When I saw the girl at the head, the strange color was even more, "Alicia"

The knight at the head has long pale golden hair, and a pair of eyes that shine like a light, indifferently scanning the countless enemies outside the city wall.

"Oh hoo, this world is a little exciting."

Jiang Han turned to look at the excited monster behind him, and could vaguely guess which world it was.

"Lord Colonel, the troops are ready and ready to go out at any time! Do you want to capture the seventh fortress?"

It was the same soldier, kneeling on the ground respectfully, waiting for Jiang Han's order.

Jiang Han looked at the troops behind him and shook his head, "Leave this war to me!"

"You!! But the captain, what if you get hurt."

The soldier's eyes were astonished. The seventh fortress was the last line of defense, with an extremely solid defense and powerful troops.

Even the guardians of the first six fortresses have gathered here. What if the head of the regiment has an accident? Jiang Han said with a coercion, "I can do it alone, wait for three days to accept the seventh fortress!"

After speaking, Jiang Han turned around without hesitation, left the seventh fortress, and slowly disappeared in front of many monsters.

Although the monster wondered why Jiang Han suddenly left, it did not act irrationally.

After all, Jiang Han's reputation is deeply rooted in every monster, possessing an incomparably terrifying magic power, making this group of almost irrational monsters surrender one after another.

On the city wall, the female knight Meimei, who Jiang Han called Alicia, looked at the monsters that suddenly retreated below, "Strange, why did the monsters retreat suddenly?"

Alicia looked puzzled, she was ready to die here, but the monsters suddenly retreated, maybe there was a new conspiracy camp, Jiang Han smiled wryly, "After the dungeon, how can you connect this place."

"Ding, it is detected that the host found the back of the world, please select the task to complete!"

At this moment, the voice of No. [*] suddenly sounded.

"Mission [*], help Alicia's side to completely destroy the monsters, and re-establish the supreme status of the elves, and the reward is a handle!"

"Task 2 [*] Lead the monsters to break through the elves' defense line and lead the human race back to the right path."

No. [*]'s voice made Jiang Han's complexion change slightly, and the corners of his mouth became even more bitter, "This task is so troublesome."

This space is not normal, it is strictly speaking the materialization of an anime.

"Choose Mission Two 2!"

In desperation, Jiang Han had no choice but to do so.

After all, he used to be a human race, how could he let the elves overwhelm the human race?

Even the elf goddess in this space put pressure on the human race and wanted to completely turn the human race into slaves.

"The mission is three days!"

After the number zero finished speaking, it disappeared immediately.

Jiang Han's eyes became deep, and he touched his chin with one hand, "If I want to, I just need to assemble the army again, and definitely capture the seventh fortress in one day! But, can my heart accept it?"

Thinking of those... tragic endings, Jiang Han's expression couldn't help changing, "Being a sinner can only be left to me."

After a long time, Jiang Han finally made up his mind, looked at the seventh fortress, and said with a smile: "My power seems to be... for use at this time."

In an instant, a terrifying power slowly spread out, and the entire tent seemed to be swept by a tenth-level storm.

Many utensils were directly destroyed, and even tables and chairs were turned into fly ash.

"Master Chief, are you alright?"

It was the same... loyal soldier, he was the first to rush in, standing in front of Jiang Han with vigilant eyes, guarding against attacks that might come at any time.

"It's okay, I'm going to go to the seventh fortress later. After three days, you all get ready to receive the seventh fortress."

Jiang Han glanced at the soldier lightly, and his figure disappeared in front of the soldier's eyes.

The soldier watched in astonishment as Jiang Han disappeared in front of his eyes, and his eyes became even more adoring, "Master regiment commander is really powerful!"

Chapter 38

A minute later, Jiang Han appeared in a slum in the seventh fortress.

In the slums, there are only men with numb eyes, and women cannot be seen at all.

Any woman is a nobleman above, and a man is inferior.

Jiang Han didn't care about these numb-eyed men, but turned around and walked towards a dark corner, "It's better to act when it's dark!"

At this time, it was still an hour before dark.

After an hour, he was able to act better and avoid this mission failure.

An hour passed quickly, and the sky finally slowly darkened.

Jiang Han's tightly closed eyes opened instantly, and the surprising thing was that there seemed to be stars shining in them, brewing a shocking light, "Let's act first."

In an instant, Jiang Han's figure disappeared.

