"Nagato? The recovery of the canal has already been completed, what's the matter?" Ye Ye asked.

"I just want to ask what the Admiral wants to do with the harbor and northern Suhime. After all, the deep-sea ships and our ship's mother are natural enemies!" Nagato said.

Sure enough, this was the problem, Ye Ye laughed, already purifying the grievances. Speaking of which, Bei Jiang and Gang Ji, Gang Wan Qi Ji, could also be said to be the ship's mother.

"Don't worry about this, I have already made a decision, and you will be able to see it soon." Ye Ye's tone was slightly mysterious!

[Beijing sauce has finally completed the strategy, and then there are some daily volumes, the subscription is still poor, it is terrible, they are all in school, if you can, please subscribe automatically == Dajianyi issued the King Kong level, but the author I have a feeling that I can ship it next time] ..

Chapter [-] So it turns out!

Chapter [-] So it turns out!

"Huh? Here, let me introduce you again, Jianniang Gangji and Beijiang!" Ye Ye said, Chunyu walked in with Beijiang and Gangji, and Nagato also saw the remarkable performance of Gangji and Beijiang. The change.

"Admiral, what the hell is this..." Nagato was a little stunned, Ye Ye smiled again, got up and walked to Gangji and Beijiang's side, and introduced Nagato to the side.

"Didn't you recognize it too? Bei Qiji and Gangwan Qiji, but now it's Jian Niang Beijiang and Gangji. The resentment on them that caused the sunken ship to turn into a deep-sea perch has disappeared. There is no change, it is undoubtedly the ship's mother!" Ye Ye confirmed.

Happiness came too suddenly, doesn't it mean that Beijiang can stay in the guard house, and what Nagato taboo is actually the identity of Beijiang and Hongji's deep-sea perch.

Nagato had no doubts about Ye Ye's words, because it was the Admiral's words, and seeing that Bei-chan and Gangji were indeed, he no longer had the feeling of facing the deep-sea perch, and then facing other ships. The feeling of being a mother.

"I hid it from you before, but in fact, Chun Yu's identity is also the ship girl I transformed from the deep-sea habitat ship." Ye Ye took advantage of this opportunity to reveal Chun Yu's identity to the public!

Chunyu, was it transformed from a deep-sea habitat ship?This time Nagato was really stunned in place, his body seemed to be stiff, and his eyes looked at Chun Yu with a slightly unbelievable look.

Because the change was so great, Haruyu couldn't see any deep-sea perch on his body, and Nagato also guessed that it was the deep-sea perch before Chunyu.

It must be her who expelled Suuji. Nagato had wondered where the expelled Suuji went, and now the mystery is solved!

"Could it be Haruyu, the expulsion Suji who came to the guard house that time!" Nagato said looking at Haruyu, who was taken aback by Nagato's aggressive eyes.

"That's right, it was indeed the expulsion of Qi Ji at that time." Ye Ye said, "At that time, because I didn't know your reaction to Chun Yu's identity, I just hid Chun Yu's identity. Out!"

"Nagato, go and gather the ship girls, it's time to announce the matter of Beijiang Gangji and Haruyu!" Ye Ye said, but Nagato looked at Ye Ye in confusion. Is in the canal recovery!

How to gather!

"I've already used the quick fix, you can gather them now." Ye Ye also saw the difficulty of Nagato.

"Understood Admiral!" Nagato nodded, and then left the admiral's room. Before leaving, he did not forget to wipe the oil on Bei Jiang's body and touched Bei Jiang's head.

When he walked out of the admiral's room, Nagato was exposed, looking at his left hand, the hand that touched Beijiang's head just now, Nagato's face was flushed red, full of excitement, I touched it, I touched it!

And when he touched Beijiang's head, Beiyang's expression was also in his eyes, Nagato was about to be poisoned, he was poisoned by Beijiang!

But near the place where he entered the canal, Nagato stopped first, let his expression return to a serious look, and then walked in.

"Come out and gather for me, the Admiral has something to announce!" Walking in front of the curtain, he waved his arm and pushed the curtain aside, Nagato shouted after looking at the situation inside.

