"It should be almost the time now, and they have almost stopped." Ye Ye glanced at the clock, two hours had passed, and the sky outside had also become drowsy.

After two hours, the ship girls should have all given up, Ye Ye then walked towards the exit, but as soon as he got back to the ground, a figure rushed towards Ye Ye.

Ye Ye instinctively opened more, the figure fell on the ground, looking at Ye Ye showed a trace of unhappiness, it was King Kong, it seems that Ye Ye still underestimated the persistence of the girls, if he knew it, he would have stayed a little longer.

"Admiral, why are you avoiding, let me catch you, just stay where you are, let me catch you, there are benefits at night, you can do whatever you want, Admiral." King Kong Yuhuo said Said, Ye Ye couldn't help but think of the charming relationship with King Kong.

However, Ye Ye immediately invited these distracting thoughts out. The benefits were good, but Ye Ye didn't want the harem to catch fire.

[Uh, this is everyday life, it can't be just fighting, it's too monotonous, and I also want to write about the cuteness of meeting girls, such as King Kong, Hibiki, Akatsuki, Haruna, etc.] ..

Chapter [-] Regrets for the ship girls!

Chapter [-] Regrets for the ship girls!

"Huh?" Ye Ye felt as if he had touched something in a daze. The voice of the ship's mother rang in his ears, and Ye Ye suddenly woke up.

Subconsciously, Ye Ye kneaded twice again, and two more beeps sounded, Ye Ye felt the warmth in his hands.

Looking down at his hand, it was placed on Haruna's body, and Haruna also hummed, all the ship girls around were lying on the tatami, breathing smoothly, with a touch of red on their faces, they were all drunk.

There is a strong smell of wine in the air, and there are also some wine bottles on the surrounding tables.

The clothes of the ship girls were all messy. Ye Ye frowned and checked it quickly. Fortunately, the clothes were just messed up, and he didn't do anything to the ship girls!

Although I am a little fortunate, I did not do this kind of behavior.

Last night, Ye Ye thought about it and made a miscalculation. He didn't have the ability to neutralize alcohol at all, so he got drunk and his body responded to alcohol.

Yesterday, the ship girls frantically searched for Ye Ye in the academy, Ye Ye hid in the underground base, but Ye Ye still underestimated the perseverance of the ship girls, and just walked out of the underground base when he met King Kong.

After that, all the other ships came over, but Ye Ye had no choice but to play with the ships for one night. The drink was originally black tea, but King Kong turned into wine in the middle, and the other ships agreed. .

Ye Ye didn't refuse either, but the ship girls seemed to have reached another agreement. Each ship girl would drink wine with Ye Ye one by one. Ye Ye couldn't refuse, and then it was the current situation.

"It's a little more troublesome now." Ye Ye rubbed his forehead, what will happen to the ship girls when they wake up, but well, there must be a way for the car to the front of the mountain, and it's time to adapt to the situation, but for now, let's hide for now Bar.

"Oh, my head is so dizzy." The ship girls woke up one after another. King Kong covered his forehead with his hands. Just woke up, his eyes were still a little confused. Slowly, looking at the surroundings, King Kong was also lucky to come over.

Immediately King Kong was the first to check himself, but immediately, King Kong was discouraged, and there was nothing else on his body except for some messy clothes.

"Damn, what a great opportunity, it just failed." King Kong had some regrets, but Ye Ye didn't do anything else to them.

The other ship's girls are also very regretful, and they have not had any other relationship with Ye Ye, but after seeing the expressions of the other ship's girls present, the ship's girls are all relieved.

At least, it's not just me, I still have a chance.

Haruna covered her chest with a flushed face. Although she was sleeping, she still vaguely remembered what happened at night. Naturally, this person doesn't need to think about it, it must be Ye Ye.

On the other side, Ye Ye walked to the seaside of the guard house. Suddenly, Ye Ye heard his footsteps and looked at a water surface. Four shadows could be seen under the water surface.

