The most eye-catching thing that catches the eye is the black object on the waist of the girl in front of her. Damn, this is fat, and it is almost the same as the Tianjin style.

Well, there is also the unidentified creature ship outfit, which seems to be a new ship girl. I didn't expect such a fate, and I came out to meet a ship girl!

"My name is Shimakaze, what's your name, and where did the guard house come from!" Shimakaze seemed to be unrecognisable when he saw Ye Ye, and told you his name, we are good friends look.

The unknown creature on the side also made a sound of approval.

"Do you want to go to the guard house?" Ye Ye said, and Shimakaze nodded.

"Then let me introduce myself. I'm the admiral of the guard house. I didn't expect such a fate to meet you here!" Ye Ye said.

"Oh!" Shimakaze was also a little surprised. Did he meet the big boss here?

Ye Ye did not immediately go to the guard house with Shimakaze, but asked Shimakaze to help collect diamonds. Ye Ye also began to look for diamonds to decorate the wedding dresses of all the ships, at least dozens of diamonds on each wedding dress. Diamonds, need thousands of diamonds, this should be able to get so many!

The diamond ore veins on Diamond Island are not small, Ye Ye has directly obtained tens of thousands of those small diamonds, since he has obtained so many, it is time to empty the Diamond Island!

A total of tens of thousands of diamonds were obtained, Ye Ye was also satisfied, he was going to bring Shimakaze back to the guard house, Shimokaze, Tianjin style, Shijin style, I always felt that they had some connection!

"Admiral, I want a reward!" Shimakaze suddenly walked in front of Ye Ye, raised his hand to attract Ye Ye's attention, and said!

"A reward? Good!" Ye Ye nodded, and directly set a diamond on the button on Shimakaze's chest. Ye Ye didn't notice it either. When he set it up, Shimakaze's face was red.

Shimakaze can even feel the palm of Ye Ye's hand on his own Opie!

But looking at that, the coyotes didn't take advantage so much, so Shimakaze just didn't do anything!

Ye Ye himself didn't feel anything at all, so was it because of poor breasts?

"Okay, that's fine!" Ye Ye nodded with satisfaction, and then said to Shimakaze, looking at the diamond on his chest, Shimakaze nodded, it was pretty good looking.

"Is this the guard house? Oh, it's really spectacular!" After Shimakaze came to the guard house, he looked at the luxurious buildings and really didn't know what to say. With such good conditions, there was nothing to do. said.

In general, the first impression of Island Breeze on the guardian mansion is still very good, well, it is very good, especially after seeing the Tianjin wind and Shijin wind, the impression of the guardian mansion is even more good!

Unexpectedly, Shima Kaze and Tianjin Kaze Shijin Kaze really have some relationship! ..

Chapter [-] (Part [-]) The Snow Prince who is full of luck!

Chapter [-] The Snow Prince who is full of luck!

I originally thought that although the name behind the name is all with wind, but it is not necessarily related, but I still did not expect that there is really some relationship.

They are all Yangyan-class destroyers. Indeed, according to Ye Ye's current information, there are a lot of Yangyan-class ships, no more than Akagi and the others. The number of Yangyan-class can be regarded as the largest.

Shimakaze, Shijinfeng, and Tianjin Feng are all part of it. This Yangyan-class ship girl is also the strongest part. For example, the Shimakaze encountered by Ye Ye is the fastest of all expulsions. Strong one!

Both Tianjin Feng and Shi Jin Feng have their own strengths, and their strength is also firmly overwhelmed by other destroyers. In Ye Ye's opinion, in terms of strength, the guard house is now the sixth destroyer in addition to Shi Yu. Waiting for some destroyer-type ships, the next one is Shimakaze and the others!

Among all the destroyers, they belong to the forefront. This is still the result of no real training. If they have undergone training again and again, I am afraid it will be even more powerful!

