"Jiang Han, how on earth did you deduce such a secret!"

There was horror in Athena's beautiful eyes, and the brain of such a secret can't think of it.

Jiang Han smiled lightly, "I have a lot of memories, and it is not difficult to create this secret book."

This kind of secrets is at the level of mortals. If he does not limit his own strength, he can create it in just one second.

If it involves the level of gods, the time consumption will be greatly increased.

After a long while, Athena spoke slowly, "If we were to create this kind of secret, it would be impossible to imagine even if we wanted to break our head."

They are traditional gods, and they have never come into contact with anything new at all, so how can they think of this kind of weird secret creation.

Hestia held the secret book in her hand, and couldn't wait to give it to her first vassal, Bell, to make his grandfather feel uncomfortable.

Jiang Han slightly restrained his aura, and a hint of distress flashed in his eyes, "The strength that I finally accumulated has been used up again!"

He has limited the power of the true god level, and now the power in the body is accumulated little by little, in order to prevent Asuna and others from encountering the monsters that cannot be... its uniform.

But now, it has to be re-accumulated.

"Come on, let's go shopping for Oralie's Night!"

Jiang Han looked at Orari, who was still brightly lit, with a hint of interest.

Can Orari at night bring him a different feeling?


Asuna and the others agreed very much. As young girls, they still couldn't resist the temptation to go shopping.

While speaking, Jiang Han took a mask from nowhere and covered his extremely beautiful face, leaving only a pair of star-like eyes exposed.

Asuna looked at Jiang Han, only to feel that he was filled with an indescribable coldness at this time, and it seemed that getting close to Jiang Han had become an extravagant hope.

"Jiang Han, why do you have to wear a mask when you go out?"

Erica ignored Jiang Han's coldness. He is her husband. Even if she wears a mask, it won't work, right? Jiang Han's voice slowly came out from under the mask, "This mask is to prevent Freya Peeping, there was an accident Freya noticed the fluctuation of my soul, as long as I went out, her eyes would be on me, which made me very uncomfortable."

Chapter 26


Hestia frowned, she didn't like any beauty gods, after all, the godheads of the beauty gods were born with silver chaos, which was completely opposite to them.

Jiang Han nodded lightly, "That's why I made a mask to cover up the fluctuations of my soul."

He had never seen such a fiery gaze, as if he wanted to devour himself alive and let him accompany her around her forever.

"Then let's go!"

Although Jiang Han was a bit strange wearing a fox mask, Asuna didn't say anything.

The god that made Jiang Han have such a headache must not be simple, it is better to keep a low profile now.

Sure enough, after putting on the mask, Jiang Han didn't feel the scorching gaze when he came to the street.

"Fortunately useful."

Jiang Han breathed a sigh of relief, and Freya didn't provoke him, so he couldn't kill her directly, so it wouldn't make sense.

She just stared at herself with more fiery eyes, and there was no place to blame.

At this time, above the Tower of Babel, Freya's beautiful eyes that were as soft as water suddenly changed, becoming extremely cold, "Where is the demon god! Where did the demon god go?"

She frantically searched for Orari, trying to find Jiang Han's soul light, "How is it possible, I can't find it"

Freya roared wildly, "The soul of the demon god can illuminate all darkness, how can it be found, impossible!!"

Since seeing the light of Jiang Han's soul, what she does every day is to look at the light of Jiang Han's soul and make her heart become: happy.

But after just one short day, Jiang Han's soul light disappeared.

At this time, Freya seemed to disappear as if her most beloved thing disappeared, her heart was full of irritability, and she kept smashing everything in the luxurious palace, "Why is it missing, why!"

"Lord Freya, what happened!"

At this moment, a majestic voice came from outside the door, and a man of incomparably tall and stout walked in, exuding an incomparably powerful aura.

He is...Ota, the leader of the Freya family, the only 7 in the entire Orari, known as Orari's strongest weapon.

At this time, Freya didn't even look at him, and shouted: "Get out!!"

"Master Freya"

Ota was stunned, he had never seen Freya look so crazy.

Seeing that Ota hadn't left, Freya's voice became colder: "I said get out, didn't you hear me?"

"I understand!"

At this time, there was no trace of charm in Freya's beautiful eyes, and there was only endless coldness in her eyes, which made him, the only 7 of Orari, feel it.

After Ota withdrew, Freya continued to stand in front of the window and frantically searched for Jiang Han's traces, "It's impossible not to, he must have used a magical tool to hide his soul, I want to find him!!"

Saying that, Freya ignored her messy clothes and ran towards the elevator in the palace like a madman.

While running, he kept mumbling, "I must find you, I must find you, without the light of your soul, I will go crazy!!"

Since Jiang Han's soul light has been covered up, Freya's heart has been completely chaotic, even if she is a beauty god who has passed hundreds of millions of years, she can't help but go crazy at this time.

