[Hula, today's first update, there is another update at ten o'clock, it is Blood Devouring Raid, Blood Devouring Raid is going to enter the later stage, and there is still voting, today is the end, it seems to be about to write the seven deadly sins Well, well, anyway, the game will be written later in life, everyone, please wait and start writing, and a chapter will be released today! ! ! ! ] ..

Chapter [-] The northern battle begins!

Chapter [-] The northern battle begins!

Accompanied by Yamato, Akashi went to the sea area around the small island where the front-line base was built to place monitoring facilities. Along the way, he only encountered a deep-sea fleet of expulsion type, but he was killed by Yamato's quick knife!

After that, Yamato returned to the frontline base with Akashi. Tomorrow was his first attack as the ship's mother in the guard house. Yamato was so excited that he couldn't sleep at night.

Akashi spent another night building the attack site, and fell asleep on the soft bed in the luxurious room in the frontline base. This time, it consumed a lot of Akashi's stamina.

Even the last time I built the subsidiary base, I didn't feel so tired, because this time the front-line base was built to build a bath, a canteen for supplies, and a base for attack.

More importantly, at Yamato's request, they were all built very luxuriously, and the consumption of resources was not counted. It was meaningless to Ye Ye now!

But the luxury of the construction also means that Akashi's workload is greater, and finally consumes a lot of physical strength. Yamato also noticed it afterward, because his own willfulness made Akashi waste more energy.

So then in the evening, I made supplies myself, and let Akashi have a good meal as an apology. Akashi accepted Yamato's apology very well, because Yamato's craftsmanship is indeed good, and gradually, this frontline base is called For the sake of Yamato Hotel, Yamato was also made the proprietress of the hotel!

In fact, when it was first called Yamato Hotel, Yamato was still a bit different, but seeing that this name quickly infected everyone, I had to stop refuting it, because it was useless!

Well, the Yamato Hotel is the Yamato Hotel. In fact, the front-line base is simply the configuration of a luxury hotel. Not to mention the rooms, the baths are built so luxuriously that they are better than those in the guard house.

The same is true for the restaurant. Ye Ye has already planned to have a major renovation after returning to the guard house. Otherwise, it would be too ugly as the main base.

Even the front-line base here is more luxurious than the guard mansion base, which makes the guard man's face as the main base put to rest, and Ye Ye speculates that after the ship girls enjoy the life here, they will definitely let Ye Ye renovate when they go back. of!

If the second construction is carried out on the basis of the original building, and the building of the tutelary mansion is built into the luxury of the front-line base here, it will save a lot of things.

At least it will definitely save a lot of time!

On the first day, I let the girl enjoy the Yamato Hotel. On the second day, I was going to fight in the north. Yamato attacked as the flagship. Fortunately, Yamato realized that as the flagship, I had to maintain the best mental state and forced myself to sleep. I feel, otherwise today's battle will be cancelled.

If you are in a poor mental state, you absolutely cannot go to sea, because this will greatly increase the chance of being hit and the chance of sinking. Although Yamato has high armor, general attacks are fine, but some will definitely wipe the bullet.

And if Yamato's consciousness paused a little, causing the armor to temporarily fail, then it would be miserable, and the direct hit must be a small or medium break!

At that time, it will trigger a series of chain reactions. Small damage will affect the battle of the ship girl itself. This is especially true for medium damage. The impact on the ship girl is also obvious, not to mention the big damage. This is directly the danger of sinking ships. !

It's not that the impact doesn't matter. If you fight again after a big break, it would be fine if you were surrounded by the ship's companions, but if you were hit, there would be a danger of sinking!

It is because of these points that Ye Ye has always prohibited the attack from being in a poor state of mind. For this reason, it is possible to cancel today's attack, because Ye Ye is not short of time, and it is not that the attack task must be today.

Compared with the safety of the ship's mother, no matter what it is, it has to give way!

Ye Ye's attitude towards Jian Niang is also one of the reasons why all Jian Niang immediately fell in love with Ye Ye after contacting Ye Ye!

"Flagship Yamato, attack!" On the built attack ground, Yamato was already standing on the attack ground, equipped with 46cm guns, and the ship girls all set off one after another!

The specific situation of the first area of ​​the northern sea area has been inquired clearly. Looking at the contents of the other party's deep-sea habitat ship, Ye Ye also doesn't want to say anything to the ship ladies, or change the system!

