As for the addition of other fleets, it was rejected by Musashi. In Musashi's words, with her and Yamato, what Difan can't conquer, of course, in fact, the deep sea habitat will not reappear, The strength of this fleet can indeed be swept away.

After thinking about it carefully, Ye Ye agreed. There are front-line bases in the Nanxi Zhudao waters and the northern waters, but there is no need to worry about supplies.

Among the front-line bases in the Nanxi Zhudao waters, when they opened immediately, the resource leaf pages were not taken out and placed in the base, and this was even more so among the front-line bases in the northern waters.

Maybe Musashi's words are indeed a bit arrogant, but Ye Ye also knows that what Musashi said is true, she did it because she did have a lot of confidence, and Ye Ye naturally wouldn't attack Musashi's fighting spirit.

The fleet formed this time gathered the most powerful ships, Musashi and Yamato, the most powerful aircraft carriers Akagi and Shōkaku, and also the thunder cruisers Musashi and Kitakami with the strongest mines. The lineup was so ferocious. to the point.

Ye Ye couldn't help it, and the other ship's girls were surprised when they heard the team's team, and it became a topic in the guard house for a while!

"Musashi and Yamato have heard that they are going to clear the deep-sea habitat ships in the Nanxi Islands and the northern waters. They are the strongest ship girls. This task must be easily accomplished."

"It's not just that. Akagi, Shōkaku, and Oi Kitakami are going to form a fleet with Musashi Yamato. This time, it will be done easily. This fleet has gathered the three strongest in the guard house!"

The battleship is the strongest, the air carrier is the strongest, and the mine is the strongest!The three strongest teams join forces, I really look forward to it.

The waters of the Nanxi Islands and the northern waters are definitely not a problem for them. The ship girls are not at all worried about Musashi and the others going to attack the area where they all came out.

The brutal lineup gave them great confidence that they could definitely win.

Ye Ye also had such information about this, it would be really strange if such a brutal lineup couldn't win.

Musashi attacked as the flagship fleet, Ye Ye watched in the command room, followed by the reconnaissance plane that left together, and the pictures from the reconnaissance plane.

The speed of Musashi and the others was a little slower, but Ye Ye could afford to wait. After a few hours, they finally left the waters in front of the guard house and entered the first area of ​​the Nanxi Islands waters.

Chopping melons and vegetables usually kills the deep-sea habitat ship, which means that it directly breaks into the second area. One thing should be clear, that is, now Musashi Yamato and the others are not damaged at all, and the same is true for Oi and Kitakami and Akagi Shokaku.

The attacks of the deep-sea habitat ships were shared by Yamato and Musashi, and the super armor defended all attacks, so that the fleet received no damage at all.

When attacking the waters of Nanxi Zhudao, in fact, a front-line base was established in the second area as a supplement. As for the front-line base, as long as it is conducive to the raiding operation, Ye Ye is actually not stingy at all, and the reconstruction of the front-line base cannot be false. , build build build!

The consumption of resources is also true, who made our guard house so rich and powerful, it is true!

Looking at the picture that was sent back, Ye Ye's face was really funny, it was really crazy, the deep-sea perch was killed like a child in the fleet led by Musashi, and it was even impossible to stop the footsteps of the Musashi fleet.

Now it has just gone through a big change, and the strength of deep-sea habitat ships has been qualitatively improved. One round of mine explosions took away a deep-sea habitat ship, and ship attack aircraft such as Tianshan and Comet were also constantly taking away the enemy. human head.

Even if there are a lot of deep-sea habitat ships, there are also a lot of loaders. In addition, Dajing Bei went to the north to launch torpedoes at no cost. Their confidence came from. This place also has a front-line base, and there is no need to be stingy with their shells.

That's why it caused such a shocking scene. If other ship's mother was here, she would definitely feel ashamed when she saw this scene, because the perception was really too big.

For Musashi Yamato and Akagi Shokaku plus Oi and Kitakami, this is the most enjoyable battle since they were born. One word to describe it is 'cool'!

Even this is not enough to explain the mood of the ship girls now, it is always good.

The deep-sea habitat ships in the second area were also killed like chopping melons and vegetables, and even the ship girls almost rushed into the third area with some unfulfilled thoughts.