With a soft sound, Freya stepped into the elevator that had never been used before, and the destination was directed to the first floor!! On the ground on the street, Jiang Han did not know that because he was blocking his soul, the beauty god Freya directly Going crazy, he didn't even pay attention to the image that he usually paid most attention to, and went directly to the Tower of Babel, the tallest building in Euleri, frantically looking for his trace.

Jiang Han was walking on the street, surrounded by Asuna and others, who from time to time looked at novel things from another world, or bought some things they liked.

"No, I still have [*] Wallis left, you can buy whatever you want."

Jiang Han said with a smile, although the mask made him look extremely cold, his tone was extremely warm.

Asuna and the others were slightly taken aback, "Jiang Han, we just came out to see, don't you need anything?"

Jiang Han shook his head gently, "I don't need it, I'm a god, and my view of things has long since faded. You can buy whatever you want."

"My husband, that's not good, how can our husband wear only such a piece!"

Erica turned around and smiled playfully, held Jiang Han's hand lightly, and ran towards a clothes stall she saw in front of her.

Soon, this small booth was crowded with young and beautiful girls.

The most enviable thing is that there is a man among so many beautiful girls.

"how about this dress"

Erica took the clothes woven from pure leaves hanging on the top.

A trace of disgust appeared in Jiang Han's eyes, "It's ugly, it's all green!!"

"Then let's pick again."

Hearing this, Erica also reacted that she seemed to have done something wrong, and pulled Jiang Han to leave.

But the stall owner of this small stall was not happy, his face was full of arrogance and said: "Lower human race, you are indeed a low-level species, and you can't even recognize the clothes woven from leaves on the holy tree of elves, and you still feel ugly"

The stall owner is a handsome elf, his face is full of arrogance, and he seems to think Jiang Han is a charity.

It was just this sentence that instantly angered the girls, all of them glared at the stall owner, and at the same time took out a weapon in their hands, ready to kill the stall owner.

"What are you saying?"

Jiang Han suddenly raised his head and stared at the stall owner with incomparably sharp eyes, "If you have the guts to repeat what you just said, I think it's better for you to try life than death!"

Although he has now turned into a demon god, he has always been biased towards the human race, how could he allow anyone to insult him at will.

Although the stall owner was taken aback by Jiang Han's eyes, he still dared to sneer and said, "All the races here know that the human race is the most useless species. You are not a lower race."

This elf had a righteous tone, with a race and a god standing behind him, and he was not afraid of the low-level human race in front of him at all.

The surrounding humans were all silent. Although they didn't want to admit it, the human race was indeed the weakest of all races, because other races had their own gods, but they didn't.

Rao is that their backbone is more powerful than any race, but without gods, this is a low race.


Jiang Han's laughter grew colder, and he reached out his hand and slowly took off the fox mask on his face.

In an instant, a brilliance that belonged to the gods burst out, and the majesty of the gods permeated. Although he did not lift the limitation of his own ability, the divine prestige was irresistible.

Chapter 27

"You're really brave, the elves aren't you?"

Jiang Han's voice gradually became indifferent, "Since your elves are so arrogant, then there is no need...to exist! It's better to destroy it!"

In an instant, a woman with a beautiful face, full of endless charm, ran behind Jiang Han panting, "If the demon god thinks, then I will help you destroy the elves!"

This woman is exactly Freya! Just now, she noticed that Jiang Han's soul fluctuations appeared not far from her, so she followed the light of the soul to find it.

I didn't expect to see this scene just now.

Freya's forehead was slightly fragrant, and she was frantically searching for Jiang Han just now. She was still a little tired with her now-sealed goddess body.

Jiang Han turned his head and glanced coldly at Freya, "My business, when will it be your turn?"

"Since I came to this world, I naturally need to abide by the rules! I will apply to the world for a war of genocide, and the elves get ready!"

At this moment, Jiang Han's voice seemed to have an inexplicable power sweeping the sky, so that the whole world could hear this voice.

This is the voice blessed by the world consciousness. The extermination war is too vast and grand, and it must be known by all elves.

At the same time, it takes two years of preparation time to open up the battlefield of the Genocide War.

At this moment, the expressions of the elves, no matter where they are, suddenly changed, "The gods launched a war of genocide"

The eyes of countless elves were horrified, and they looked up at the sky blankly, as if they wanted to ask why.

They didn't even do it by the gods, so why did the gods take action against them?

At this moment, above the heavens, a beautiful goddess wearing a green dress woven with green leaves frowned slightly, "Why, there is a sudden war of genocide!"

She is the goddess of the elf tribe. She is not very strong or even ranked at the bottom. Among the many gods, she does not even have a taboo name, only the name of the elf goddess.

"Demon God!!"

The elf goddess looked worried, she learned from the world that the god who launched the war of genocide was the demon god.

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