Maybe he will become a ghost admiral in the hearts of the ship girls, although the ship girls always hope that Ye Ye can be ghosts.

They are also very happy to be fooled by Ye Ye, and even go a step further, but Ye Ye's appearance is too serious, which makes them a little powerless. It's not that Ye Ye is not a straight man, but Ye Ye decided to get married. the day for the final step.

Moreover, considering the overall situation, now it is impossible to have a relationship with any one of the ship's girls, otherwise some other ship's girls will feel unfair, and if they have a fierce personality, they may come up with something.

"Admiral, what are you preparing for?" Nagato walked in, watching Ye Ye constantly sketching on a piece of scratch paper, and then said.

Ye Ye had already sketched the general design of a wedding dress on paper. Nagato looked at Ye Ye's drawing and looked very familiar, but Nagato's face suddenly turned ruddy. Isn't this a wedding dress?

Admiral, is this designing a wedding dress?Did the Admiral want to marry them?But it's just a draft. Could it be that the Admiral just planned to marry a ship girl!Nagato couldn't help but think about it.

Nagato!Ye Ye felt that if he went on like this, he would be exposed sooner or later. By that time, it would be unreasonable not to get married if everyone knew about the ship girl, but what should the ship girl who arrived at the guard house do after that.

Of course, looking at Nagato, Ye Ye also had an idea. In that case, he should tell a few ship girls about his purpose and let them cover him. This seems to be a good idea.

"I'm preparing a wedding dress, but unfortunately the style can't be determined!" Ye Ye responded, as expected, Nagato suddenly became nervous.

"Does the admiral prepare the wedding dress because he wants to get married? Who is he going to marry!" Nagato bit his lip and asked carefully.

"Naturally, I want to get married, as for the object of marriage!" Ye Ye suddenly opened the long door, pulled the long door into his arms, and pressed his body tightly.

As everyone knows, King Kong is working hard for Ye Ye's harem. Originally, Ye Ye's first choice was to tell King Kong, but if he met Nagato first, then he should meet Nagato first.

Of course it's not enough to be just one ship girl, all Ye Ye still plan to tell King Kong again, hoping King Kong and her will stop an event so that Ye Ye can get the measurements of all ship women!

King Kong is not as shy as Nagato when facing Ye Ye. After all, King Kong wanted to push Ye Ye backwards before. The scale is large, and compared to Nagato, it is more open, just in front of Ye Ye!

"I like the Admiral the most!" King Kong became like this after he got the information, a riding style constantly rubbing against Ye Ye's body, as if he was in a bad way.

"So, the Admiral went to Diamond Island once again. Is it necessary to want diamonds..." Nagato suddenly noticed something.

"That's right, it exists to make wedding rings, and it's all finished now. Do you still remember the pattern of the jewelry I asked you to hand in? The pattern on the ring is based on the pattern you gave. Oh, it's portrayed!" Ye Ye said, and then took out two rings, one from Nagato and one from King Kong.

Of course, it is not possible to give them two now, but it is still possible to take a look.

Nagato and King Kong couldn't put it down when they saw the ring in their hands. If it wasn't for Ye Ye who would put it on himself at that time, Nagato and King Kong would not want to return it!

"I hope you can organize an event to let all the ships draw wedding dresses. You must draw the most desired and suitable wedding dresses. If you finish within the deadline, you can put on the wedding dresses and take photos with me." Ye Ye said, This move by Ye Ye is very ruthless, and even Ye Ye can know what will happen next! ..

Chapter [-] The frenzy set off by the guard house!

Chapter [-] The frenzy set off by the guard house!

"There are only five days, and this event lasts for five days. The wedding dress must be designed to suit you the most, such as your measurements, it must be suitable for you, and you can't just draw a rough one. It's okay to meet my standards." Ye Ye said, this would save Ye Ye a lot of things.

You don't have to collect the measurements yourself, the wedding dresses are also prepared by the ship girls themselves, and I just check and take a photo with the ship girls at the end.

"Admiral, can Nagato and I participate?" King Kong's eyes flickered when he heard that he could put on a wedding dress and take a photo with Ye Ye. The ship girls had several goals and a common goal.

One of them is to put on a wedding dress and walk into the palace of marriage, and then take a photo of that moment. Although this time I will not enter the palace of marriage, it is like taking a wedding photo. How can this not make King Kong excited, Nagato is also very of excitement.

"Of course you can, but the time given to you is also five days." Ye Ye said, King Kong nodded quickly, and then went to announce the event with Nagato.

Kongo and Nagato were responsible for the notification of the general ships in the guarding school. Nagato went to those who lived by the sea or on the edge, while Kongo went to notify the ships in the dormitory.

King Kong and Nagato didn't announce what was going on at first, but just told them that there was something very important to announce. If it didn't come, I regretted it but don't blame her.

Both Kongo and Nagato said the same, even the very busy ship girl put down what she was doing and gathered at the canteen of the guard house.

Almost all the cafeterias are about to become council halls. Announcement on the playground of the Jianniang Academy of the guard house is too cheap, so it is better to announce it in a place like the cafeteria.

Since I discovered that the cafeteria has another function, the number of gatherings on the playground has become less and less, and now it is almost invisible, except for some ship girls who are exercising assembly training!

The playground is now used by the ship girls who are warming up, or the ship girls who want to take a walk can be seen on the playground.

The playground was not remodeled too much during the free renovation of the guard house, and it was almost kept as it was, and the surrounding trees were not touched at all.

It was passed on from [-] to [-], and all the ship girls knew that there was something good to announce, and they all gathered in the cafeteria. Rao Shi Dadian and Akashi were no exception, and they all followed.

The two of them were notified by Nagato personally, who said they were confused, how could they both be asked to gather, but since they were called, it was time to go and have a look!

Although work should not be lost, it doesn't matter if it's just a small meeting. Akashi doesn't care. It's okay to work at any time, but it's a big deal.

And Dadian is not worried, the surrounding words are detected, and if the deep-sea perch is the case, the entire garrison will sound the alarm once!

It doesn't get in the way of work!

"What happened this time, Sister King Kong and Secretary Nagato said in their eyes, if they don't come, it will be later."

"I don't know what it is, but since Sister King Kong and Secretary Nagato can say this, it must not be an ordinary thing."

"Sister Kongo and Nagato's secretary ship are here!" The chaotic voice suddenly disappeared, Kongo and Nagato walked in, and their eyes were focused on Kongo and Nagato.

However, it has been experienced many times, so King Kong and Nagato did not show any expressions, they all came to the front of all the girls on their own, to announce what Ye Ye said.

This event can be said to be the first time since the establishment of the prefectural government.

"Hey, really? Can I take a wedding photo with the Admiral?" After listening to Kongo and Nagato's words, the ship girl below was in an uproar, and then one of the ship girls immediately asked.

"That's right!" After Kongo and Nagato's confirmation, all the ship girls were silent. It was nothing else. They all started to think about the general appearance of their wedding dresses.

Simply, Kongo and Nagato disbanded this meeting, and the rest is up to the ship girls.

"How's it going?" Ye Ye called King Kong and Nagato to the admiral's office, and then asked, Ye Ye didn't know why, but suddenly felt that he seemed to have that kind of behind-the-scenes boss.

If you really want to talk about it, in the eyes of the deep-sea habitat ship, Ye Ye is really the big boss behind the scenes!

After receiving the responses from King Kong and Nagato, Ye Ye was very satisfied with the efficiency of the two of them. Next, he just wanted to wait for You Jianniang to deliver the wedding dress that he had drawn to him.

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