"Just when you came, give it to King Kong and let her make another request or draw a pattern." Ye Ye looked at Nagato's unhappy face, his face became serious, and handed the paper with King Kong's request to him. Nagato.

"Understood!" Nagato's long-term accomplishment finally made her hold back her desire to laugh!

"Admiral, Feilong and the others are ready, can they be set off!" Nagato came for this.

"Are they all ready? Let Fusang, Shancheng and Xiaoxiang Leiden form a fleet to accompany them. At the same time, let Fusang and Shancheng be equipped with two Ruiyun." Ye Ye thought for a while and said.

Nagato nodded, and after leaving the admiral's room, Nagato made arrangements first. After the fleet set off, he came to the dormitory of the four King Kong sisters with King Kong's request.

Kongo was thinking about something while drinking black tea, Hiei was on Kongo's side, and Haruna and Kirishima were playing chess!

After coughing, Nagato just walked in. In fact, Ye Ye asked Nagato to deliver it for a reason. If he did it himself, King Kong might stick to it, so it would be better to have it delivered by Nagato!

Nagato's coughing sound attracted the eyes of the four.

"Oh, isn't this Changmeng? Is there something wrong? Could it be that the Admiral wants to see me!" As soon as King Kong's eyes lit up, he automatically fell into self-improvement!

[Well, after a few chapters, the character of the fleet girl will appear. I ask for your support and say that I can play outside. Fortunately, my mobile phone can also upload chapters. == I beg everyone to subscribe! ! !It’s almost ten o’clock and it’s over. At night, Haihuasi has two updates.] ..

Chapter [-]: King Kong's Counterattack!

Chapter [-]: King Kong's Counterattack!

"Indeed, the Admiral has something for me to pass on to you." Nagato rarely changed the name Kongo gave to her, but said with a serious face. In fact, Nagato also wanted to hold back his laughter.

"Really? Changmeng, tell me what it is!" King Kong suddenly became excited, Nagato nodded, and handed the rolled paper in his hand to King Kong.

"The Admiral asked you to do it again." Nagato took out the rolled paper, and Kong Kong took it over suspiciously. It was a little familiar. After hearing Nagato's words, Kongou suddenly remembered it!

Wasn't this the piece of paper that I once rubbed on my body for a long time and stained with my own taste, and then wrote my request on it?

Nagato smirked and looked at King Kong who was stunned in place and didn't respond, and then walked away quickly, she couldn't bear it anymore, she found a secluded place and started laughing!

"Ohmygod, Admiral, how can you bear to return the result of my hard thinking, is it too shy, it must be like this..." King Kong seems to have a plan!

"Admiral, let's bang bang bang!"

"Admiral, let's have fun!"

"Admiral~~~~~~~~~, let's hurry up!"

Ye Ye wanted to cry without tears and looked at King Kong who was blocking him. King Kong looked like a female pervert. It was so frightening that Ye Ye finally managed to escape from King Kong's claws.

"Admiral, where are you!" King Kong encouraged Haruna Kirishima and Hiei to start searching for Ye Ye together.

In order to avoid King Kong, Ye Ye had to come to the coast. Of course, it was only temporary. If King Kong couldn't find Ye Ye in the academy, he would definitely look for it on the coast.

Looking at King Kong's face, Ye Ye knew that King Kong would never give up if he could not find Ye Ye when his stamina was still there.

"If you really can't do it, you might as well go to the underground base to hide. Then let Dadian and Akashi help stop King Kong. There should be no problem." After staying by the coast for a while, Ye Ye decided to leave.

The underground base is very complicated, there are many vacancies, there is a person hiding, and if someone blocks it, it is difficult to find it, although I don't know if it is useful for the sensitive King Kong.

King Kong's sensitivity to Ye Ye is too tricky, as long as it is a distance away, King Kong can have a feeling of being an admiral.

If he hid it well, King Kong could sense it, but he couldn't find Ye Ye, so Ye Ye should be safe.

"Damn, where did the Admiral go!" King Kong had already searched and forgot about the academy, as long as he saw a ship girl, he would ask Ye Ye where he went, and he still searched aside, there was no sign of Ye Ye. see.

"I seem to have seen the Admiral go to the coast!" King Kong finally set his sights on the coast, but in the end he found nothing.

"Humph, I still have one last move. I just don't believe in the Admiral, you still won't take the bait, and now it's time to come in handy!" King Kong also knew that Ye Ye was really trying to hide from his own words, and he wanted to find Ye Ye. It was really difficult, even with his own sense of Ye Ye.

The long-prepared final underwear can finally come in handy!

"Admiral, King Kong has already given up!" Ye Ye hid in the underground base, Dadian looked at Ye Ye, and after King Kong stopped, he said to Ye Ye.

"Huh, I finally gave up!" Ye Ye had already forgotten that this was the first time he had been chased and hid. There was really no way to do it. The ship girls didn't come together, do they really have to move ahead? Are you planning to marry?

But after this, will it really not be dropped by the Shura field?Ye Ye was full of despair about his future life, forget it, he had to endure it, and if it really didn't work, then implement the marriage plan.

But now, I can hold on for as long as I can. I try my best to start the marriage plan after all the ships arrive, but there is still a way.

That is to tell King Kong about his plan. King Kong's trustworthy Ye Ye is also clear. If he told King Kong not to spread it, King Kong would definitely not spread it.

Ye Ye thought about it, and sure enough, he still had to tell King Kong about his plan, otherwise he would have some trouble in his future life. Speaking of which, Yamato seems to have not handed in the pattern on the jewelry he wanted. .

It seems that I still have to make a trip!

Ye Ye didn't know, but Yamato knew it the first time after arriving at the guard house, but there was always no time, and now Yamato has already made the pattern of the jewelry he wanted.

In addition, Yamato still made one thing, that is an amulet, and now this amulet has also become one of the hidden rules, and the ship girl who arrives at the guard house will give Ye Ye an amulet.

And Ye Ye also wanted to return a talisman to Jian Niang. Up to now, they still think that the hair in the talisman that Ye Ye sent was Ye Ye's hehe, but it was actually just Ye Ye's hair.

It is also fortunate that there is an amulet that cannot open this rule, otherwise it is really difficult to handle!

Ye Ye even thought about the fate of those ship girls who knew that they had deceived their pure feelings. I'm afraid they would change the hair in the amulet by themselves. It's very possible!

And maybe he will still be pushed back, and then be pushed a hundred times, ah, a hundred times!

Think about being a little excited, wait!wrong!How did you come up with this...

Unexpectedly, his brain supplementation ability is not bad, Ye Ye smiled bitterly!

[For those who want to subscribe, there is also an update on the Seven Deadly Sins. By the way, everyone, is it really a man to subscribe so little?I beg you to subscribe and say that the outbreak will start tomorrow, and the decision is to break out for a month, but the author does not know how many days it can last, but how many days can it last? Ten days or earlier to complete the Seven Deadly Sins reservation! ] ..

Chapter [-] The Second Great Change in the Sea Area!

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