For the position of the secretary ship, Nagato sacrificed a lot of things. Of course, the most precious thing in Nagato's eyes was that he couldn't do anything about the expulsion.

Otherwise, Nagato really wants to take the expulsion and ravage the expulsion.

However, this dream is destined to be impossible when it is a secretary ship.

At this moment, Nagato is also struggling to maintain contact with Akashi and the others in the command room. The dead reservoir waters have entered the southern waters. Not long after they entered, they encountered a fleet of deep-sea habitat ships.

Two destroyers, two light cruisers, plus a heavy cruiser and a carrier, a light carrier type deep-sea perch!

"Attack the destroyers and light cruisers!" The dead reservoir waters also know that the destroyers and light cruisers are the ones that can threaten them, so the torpedoes are the first to target the destroyers and light cruisers. perch!

This time it was an encounter. When we encountered this time, it was a bit impossible to avoid the detection range of the deep-sea perch, so we simply went straight to it.

They were all whiteboards, nothing, the torpedoes directly defeated the light cruiser and destroyer type deep-sea perch, and the remaining heavy cruisers and light mothers also became prey and were defeated.

Next, the dead reservoirs should be more cautious. They found the location of the deep-sea habitat ship from a long distance. In fact, the dead reservoirs can take Ruiyun with them. This time, they just wanted to release Ruiyun. in case the emergency!

Of course, it turns out that this is necessary. The dead reservoir waters have probed the outer part of the southern sea area by saying this, and then they are going to return!

Akashi's speed is also very fast. When the dead reservoir waters returned, it was already close to completion. After the completion, the fleet returned to the guard house together.

"Hey, Xiao, don't hold it there!" Ye Ye was enjoying the massage and benefits of the sixth expelling Lolita with his eyes closed, when he suddenly felt cold and was held.

"Why, Sister King Kong said that you can forget everything about massaging the Admiral, but this is the only thing you can't forget!" Xiao replied, "Well, is it really King Kong's problem again?"

"And what is here, why is it so hard!" Xiao continued, and Xiang and Lei He Dian also brought their eyes together.

King Kong, what did you give Xiaoxiang Leiden and the others?

[Two updates are presented, those who ask for your support, those who ask for subscriptions, seem to have forgotten to update one update today. I thought it was an update, but when I look at it, it turns out that there is no update. It’s really hard, tomorrow will definitely be The update of the fourth shift turned out to be forgot to update. It's really annoying. It's actually installed 1-6. It's a resource map, a map of the face emperor! ! ! ] ..

Chapter [-] The protagonist you are looking forward to!

Chapter [-] The protagonist you are looking forward to!

Several unknown fleets of deep-sea habitat ships suddenly appeared in the frontal waters of the guard house, and the fleets were composed of elites from deep-sea habitat ships. After getting the news, Ye Ye immediately took it seriously.

This should have come from the southern seas, what is it for?After seeing a message, Ye Ye determined that the purpose of the deep-sea habitat ship was for resources.

However, he never thought that the sea area in front of the garrison's mansion was still rich in resources, and Ye Ye would not pay attention to these things at all, so he never found a place with such rich resources in his own territory.

After all, there are so many resources in the guard house that they never need to collect resources, so the current situation is inevitable. After all, there is no need to consider the issue of resources.

To eradicate the information of reconnaissance aircraft, one of the fleets of deep-sea habitat ships is a golden supply ship. Since it is a supply ship of this level, it is natural to think of what to do.

It was also based on this that Ye Ye speculated about the purpose of the deep-sea habitat ship, but when he came to the side of the ship's mother's lair, he was really daring and timid.

As the flagship, Divine Ability, along with Shigure, Yutachi, Hibiki and Qiuyue, and five destroyers, started to destroy the deep-sea perch on the frontal waters of the Guard House, which Ye Ye named as the sixth area.

The reason for bringing Qiuyue is also because during the reconnaissance, a deep-sea perch with a golden light carrier class was found on the opposite side. If such a thing exists, wouldn't it be a good thing for Qiuyue to follow.

