Both Xiaolei and Yayoi took the initiative to ask for orders to carry out the expedition.

According to Ye Ye's understanding, Xiao felt that as a lady, she had to monitor more of the world, Lei did not dare to be lonely, electricity did not trust Lei, and Yayoi joined in midway.

Hibiki and Uzuki didn't go on an expedition with them because of other things!

Normally, the time of the expedition is almost all calculated, and the time of the round trip is displayed on a notice board in the guard house.

So after I felt that the time was almost up, Hibiki came to the coast, and Uzuki also came to the coast!

Ye Ye's words just happened to be passing by. Soon, a black spot on the coastline could be seen constantly magnifying.

It was Xiaolei and Dianjia Yayoi from the expedition who came back, and the sound of Sanwu showed her excitement in the form of actions. Uzuki came to the coast with excitement, staring at the black spot that was constantly enlarged. .

Entered, showing Akatsuki's figure. When sliding on the sea, the figure of Yayoi behind him was revealed in the shaking of the figure, and then there were electricity and thunder!

There is a small boat behind them, and there are some things on them. It seems to be relatively heavy, but after all, it is a ship's mother, so it is not a problem.

In addition to reducing their speed because of the weight!

They also saw Hibiki and Uzuki. After seeing Ye Ye, the speed of the ship girls suddenly increased, and they soon returned to the shore.

Xiao first lay down on the ground regardless of the image of a lady, Raiden also leaned on Xiao's body and dressed in rough clothes, and Yayoi was also pulled aside by Uzuki to rest.

There was some aviation aluminum on the boat, Ye Ye didn't think it was too little, but praised Xiao and the others.

After all, it is the result of hard work.

"Ah, I'm really exhausted. The expedition mission turned out to be so difficult." Xiao complained that she wasn't so tired when she saw the other shipgirls returning from the expedition.

Ye Ye laughed dumbly. Who asked you to bring back the resources of a small boat? The previous expedition fleet only received some major development and modification materials, such as oil bombs, steel and aluminum, and would not bring them back.

[Please make progress and progress in today's subscription, and I have changed the update. It is ten times a day at the beginning of the Spring Festival and the second day of the lunar new year, five times a day, blood-devouring madness, and five times the ship's mother. After that, the update will restore calm, after all It is at the juncture of the ship girl event, the twenty-third event is about to go offline, and the author's progress is only halfway through.] ..

Chapter [-] Akagi attracted by aluminum!

Chapter [-] Akagi attracted by aluminum!

Xiaoxiang Leiden began to repeat the last expedition in order to practice, and every time he came back, he was pulling a boat of aluminum, saying that it would not only increase resources but also train them.

"Ah, I'm so tired, but in order to become a real lady, I won't back down!" The four of Xiaoxiang and Leiden are all attached to a rope, and the other end of the rope is the aluminum of a small boat.

The businessman seemed to be thanking Xiaoxiang and Leiden for escorting them many times, and he specially gave a boat of very high-grade aluminum.

"Come on, in order to better protect the stomach and guard the house!" Lei Yuanqi was full of energy, and Xiang and Dian Oh City nodded in agreement. Not far away, several figures gradually approached.

"Well? I smell the smell of aluminum!" Akagi's eyes lit up, and his expression became excited. Both Kaga and Hiryuu Canglong helplessly covered their foreheads, and when they touched something related to aluminum, Akagi couldn't stop it. .

It seems that the time to go to the tutelary mansion will be delayed a little, but even if it is delayed, it should be possible to reach the tutelary mansion today, Kaga thought.

Akagi just got out of the formation and rushed in one direction. Kaga and Flying Dragon Soryu on the side looked at each other, and then they all nodded in unison and followed.

"It's getting close, it's getting close!" Chicheng's eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally, the four of them met with Xiaoxiang and Leiden.

"Oh, are you going to the guard house?" Xiao looked at the four of Akagi and had no impression, that is to say, it wasn't the ship girl who had arrived at the guard house, stopped, and asked Xiao.

"That's right, we are going to the guard house." Akagi stared at the boat behind him, and Kaga said.

"Oh, what a coincidence, we just happened to go back to the guard house after the expedition, let's go together." Xiao said with a smile, and Kaga nodded.

Suddenly Akatsuki felt someone pulling on her sleeve.

"It's aluminum in this boat." Akagi pointed to the boat and said, the breath inside is definitely aluminum.

"Yes, it's the resources obtained from the expedition, but the guard house is not short of aluminum. We also bring it to train ourselves." Xiao said, Chicheng ignored the first half of the sentence, the guard house is not short of aluminum?

Suddenly, Akagi wanted to rush to the guard house immediately, and the guard house was heaven!

"Let's go to the guard house quickly." Akagi took the lead, the three of Kaga followed, and the four of Akatsuki followed.

Soon, they saw what a small base looked like.

"This is the guard house?" Akagi asked when he stopped at the base, and Xiao shook his head. This is just an affiliated base set up on Diamond Island.

The base has already been built, and there is an attached base in each of the four directions!

"This is just a subsidiary base of the guard house base, the guard house is still in front!" Akatsuki said, Akagi and Kaga nodded their heads, indeed, the guard house should not be so small!

After approaching the guard house for some distance, Akatsuki communicated with the guard house.

Dadian reported what Akatsuki said to Nagato, and then Nagato reported Ye Ye.

"The four regular aircraft carrier-class ship maids have come to the guard house?" Ye Ye's face also showed joy when he heard the news. Now the guard house lacks regular air carrier and light air carrier type ship women!

Right now, there are two normal aircraft carrier type ship girls in the guard house, and the same is true for the light aircraft carrier type, which is completely insufficient.

Now there are four more regular aircraft carrier-level ship girls coming to the guard house, which is a big happy event!

In this way, Ye Ye's battle plan can be improved even more!It is also more certain to attack that huge deep-sea habitat!

Akagi Kaga Hiryu and Yunryu in the first voyage are the predecessors of Shokaku and Zuikaku!

"What? Sister Xianghe, you said that the senior from the First Air War is about to arrive at the guard house?" In the dojo, Ruihe couldn't help but frowned when he heard what Xianghe said.

"That's right, we've already entered the frontal waters of the guard house. We happened to meet Xiao and the others. Now we're about to arrive at the guard house. The admiral wants us to go out and meet me. After all, it's your senior." Xianghe said.

"Okay." Rui He nodded.

On the front sea area of ​​the Guard House, not far from the Guard House, Xiaoxiang Thunderbolt and Akagi appeared.

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