It was the Iraqis, Ye Ye showed helplessness on his face, and then Ha Jiang took the lead to walk to the shore.

"Ara, isn't this the Admiral?" Ha Jiang said with a chuckle, every move attracted Ye Ye's attention, glasses, dead reservoir water, Bai Si, Ha Jiang is undoubtedly a superb little loli.

With Ha-chan's landing, Yimya, 58 and Yiku also came to the shore. After the Yihao came to the guard house, they were more sticky to Ye Ye, which was similar to when the sixth exiles first arrived, or even still There is more than that.

Of course, Ye Ye is also open to anyone who comes here. After all, she is such a cute little loli. Nagato is very envious of Ye Ye. Although she has a high popularity in expelling people, she is still no match for Ye Ye.

At least the Iraqis would not have such an intimate move with her.

"Ha Jiang, you found me so soon." Ye Ye said with a wry smile looking at the friendly Ha Jiang and Yihao. Ye Ye originally came to the beach to avoid the limelight.

"After all, such a thing happened. I guess the Admiral will definitely not be in the academy, so I will try my luck and stroll around the coast." Ha Jiang explained, Ha Jiang's status in the Yihao and the fog among the four King Kong sisters The island's status among the four King Kong sisters is average. The only difference is that Ha-chan is the captain of the Yihaos, and Ikuimya and 58 are vaguely headed by Ha-chan.

"Where's the big whale?" Ye Ye said again, it seems that the Yis sneaked out.

"Sister Big Whale, you are in a daze now." Ha Jiang said with a smile, Ye Ye was a little embarrassed, and the reason for the daze was naturally herself, but after hearing Ha Jiang say that Big Whale was not angry or something, it was Breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Ye Ye smiled bitterly in his heart again, and the relationship with the ship girls is about to change. Unfortunately, the ship girls guarding the mansion haven't expired yet, only a part of it has arrived.

Otherwise, Ye Ye would still need this, but the meat in the bowl was inedible. Ye Ye had already planned that before proposing to the Jian girls, he would not take the last step with the Jian girls.

However, Ye Ye also believed that the day when all the ship girls arrived would not be too far away, and it was time for him to start preparing the wedding ring. When he had time, he would prepare the ring himself.

With the liberation of the frontal waters of the guard house, the ship girl will no longer be besieged by the deep-sea habitat ships in the frontal waters of the guard house. The reason why the ship mother has not expired these days is because the deep-sea habitat ships have slowed down her pace. ..

Chapter [-] Preparations for the first attack in the waters of the Nanxi Islands!

Chapter [-] Preparations for the first attack in the waters of the Nanxi Islands!

"Admiral, I'm going to play!" Haruna picked up a chess piece and said to Ye Ye with a smile. After the last incident, the relationship between Ye Ye and the ship girls seemed to be getting closer again.

Fortunately, there was no embarrassment as expected, which made Ye Ye very relieved.

Although Nagato blushed intentionally or unintentionally when he saw him, and also crossed his arms intentionally or unintentionally, Yayoi blushed when he saw him, and Uzuki would speak a little faster when he saw him.

But it didn't matter. Xianghe and Ruihe acted like they were at home waiting for their husbands to come back. When Ye Ye went to the dojo, he helped Ye Ye take off his jacket and so on.

Xiaoxiang Leiden was used to being intimate with Ye Ye. After all, he also shared the same bed with Ye Ye, and he was only wearing underwear, so it was the same as usual.

A week later, the garrison was finally about to start an attack on the waters of the Nanxi Islands, but before that, Ye Ye still sent an exploration fleet.

Although they already have detailed information about this area, the plan can't keep up with the changes, so be cautious. They are not in a hurry to invade this area, and this time is still affordable.

It is worth mentioning that during this week, another ship girl arrived at the guard house. It is worth mentioning that there were seventeen people who arrived in the seven days.

It is a light cruiser and a destroyer, a light cruiser of the Kuma-class and a light cruiser of the Nagara-class plus a destroyer of the Ayanami-class.

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