Chapter [-] Exile!

"Hong Kong Princess, Hong Kong Princess, the admiral said, you can fight, right!" Although Bei Jiang has transformed into a ship girl, she still has some disgust when she sees humans, especially the humans in front of her are extremely unfriendly.

"Okay, but be gentle, don't kill me!" Hongji nodded, Beijiang nodded quickly, the conversation between the two was not blocked at all, and the eyes of the humans on the opposite side were full of unease about their next fate.

"No way, Beijiang, if you use the loader, you will directly kill them!" Beijiang took out the loader, shouldn't the loader be used for hitting people?

"Then how to fight!" Bei Jiang looked at Hong Kong Ji and asked, with a little desire for knowledge!

"Hands!" Hong Ji was stunned for a moment, that is to say, Bei Jiang nodded thoughtfully, and after a while, all the humans were lying on the ground like dead pigs, and they were all beaten by Bei Jiang meal.

Although Bei Jiang had kept his hands extremely well, he still beat them hard, at least a quarter of the bones in his body were broken, otherwise he wouldn't be so immobile.

"Their words, just stay here!" Gangji looked at the immature humans who were beaten by Beijiang, and she was not afraid of them running away. The one who pulled Beijiang was thinking of going to the admiral's room.

Most of the human beings fainted due to the pain of the body when they were beaten by Beijiang, and some were awake because of the pain, but if they were given a choice, they would prefer to pass out.

Not to mention the pain in the body is simply a kind of torment, and it is also under a lot of pressure mentally. No matter what the partner who passed out, even if they were thrown into the sea and passed out, they would not have any mental health. torment.

But they are awake, and they still have to personally experience how to punish them and how they will end up. They don't need to think about it, they just know that it will definitely not be good.

"Admiral, those human beings were armed to kill the admiral, so I just acted directly. Now they are all knocked to the ground by Beijiang, what should I do next!" Gangji said, Beijiang is already climbing On Ye Ye's lap lay Ye Ye's body.

"There is not a small boat in the dock, throw them all into it, and then let the fate of the sea decide!" Ye Ye said, remembering that the last time he punished humans, Ye Ye seemed to do the same.

If possible, Ye Ye didn't want Jianniang and himself to be smeared with the blood of human beings, although if it was absolutely necessary, it would be better to use this method to make choices.

Under Ye Ye's instructions, Bei-chan and Gang-ji said that the humans were thrown into the boat and pushed them out.

This is also the reason why Ye Yeqing killed the surrounding deep-sea habitat ships. As long as they see the ships, the deep-sea habitat ships will be excited and chase after them. This is not a secret. Even Ye Ye has experienced it himself, standing there. The ship was chased and shelled by deep-sea habitat ships!

It used to be a matter of ten deaths and no life, why is it now nine deaths and one life, that's because Ye Ye has wiped out the surrounding deep-sea perch. If they are lucky, they may still be able to survive without encountering the deep-sea perch.

However, the probability is very low, because this kind of ship is absolutely powerful for deep-sea habitat ships. Even if the deep-sea habitat ships are cleared, there are still scattered deep-sea habitat ships floating in the frontal waters of the guard house. Either the Nanxi Islands waters or the northern waters.

Once there is a certain distance from the deep-sea habitat ship, the deep-sea habitat ship will be keenly aware of the existence of the ship, which is more sensitive than the ship's mother!

"Lord Admiral of the Guard House, spare us!" A few people who were still sober saw that they were put into a small boat, and they also understood their next fate.

The fear of the unknown made him beg for mercy, but Ye Ye wouldn't listen to it. If it wasn't for your greed, it wouldn't have happened, it's all your own fault!

After the boat was exiled, Ye Ye deliberately turned on the propeller to let them move in the direction of the Principle Guard House.

Healing the two ships Bismarck and Prince Eugen, Ye Ye stayed in the dock, maybe when there is the third great mutation, the two ships will become ship mothers.

