the silver short-haired half-elf Hill walked over with a blushing face, "Please wait a moment, it will take half an hour to make it!"

As for Jiang Han, a big customer who is always [*] Wallis, the rich hostess naturally has to meet all his requirements. As for the replacement, the dishes are very simple.

"Then I'll go first, and then you can send it directly to the demon god family!"

A beam of white light flew into Hill's eyebrows, and the location of the demon god family was passed on.

"I have something to go."

Without any extra communication, Jiang Han turned around and left.

He still has to meet Asuna and the others, and explore the dungeon on the first day, but he has to be prepared.

In the event of an accident, you are always ready to help.

Hill's eyes were always fixed on Jiang Han's retreating back, and it took a long time to say a word: "It's so dazzling!"

"Is the big client coming again?"

At this time, the fat shop owner came out with a shovel and stared at Hill's purse in surprise, "Sure enough, one big customer can support ten ten customers!"

In the past two days, the consumption of Guang Jianghan alone has reached [*] Wallis, which is something they can't imagine.

At the same time, he was secretly surprised that the gods who had just descended to the realm actually did things that even the old-fashioned gods could not do.

Spending a lot of money, every time I come, it's [*] Wallis.

Half an hour later, Jiang Han slowly waited at the entrance of the underground city with a popsicle in his hand.

Beside him, there was a small box sitting quietly.

This is what he took out from the gap, and it is filled with various ice-cream ice creams.

On a hot summer day, Orari's air seems to be distorted by the sunlight.

Obviously it will be dark now, but the temperature has not dropped yet, and it has always remained at the standard of noon.

“Having a popsicle is just...good!”

Jiang Han ate the popsicle with a comfortable expression, ignoring the eager eyes around him, and waited leisurely at the door.

Some adventurers who came out of the dungeon, sweating all over, were extremely thirsty, feeling the coolness of the popsicles, and their hearts longed even more.

When they saw Jiang Han, they were silent as if booing, this is a god, how can they touch the things of gods.

"Big brother, can you give me a popsicle?"

A freckled girl with dark red messy short hair slowly walked over, carrying a huge package behind her.

The huge package reveals her identity, supporter! There is no space ring in this world, and the main goal of adventurers is to kill monsters and get more magic stones.

However, there are too many monsters killed, and the adventurer can't always squat down to pick up the magic stone, which consumes extremely precious physical strength in vain, so the profession of supporter is derived.

Chapter 21

"Go away!"

Jiang coldly glanced at the supporter, the indifference in his eyes was more obvious than the popsicle, as if the temperature dropped two or three degrees in an instant.

The supporter trembled with fright, and couldn't help but back away.

Seeing that the begging supporter was frightened away by himself, Jiang Han leisurely waited for Asuna's return again.

After waiting for ten minutes, a shadow finally appeared at the entrance.

Soon a group of beautiful girls came out. They were wearing armor with a faint white glow, holding a long sword of divine writing in their hands, and their bodies exuded a faint murderous aura.

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