At the same time, another ship girl arrived at the guard house, Xuefeng. Ye Ye knew it when she heard the name. I'm afraid it was also of the Yangyan class, and it had something to do with Shimokaze and the others.

In fact, that's exactly what happened. Just like Shimakaze, after arriving at the guard house, Xuekaze became one with Shimakaze and the others, and the direction where Yukikaze came from was quite strange!

That is the sea area beyond the western sea area, and it is also the sea area that Ye Ye will target next. In the sea area where the wo-level reform is located, Xuefeng can actually walk out of it unharmed. This is simply a miracle!

Since he came out of that sea area, that means he will know some information about that sea area. Ye Ye summoned Xuefeng after Xuefeng arrived and wanted to ask!

When questioning, Nagato stood beside Ye Ye, intentionally or unintentionally pressing his body close to Ye Ye, but since Ye Ye was sitting and Nagato was standing, he couldn't think of where to go!

Xuefeng talked about her experience. This is simply a legend. How should I say it?

I strolled around the base camp of the deep-sea habitat ships, and there was nothing at all, and those deep-sea habitat ships and those who were blind generally did not know the existence of Xuefeng.

When the reconnaissance plane of the deep-sea habitat ship was diving to detect the sea surface, the escort loader was just in front of the reconnaissance plane, blocking the figure of Xuefeng, although it was only a moment, but in a moment, the loader was early. It's already changed direction, Xuefeng escaped!

Another time Xuefeng encountered a wo-class with a blue flame in one eye that was moving forward at full speed, but because the speed was too fast, Xuefeng did not use the fast speed, and soon surpassed Xuefeng. There was a lot of wind, and there was some fog in that area, so the snow wind was simply ignored.

Afterwards, even Xuefeng himself felt very surprised. That's it, there were no dangers along the way. No matter what dangers encountered, they would eventually be saved.

Its own luck is the biggest bug, and it is also an unsolvable buff on Xuefeng!

Envy, Xuefeng's experience has not been concealed. All the people in the guard house know Xuefeng's luck. It is simply an auspicious ship. Many ship girls also asked Ye Ye to form a team with Xuefeng next time!

Hehe, Ye Ye really didn't know what to say, he could only laugh and then perfunctory, others couldn't see it, but Ye Ye could see that Xuefeng's luck was indeed strong.

And there is still a function, very simple, that is to absorb the luck of the surrounding teammates. Ye Ye dares to say that if you team up with Xuefeng and encounter a fleet of deep-sea habitat ships, your bad luck will be completely destroyed, but Xuefeng is still will be safe and sound.

I don't know how the ship girls would behave if they knew about Xuefeng's hidden ability. Of course, Ye Ye wouldn't say it. Not only that, but they also sealed Xuefeng's ability. Now Xuefeng's luck is already super strong, this ability is really useless except to pit teammates! !

After Xuefeng passed by the team carried by the wo-class change, under the influence of luck, it was also very lucky that a deep-sea habitat ship had never been encountered.

But whoever came directly to the guard house like this!

In any case, Xuefeng is a powerful fighting force. With this lucky force, it will have a great advantage in Battlefield Mountain!

For example, a wave of torpedoes of a deep-sea habitat ship, and Yukikaze just happened to pass by the gap between the torpedoes. This kind of thing is actually not impossible!

Yukikaze's torpedo bombardment inexplicably hit the opponent, wait, wait!

The most envious of this are the Fusang and Shancheng sisters in the guard house. Compared with Xuefeng, the Fusang and Shancheng sisters can be described as extreme, one is extremely lucky, and the other is very unlucky.

Although the luck of Fusang and Yamashiro is not too low, it is also slightly lower.

Remember, don't Fuso and Yamashiro like to hold tea parties?In fact, the people invited by the tea party are some slightly unlucky ship girls.

For example, it is Xianghe. Xianghe can be regarded as a representative of misfortune. As long as he is active with Zuihe, he will definitely block the gun for Zuihe, whether it is his own reasons or other reasons.

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