And this kind of probability seems to be very high. After Ye Ye repaired the damage suffered by Bismarck and Prince Eugen, it was left vacant in the dock!

After all, it is impossible to take these two ships out. In the guard house, with the guard house as a barrier, it can still cut off the deep-sea habitat ship's induction of this kind of ship.

When the guard house was built, Akashi added some interesting things to it, so the guard house had some hidden abilities, and the specific leaf pages were not clear.

Even Akashi is not clear, but he can confirm the perception of this partition on the ship!

The red light flickered, and a sound echoed in the guard house. This is a setting. In the command room, if there is no connection with the person requesting communication for [-] seconds, a reminder will be issued in the guard house.

This kind of thing is still quite useful, at least it prevents the connection with this thing.

The place where Ye Ye is now is very close to the underground base, it can be said that it is adjacent to it. Ye Ye came to the command room directly through the passage of both sides!

The indicator light on the instrument is flashing, indicating that there is communication.

Indeed, someone sent a communication from the front-line base in the Western Seas. It should be a call from Nagato, the person in charge of the front-line base in the Western Sea!

It was already delayed for a while, but it couldn't be delayed any longer, so Ye Ye just opened the communication and connected to the western frontline base!

[Bismarck is betting, so it’s not really out yet. When I bet four times on the [-]th, I don’t believe it and don’t give it. Please subscribe, as for Prince Eugen, I really don’t have it. It's just that it will come out. Prince Eugen is an active ship girl, and he can't bet on it. He can only wait for the event to see if there is any ==] ..

Chapter [-] The mission officially begins!

Chapter [-] The mission officially begins!

"Admiral, the preparations are already completed, and it is already possible to carry out the strategy of the western deep-sea habitat!" Nagato said.

"Okay, attack immediately, it is bound to break through the deep-sea habitats in the west and liberate the western waters!" Ye Ye nodded and said, and then asked Nagato about the ship's outfit equipped by the ship's mother, and was completely relieved.

The equipment is correct, it exists to attack the western deep-sea habitats, and now it is time to start attacking the western deep-sea habitats!

She is probably unable to purify the air mother Suhime. The resentment on the air mother Suhiji can be described as strong, and it is impossible to get rid of it. Moreover, unlike Hong Kong and Beichan, the air mother Suhime's malice towards humans has simply swelled to a point.

However, Ye Ye still wanted to give it a try, but now that he was in the guard house, if possible, he would just ask the ship girls to persuade Heima Su Ji, or say He was defeated and brought back.

Then, Ye Ye will purify it. Of course, if it is unsuccessful, we will talk about it later. There must be a way for the car to the front of the mountain. If it is really unsuccessful, we will make a decision at that time.

"Admiral, what if it can't be purified!" Hongji asked, no matter what, she was also the most advanced deep-sea perch like the air carrier Suji.

"I'll make a decision when I get it, but I won't sink her, so you can rest assured!" Ye Ye said. Hearing Ye Ye said that he wouldn't sink the air mother Qi Ji, Hong Kong Ji breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it doesn't sink, she will try to persuade Suuhime Heilis, so that Suihime will quietly accept the admiral's purification to become a ship girl!

The mission began, and the Musashi fleet was also disrupted. After all, it was not the strongest aircraft carrier in the Guard House, but the most powerful ship girl in the Guard House and the ship girl with the most powerful mine.

The strongest were assigned to each fleet, except for Dajing and Beishang, which were all assigned to the same fleet, because Ye Ye had promised Dajing and Beishang that they would be in the same fleet.

Ye Ye didn't forget this, so even when Nagato re-arranged, it was all about putting Oi and Kitakami in the same fleet.

Of course, there are other reasons for doing this. The tacit understanding between Dajing and Beishang can be said to be the highest ship girl in the garrison. Only when they are united can they generate high combat power!

Based on Ye Ye's agreement with Oi and for this consideration, when Nagato allocated the fleet, Ye Ye asked Nagato to put Oi and Kitakami in the same fleet.

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