But no, the ammunition is in a hurry, and we have to go to the front-line base in the second area to replenish, and then attack!

And this time, I have to kill the fourth area in one breath, where there is also the existence of the frontline base, which can supplement its own consumption.

In the past, Ye Ye took some time to conquer the Nanxi Islands waters and the northern seas. According to the progress of Musashi and the others, Ye Ye reckoned that today it is possible to conquer the Nanxi Islands waters and the northern seas, that's right. , Today, it is completely possible to get rid of it!

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Chapter [-] Air Carrier Support!

Chapter [-] Air Carrier Support!

After some corrections, the Musashi fleet was reading and attacking, and it was always talking about clearing the waters of the Nanxi Islands and then arriving at the northern frontline base.

This front-line base is a scaled down version of the current guard house. After enjoying this northern front-line base, it is time to start attacking the northern seas!

The first area was easily completed, and the second area was easily completed. Ye Ye and Dadian were already numb when they watched the development on the screen. Competent with the First Fleet, it cannot be surpassed by other fleets.

In the third area, they suffered some minor troubles. Although the opponent this time was not too powerful, it was enough to cause some small damage to Musashi and Yamato, and more importantly, there were a lot of opponents.

After paying the damage of Xianghe Xiaopo and Musashi Xiaopo, the third area was finally opened up. Although the ship girl was damaged, it only broke through the third area in the form of a fleet and the damage was only To such a degree, it can be said to be very good!

Looking at the fourth area, Musashi still went back rationally to replenish the ammunition, and then attacked again, without entering the channel, Xiaopo had no effect on them at all.

Ye Ye wants to complain a little bit, what can I do if I enter the canal? There is no shortage of quick-repair materials, but Musashi must not know that there are high-level materials for quick-repair in this frontline base!

Replenishing the ammunition, the fourth area is also opened, and I came to the fifth area. The fifth area has no existence of Beijiang, so the difficulty is also greatly reduced, but it also made Musashi and the others suffer enough, and the fight was very difficult. , Because there are too many deep-sea habitat ships, they are in a bit of a hurry.

"Huh? This loader is..." Ye Ye was sure that his guard house definitely did not have such a loader. In the fifth area, Musashi and the others were fighting fiercely with the deep-sea perch. A team of The loader suddenly came to the sky above the deep-sea habitat ship, which was a bombardment.

The same is true for Akagi and Shōkaku. They immediately launched a bombing attack. The number of deep-sea habitat ships dropped by a quarter, which greatly reduced the pressure on Musashi and Yamato.

Dajing and Beishang naturally cannot fall behind. With the current mines of the two of them, except for those deep-sea ships with extremely high speed, high evasion, or high armor, as long as they are bombarded by the fish of both of them. It will be inevitable!

Although I don't know who is helping, but I have to seize the opportunity to attack first. The deep-sea habitat ship suddenly fell into a disadvantage, and the assisting loader was constantly bombing, and the deep-sea habitat ship was finally defeated by Musashi and the others.

This is the most difficult fight for Musashi. It was a big break, and Yamato was also broken. The fish in the north of Oi was already used up, and although he was under the protection of Musashi and Yamato, he was still broken. , Akagi is better with some knowledge, but Xianghe is also broken.

Although there are Yamato and Musashi resisting for them, it is inevitable to have some rubbing bullets anyway, and Shōkaku's is a little worse than you, always getting rubbed off, and it becomes like this after going back and forth!

"Sister, how's the battle going on ahead?" Behind a piece of ice in the fifth area of ​​the northern sea, the blonde girl asked the silver-haired girl on the side, looking at the two of them, that's right, the two People are shipgirls!

And judging from the appearance just now, it should be an air carrier type ship girl, and Akagi and the others are also regular air carrier type ship girls, but they are a little different from Akagi and the others.

"It's over. I didn't expect the first time we met the ship girl to be so powerful. The scale of the deep-sea habitat ship is very terrifying, but they were solved by them!" Lexington said.

"Wow, is it really that powerful? They should be the ship's mothers guarding the mansion, I'm really looking forward to it." Saratoga said on the side, that's right, it's like Yayoi and Uzuki's relationship, the two are sisters ship!

"Okay, the battle is over, let's go out and see them. When we see them, we know where they came from and whether they are our destination, the guard house!" Lexington said.

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