Because the main force has Yamato, no matter how you change it, the result will be the same. Even if you don’t change, the result will not change. In this case, it’s better not to change!

Just like in commanding the battle at the tutelary mansion, Oyodo began to work, Nagato was also standing in the command room of the structure, and Mutsu was standing on Nagato's side as usual.

Akashi was still sleeping, but there was no work for Akashi to do right now, so Ye Ye also let Akashi rest. After all, he was the one who built such a good frontline base, so he deserved some privileges!

There was also a call from the base of the guard house, and nothing happened, except for a few scattered destroyer-type deep-sea perch ships. This kind of deep-sea perch ships, these deep-sea perch ships do not know where they came from, and some of them floated to the front of the guard house every day. Where is the sea area, of course, this is also a textbook that can be used as a practical lesson!

These scattered deep-sea habitat ships were put to good use. Under the leadership of Ligan and the others, they led the destroyers to battle. Ligan and the others oversaw them, ensuring the safety of the destroyers and training them.

This can not only eliminate deep-sea habitat ships, but also allow the ship girls to carry out actual combat to accumulate some experience against the enemy. Why not kill two birds with one stone!

[Today is another shot of Musashi, sigh, let the little angel flash as the secretary ship. I didn’t expect that Dajian Musashi was actually a little angel. It seems really metaphysical, the secretary ship can’t be flashed, said Maybe it's the same ship girl as the secretary ship, it's really a pain in the ass, please subscribe for comfort! ! ! ] ..

Chapter [-] Yamato is in hand, I have the world!

Chapter [-] Yamato is in hand, I have the world!

In the battle in the first area, Yamato can be said to be contemptuous, so that the ship's mother together was surprised, surprised, surprised, and then worshipped!

Forty percent of the deep-sea habitat ships were killed by Yamato alone, and nearly half of the deep-sea habitat ships were killed by one person. This kind of record has to be admired by the ship's mother who has witnessed it with her own eyes. This is only Yamato's first expedition!

This can be said to be unprecedented in the garrison. Yamato has created a record. Now the record of the garrison to join the garrison's first expedition to defeat the most deep-sea ships is completely incomparable to Yamato's record!

And speaking of it, Yamato's record did not have the slightest moisture, it was completely achieved with one shot at a time, and the creator of that record was assisted by various companions to create such a record!

Although Yamato was surrounded by his companions, the deep-sea habitat ships that were sunk were all sunk by Yamato one shot without damage, and there was no water at all!

In this attack, the lineup of deep-sea habitat ships is also strong, but the ship girls feel very relaxed, much easier than when they were in the waters of the Nanxi Islands, all because of Yamato's participation!

The other ship girls knew very well that if it wasn't for Yamato's firepower, this time their battle would not be too difficult, but it took a little effort, and they would be damaged afterward!

The first area was defeated, and the deep-sea habitat ships were all sunk. Yamato returned to the frontline base with the ship girls, and the first battle was a success!However, Ye Ye and Nagato had some concerns.

According to the information they brought back, they discovered some things. I am afraid that the northern sea area will not be so simple. Deep-sea habitats, this place definitely has the existence of deep-sea habitats!

Undoubtedly, deep-sea habitat ships are regularly arranged into fleets, which can only be done when they are under the command of deep-sea habitats, and some strange celestial phenomena have been found in the second area. Is this a deep-sea habitat? ?Ye Ye and Nagato frowned, because only the astronomical phenomenon of the deep-sea habitat could change.

But combined with Ye Ye's discovery of the laws of deep-sea habitats during this period, Ye Ye felt a little strange again.

This information made Ye Ye and Nagato frown. Could it be that there are still two deep-sea habitats in the northern seas, or is this deep-sea habitat really different, that is, in the center of the northern seas!

I don't blame Ye Ye and Nagato for thinking too much. After all, it's not a child playing a house. This is a real battle. Neglect may lead to a complete collapse of the battle!

Having some doubts, Ye Ye immediately began to formulate a battle plan for the second area. Because it was suspected of the existence of a deep-sea habitat, Ye Ye mobilized the air carrier to the guard house!

Among the ship girls who came to the frontline base this time, Ye Ye only brought Xianghe and Ruihe with them. If these second detection areas really have deep-sea habitats, then the two aircraft carrier-type ship girls The reconnaissance planes sent are not enough!

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