With Qiuyue's anti-air power, wouldn't the golden light air carrier become a decoration, and even if it is not a decoration, it can't cause any damage to the ship's mother!

A fleet is naturally impossible. Immediately, Ye Ye formed another fleet to go together. At the same time, he also formed a rescue fleet to stand by in the guard house. The sixth area is not far from the guard house and can be reached soon.

Because the composition of the rescue fleet is expulsion, they are all high-speed ships, with high speed, this distance is nothing for such a ship!

In fact, Ye Ye knew that he was still underestimating the resource reserves in the sixth area after the ship's mother reached the sixth area. No wonder the deep-sea habitat ships appeared directly and blatantly.

However, in this battle, the ship girls had the upper hand. After finding the resource point, the report was received by Dadian, and then Nagato told Ye Ye that the resource reserve in the sixth area was really big!

In order to prevent deep-sea habitation ships, Ye Ye directly asked Akashi to build a black technology to separate the sixth area!

At the same time, it is also to exploit the resources of the sixth area. Don't do it for nothing. Since there are quite a lot of resources, then you can accept all of them.

It saves the deep-sea habitat ship and the others thinking about this place all day long. After all, the logistics base was destroyed by Ye Ye. Without the logistical supplies, the deep-sea habitat ship would not be a good one. It is not difficult to imagine why they would directly attack the distance ships The base of the Guard House is near the base.

They were all forced by resources. Under Akashi's black technology, it took only three days to hollow out the resources, which is equivalent to [-]% of the total resources in Ye Ye's hands. This is really not a small amount. the number of ah.

Ye Ye has the resources of the abandoned cities all over the world, which is extremely huge, but this mine is close to [-]% of Ye Ye Fairy Ah.

Even if it is only [-]% of the total amount Ye Ye has on hand, it is still enough for the ship's wife to spend a long, long, long, long, long time. Specifically, neither Ye Ye nor the ship's mother can answer. come down!

But this period of time will definitely not be less. If it falls into the hands of the deep-sea habitat ships, it will definitely be easy to support the resource consumption of the southern sea area, and then there will be some troubles to attack. .

Now that they have lost their supplies, Ye Ye will drag on for a while to annihilate them when the southern sea area is still the weakest. This is part of Ye Ye's plan, but it seems that the deep-sea habitat ship doesn't want to give him the opportunity to do so!

Although the matter in the sixth area has been resolved, the deep-sea habitat ships have not obtained any kind of swimming resources, but who knows whether the deep-sea habitat ships have found resources in other places that can provide them with fighting.

Of course, it would be best if there was none, so that Ye Ye could reduce the difficulty a lot when taking the fleet to attack. If the resources were not enough, the deep-sea habitat ships would not be able to exert their best combat power.

Ye Ye estimated based on the ship's mother as a model, the overall attributes of the deep-sea habitat ships without resource supplements were the same as those of the deep-sea habitat ships.

The peculiar voice spread all over the guard house. This is only used when the ship girl arrives at the guard house. This also means that there is a new ship girl who has arrived here.

Outside the steel giant gate, a girl in a sailor suit was holding a ship suit and was looking at the steel giant gate in front of her.

After getting in touch with Dadian, Dadian just stopped her from running around, and when she was waiting for the door of the giant steel gate to open, she also cooperated and waited outside.

Her name is Fubuki. She is a destroyer-type deep-sea perch. She came from the northern waters. Of course, she was just on the way.

The giant steel door slowly opened, and Fubuki tried his best to stabilize himself from the imbalance caused by opening the giant steel door!

Because of the equipment, Fubuki, as a special-type destroyer, is top-heavy, and this is a posture that is extremely easy to fall!

[Okay, this is the long-awaited protagonist Fubuki, Fubuki Mutsuki poi together, bangbangbangbang, please support everyone, please subscribe for support, the game life volume is officially over, and the dungeon volume starts , oh, not DNF, it's fiction, what's wrong with pursuing encounters in dungeons? ] ..

Chapter [-] My name is Fubuki!

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