, this is not a problem with the game, but the correct way to play the game called SA. "

"Players can't log out of the game actively, and outsiders can't stop and dismiss rvGar, and if you want to force it..."

Kayaba Akihiko paused, then called up dozens of news pictures, suspended in the air.

And those pictures are all about SA news.

There is an ambulance delivery, a death list, and a warning to the families of all players who have entered SA.

There is no doubt that this incident has attracted the attention of the entire Neon.

Tens of thousands of lives were 'kidnapped' into the game, this is no small matter!

"If the rvgar is forcibly removed, the high-power microwaves emitted by the rvgar's signaling unit will destroy your brains."

"Unfortunately, many family members of players ignored my warning and forcibly removed rvgar, and the consequence was that one player left this world forever. This 'world' naturally includes the real world."

Ignoring the panic, dissatisfaction, and anger of the players below, the huge figure continued to speak.

"One more thing please note, from now on

, all the resurrection methods in the game will be invalid, the moment your HP becomes zero, your characters will also disappear, and your brains will also be destroyed by rvgar. "

"There is only one way for you to get liberation. Clear the game, hit the first floor to the [-]th floor, and defeat the BSS on the [-]th floor."

"Finally, I have a gift for you in your storage box, please confirm."

After speaking, the players present almost subconsciously clicked on the storage bar and saw the 'gift' inside.

"Hand mirror?"

The players were stunned for a moment, and immediately took them out, but

The next moment, the mirror burst out with blue light, including the whole person.

And Shen Kongchen and Bai did the same, they were also shrouded in blue light.

When the blue light disappeared, incredible changes were discovered on the field. I saw that many players who were originally female players and players who were originally handsome guys turned into men and wretched men.

The change in this scene has made many players guess, this is a prop to restore them to reality.

They stared blankly at all this, and what happened today seems to be too huge for them.

The blue light on Shen Kongchen and Bai

Disappeared, but strangely, there was no change, and it was still the same.

Shen Kongchen looked to the side, that was where Kirito was. According to the plot, the original mature young man should become a boy about his size?

Although he is younger than him, in fact, in terms of immaturity and youth, it is estimated that the two are about the same level. Maybe he will mature a little bit?

However, when the blue light dissipated, Shen Kongchen's mouth could not help but open slightly.

I saw that the short-haired young man who was there had turned into a girl with long hair and waist-length.

The future potential of this girl can be seen from the very cute face.

And 'Kirito' didn't seem to have reacted to his own changes, and stared blankly at himself in the mirror.

The next moment, she seemed to remember something, and quickly looked at Shen Kongchen, only to see Shen Kongchen pointing at her in disbelief.

"Tong... Tongzi?"

this chapter

Chapter Six

Tongzi, who had just noticed that her true gender had been exposed, and was still flustered how to explain to the other party, was stunned.

What did she hear just now?Tongzi?How did this guy know his name was Tongzi?

"Do you know me?" Tong Zi looked at Lin Chen with some doubts.

Her voice also changed at this time, becoming a voice line she was familiar with.

Kiriko, who noticed this change, also said in her heart, 'Sure enough'.

The restoration of SA is unprecedentedly real. When the player enters the start command, the player's voice is also completely recorded.

Hearing Kirito... No, it's Kiriko's words, Shen Kongchen also reacted to this question.

Because the other party's sudden 'mothering' just made him a little surprised, he subconsciously called out the name Tongzi.

"Actually, I don't know why, but I have an additional 'insight' ability in my game skills, which can observe the attributes of players and monsters, including I."

"Eh?" Tongzi was stunned for a moment and asked in doubt, "Is there such a skill?"

She is a beta tester, she knows a lot of skills, and of course she also has the attributes of observing monsters and players, but... that's all after the job transfer, the level is higher

Only later.


Shen Kongchen opened his game page and showed it to Tongzi.

[Insight: The attribute values ​​and weaknesses of monsters and players can be observed. 】

When Tongzi saw the introduction of this skill, she was a little dazed. Such a perverted skill, and it was a unique skill, right?This is completely absent in the closed beta.

"This... No wonder you and your sister cooperated so well." In the end, Tong Zi Zhang Zhang, and that's all he can say.

In fact, she feels a little embarrassed. It is very illegal to check the other party's skills without authorization.

In this death game, the opponent's survival will be affected.

"But... it seems that he took the initiative to show it to himself, right?" Kiriko thought.

"Cough, this... I suggest you better not show your skills to others in the future."

"Of course I know, but this skill doesn't matter, it's just observation skill."

Among SA's intelligence skills, there is a skill to observe the attributes of monsters, which Shen Kongchen knows.

So he thought, adding a weakness to see through, doesn't it seem too much?

Insight into this skill is just one more than others

Just see the weakness.

And the most important thing is that 'insight' is actually just one of the abilities of Sangouyu's writing wheel eye...

The ability of the three hook jade writing wheel eye has insight, improvement of attributes, copying...

Copying is not only copying the player's sword skills and movements, but also the monster's martial arts.

Of course, Shen Kongchen felt that this ability was of little use. After all, what sword skill was sharper than Feitian Yujianliu?

Tong Zi looked at Shen Kongchen with an indifferent face, and sighed.

"Okay, whatever you want."


The huge figure in the middle has disappeared, and the blood-colored horizon has dissipated, revealing the sunset glow of the previous sunset.

In this illusory world, the sunset is so real and so beautiful.

However, everyone present was still immersed in the previous fear, and had no intention to appreciate this beauty, let alone think calmly about Kayaba Akihiko's clearance and promotion.

What they are thinking now is, when will the outsiders be able to save them?

Tongzi looked at the tumultuous crowd, turned around and said to Shen Kongchen and Bai: "I know the safe path to the next monster spawning point, do you want to come together? If it's just three people, Zi

Sources can be allocated efficiently. "

"That's it, since that's the case, then bye..."

Shen Kongchen, who was just about to accept Tongzi's invitation, saw a place out of the corner of his eye, which should be a person to be precise.

"I'm sorry, I may not be able to go, Tongzi-chan, is it okay for you to be alone?"

"Huh?" Tong Zi was stunned and looked at Shen Kongchen in confusion.

"You have strong initial skills and can level up quickly..."

"No way, I didn't expect a guy to come in, if I didn't take care of her, her grandfather would probably chop me up.


"...Then come on, I'll go first."

After Tongzi and Shenkongchen logged into each other as friends, they quickly left.


Chapter VII

Watching Tongzi go away, Shen Kongchen retracted his gaze, pulled Bai, and looked at the bewildered girl in a corner.

"Let's go, Bai, I guess we're going to bring a rookie with us to level up."

Bai raised his head to look at Shen Kongchen, and looked at his brother in confusion.

"Ni, do you have to bring it? Bai wants to be with Ni in the world..."

"No way, I also take care of her grandfather a lot." Shen Kongchen rubbed Bai's head.

"If that's the case, then there's nothing you can do."


Shinomiya Kaguya's present feeling

Feeling very bad, she felt that her bad luck for a year was concentrated in the recent past.

The first is the defeat of the kendo competition. This defeat was not only lost to the old enemy Chief Okita, but also to his own... junior brother?

That's right, you can use junior brother to describe that guy, even junior junior who hasn't had a month.

This sense of defeat made her very depressed recently, and finally entered the SA recommended by Hayasaka Ai, wanting to play games to relax.

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