When he appeared again, Jiang Han had already arrived at the tallest building in the seventh fortress, looking at the closed door.

Jiang Han smiled lightly, "This time the mission can only be so."

A small mystery incense appeared out of thin air, Jiang Han gently pushed open a gap and lit the mystery incense, almost transparent smoke slowly drifted into it.

After ten minutes, until the safety was completely confirmed, Jiang Han slowly entered it.

As soon as he entered it, Jiang Han saw that in this palace, which was many times more luxurious than his tent, there was a girl in a deep sleep, and there was no defense against someone entering.

The girl's delicate sleeping face is very serene, with pink curly long hair reaching her hips, and she is lying on the tatami in a luxurious princess dress.

Apparently, because the mysterious fragrance was so effective, the princess didn't even have time to react, so she fell into a coma on the spot.

Jiang Han was slightly taken aback, "Isn't this Alicia's room? How could it be Prim?"

Without caring about anything else, Jiang Han rushed forward, intending to carry Prim and run.

But when he just came to the girl's side, Prim, who was sleeping, opened his eyes, and a pair of beautiful blue eyes stared straight at Jiang Han.

"I want!!"

In an instant, Prim turned over and pressed Jiang Han under him, his eyes full of hot flames, "I want it."

Before Jiang Han could react, Prim's clothes fell off instantly, revealing a cyan and delicate body.

"Wrong Take"

Jiang Han hurriedly took out the mysterious fragrance in his hand and identified it carefully.

After a long time, Jiang Han looked embarrassed, "I really got it wrong."

That is... When he recognized it, Prim had already sat up.

A familiar feeling came to his heart, Jiang Han took a deep breath, "I'm actually passive"

Not caring about anything else, the gate of the palace was closed at some point, and the two were crazily intertwined.

The next day, Jiang Han opened his eyes and saw Prim beside him pretending to be sleeping.

The familiar feeling still remains, Jiang Han looked at Prim calmly, "Do you still want to pretend to be asleep?"

While speaking, a strange trembling came.

With a light voice, Prim looked at the cold with dissatisfaction, "You're still here!!"

"It looks like you're quite satisfied."

After saying that, Jiang Han turned over again and pressed him up.

For a time, the color of Tsubaki is infinitely good.

Another hour passed, and Prim laboriously opened his beautiful blue eyes, and asked intermittently, "Who are you?"

"You'll find out later, just stay for now."

With that said, Jiang Han directly hugged Prim's delicate body and disappeared into the room.

A few minutes later, when Alicia came to look for Prim for breakfast, she found her missing.

In the slum, Jiang Han did not leave with Prim, but instead looked for a dark and dilapidated hut with no one to live there quietly.

During this period, Prim finally regained some strength, his voice was slightly hoarse, "You haven't told me who you are!!"

"You shouldn't know so much!"

Jiang Han glanced flatly at Prim, who couldn't stand up, then leaned against the wall and slowly closed his eyes to regain his strength.

"No, you must be the enemy!"

Prim struggled to stand up and wanted to inform Alicia of this information.

There is absolutely no such person in the seventh fortress, so it can only be an enemy.

"Give it up! Lie down in peace, Alicia will come to accompany you in three days."

Jiang Han gently hugged Prim, who was unable to stand still, into his arms, gently stroked her long smooth pink hair, and said softly, "Lie down, don't let me down."


Prim still wanted to say something, but Jiang Han's gentle tone made her strength disappear, and even the idea of ​​struggling gradually disappeared.

Prim instantly indulged in Jiang Han's gentle village, and the idea of ​​resistance in his heart dissipated.

"your name"

At this time, Prim's voice was also much gentler, and he gently raised his slender, jade-white hand to wrap Jiang Han's waist, "My name is Prim!"

"Jiang Han!"

Jiang Han said slowly, then grabbed Prim's delicate body and walked towards the tatami.


Prim looked at Jiang Han in horror and wanted to push him away, but he had no strength.

Time came to night again, and Jiang Han returned to the more heavily guarded fortress.

The figure shuttles through the shadows like a ghost, looking for the existence of the remaining guardians.

The task arranged by No. [*] is not difficult. As long as all the guardians are taken away, the seventh fortress will naturally be self-defeating, and at the same time, the... ending can be avoided.

Following the most heavily defended place of the female knight, Jiang Han once again came outside a palace.

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