After shouting, he turned around and returned to the entrance in a cool manner, regaining his slutty appearance again!

"Ah, it's a pity that the bubbles are still extinguished!" King Kong expressed his dissatisfaction, but he still stood up obediently, not only King Kong, but all the ship girls stood up, and then came to the locker room.

Hearing the voice inside, Nagato also knew that the ship girls were about to come out, so he quickly corrected his expression again.

"Admiral, I'm a little scared..." Ye Ye, Chunyu Beijiang and Gangji came to the restaurant. Well, in the frontline base, this is the only place that can accommodate all the ships.

It's all jungle outside, but it's not suitable as a venue for announcements!

"What are you afraid of, you have been with other ship girls for so long, don't you still know their characters?" Ye Ye said with a smile, Chun Yu thought about it carefully, the same is true, the ship girls should be There will be no rejection of their identities.

As long as their current status is the ship's mother, then there will be no problem. Thinking of this, Chun Yu has let go a little bit, but she is still a little nervous!

"Changmeng, what is the Admiral trying to announce? It's rare that I want to take a long bath." King Kong said behind Nagato.

"King Kong, how many times have I said it, and how many times have I corrected you? You want to call me Nagato Secretary Ship, not Chang Meng, Chang Meng!" Nagato immediately became angry when he heard King Kong's name. The name is too detrimental to your image!

For King Kong, Nagato is just this weak. King Kong will change the name of many people. For example, Odo is called Odo.

Dadao was too lazy to correct this. This is one of King Kong's mouth habit, and it can't be changed. Nagato also thinks so, but every time I hear King Kong calling myself Changmeng, I can't bear it.

"I know, I know, Chang Meng Secretary Ship!" King Kong showed a look of fear, but the name still didn't change, Nagato was really powerless when he covered his forehead!

When the other ship girls saw this, they used a lot of self-control to hold back their desire to laugh, but after all, one of the ship girls smiled a little, and Nagato's face suddenly darkened. !

[Today's update is completed, please subscribe to say, today is just unlucky, no wonder the author's subscription fell here, crying TAT, please subscribe, it has already decided to start breaking out, alas, it can only be said that the author's life No, now I can't even get a TAT, so I can only make up for it by the number.] ..

Chapter [-] Return to the guard house!

Chapter [-] Return to the guard house!

"Nagamoe, is the Admiral going to improve the food?" Nagato brought the girls to the cafeteria, Kongo immediately cooked it at the table, and when Akagi heard the food, he made it directly at the table without any ambiguity. After coming down, he picked up the knife and fork and put it by his side, Yamato too, as the number one foodie in the guard house, naturally he couldn't be left behind!

"You..." Nagato looked at the ship girls who were all looking forward to their seats, stared at King Kong fiercely, and then covered his forehead helplessly.

"Oh, we've already arrived, it seems that we are not too late!" Ye Ye's voice sounded, the door of the cafeteria was opened, and Ye Ye walked in with Hong Kong Ji, Beijiang and Chunyu.

"Hey..." You Jianniang noticed the changes in Hong Kong Ji and Beijiang. Beijiang was still carefully playing with a strong wind in her hand. It could be seen that Beijiang cherished the strong wind in her hand!

Gangji is holding Beijiang's hand like Beijiang's mother. Speaking of which, Beijiang and Gangji are indeed very similar. Perhaps it was because of this reason that Gangji was guarding Beijiang!

"Today, I let the scene gather you here. Naturally, there is something I want to announce. You should still recognize them. That's right, they are the previous Harbour Qiji and Northern Qiji." Ye Ye said.

"But there seems to be some changes now, isn't it, now Hong Kong Qiji and Beibei Qiji should be called Gangji and Beijiang, and they are no longer deep-sea habitat ships." Ye Ye's tone paused slightly. After a while, his eyes swept around and continued talking!

"Hong Kong Ji and Bei Jiang have already become ship girls." Ye Ye's words just fell, and it was like putting a bomb on the calm sea and causing a thousand waves.

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