Before anything happened, Riveria would always find them and let them handle it on their behalf, such as magic rookies, etc., they would notify Finn, and then Finn notified Loki, and after obtaining Loki's consent, they formed a team to buy Or go to the Dungeon Raiders.

They didn't know about Rivilia going out on a date with Ye Ye this time, and Ais didn't pay attention to Rivilia's whereabouts.

Ais returned from the dungeon without a trace of blood on her body. This time, she went to attack the 3st floor. The monsters on the 6st floor are generally level [-]. If you kill this kind of monster, you will still get some blood on your body. , then the title of lv[-] is still very weak.

Naturally, it doesn't mean that when lv6 kills monsters, it can't be stained with blood, because Ais is a girl, so she won't be stained with blood, and if she doesn't want to be stained, it will still be stained, which is weakening the reputation of lv6.

Like Finn, his title is a brave man, and the title reflects his fighting style to a certain extent, that is, fierce. Once he kills to the extent of his ability, he will start an instinctive fighting mode.

In this case, Finn's combat power will increase by 6%. When fighting Ye Ye, he also fell into this mode. After using a series of skills, Ye Ye would find it difficult if he was also lv[-].

For Yu Finn, blood is the best proof that he is in the battle, so every time he does a task with Ais, there will be a situation where Finn is covered in blood, and Ais is not stained with a trace of blood.

Ace's attention was also instantly attracted by Riviria in the hall. That's right, Riviria actually came to the hall, but that's right, Riviria seems to have been out today. .

It was midnight now, and Ais and the others fought hard for a long time on the [-]st floor before returning it.The twenty-first floor is like a maze, and the entrance and exit to the maze are automatically changed every week.

Therefore, in order to find the exit, they will waste a lot of time. Of course, as long as the maze is intentional, the exit will be found soon, and there will be no situation of being trapped in it.

Even if the dungeon wants to create a maze that can trap people, but with the limitations of the gods, it is impossible to change some of the shapes inside itself.

The gods have long anticipated this, so they put restrictions on the dungeon in advance. So far, the dungeon has still not found any loopholes in the restrictions set by the gods.

All the restrictions on the participation of gods, the degree of meticulousness is naturally evident, even Ye Ye, trying to find the loopholes is very troublesome, of course, if possible, Ye Ye is more willing to use violence to solve it!

The arrival of Ais made Riviria someone to talk to. She waved to Ais and asked Ais to sit beside her. After that, Riviria asked earnestly, "Ais, am I? Isn't it beautiful, and can't attract men?"

"How is that possible!" Ais immediately shook her head and said, "Sister Riviria was very well-known in the dungeon at the beginning, doesn't this already explain her charm?"

She knew that Riviria was hailed as a goddess among Euleri at the beginning. Of course, it meant that Riviria could catch up with the goddess.

"But!" Riviria showed such an expression for the first time. "Today I told him about staying tonight, but he didn't agree!"

Rivilia's self-confidence was thwarted, of course, it didn't mean that Riviria just gave up.

"Is that person a page!" Ais Sanwu's expression was really very difficult, with a surprised look, although it looked fake.

Fortunately, there is no answer!


Although the divine wine is powerful, even if it can make the gods drunk, it will not be drunk for too long. After the best friend left, Hestia woke up a little groggy.

The influence of the divine wine is still there, but it will soon disappear.

Covering her forehead, Hestia sighed, "Ah, my head is so dizzy, it's already so late, it's time to take a shower and sleep!"

The alcoholic nature of the divine wine made her temporarily forget what her current purpose was. She had to wait for Ye Ye to return.

"Damn, it's really a little too much drinking!" Hestia drank so much for the first time in history. After drinking so much divine wine, Hestia didn't feel any heartache. .

Now in Hestia's heart, Ye Ye is already omnipotent, and Ye Ye can get her as much divine wine as he wants, so don't be stingy with the divine wine, just drink whatever you want.

Today, however, the two of them drank the same amount of divine wine required for a feast of the gods.

You must know that even at the banquet of the gods, Soma would not bring out too much divine wine. At most, each of the gods present at the time only had one cup.

The stomachs of the two of them are indeed different-dimensional stomachs.

"Ah, it's really comfortable!" Hestia took off her clothes, and her whole body was soaked in the hot spring. The steam filled the hot spring, and she couldn't see it at all, except for Hestia's moaning to prove her exist.

Being soaked in the hot spring, Hestia's consciousness also began to become clear, the footsteps sounded, someone came in, it was Lyu and the others.

Hey, no, Hestia immediately became alert. If Lyu and the others were talking, they would all come to the hot spring together, not just the sound of a single footstep.

"Ah, I'm finally back!" Ye Ye's voice came along with the sound of water colliding. ..

Chapter [-] In the Bath...

Chapter [-] In the Bath...

No, no, no!Hestia woke up instantly, it was page, it was page, he, he was also recently, Hestia immersed her body in the hot spring.

Maybe it was because of the hot springs, or because Ye Ye came in and took a bath with Ye Ye, this was obviously something Hestia had always dreamed of before, but now she was strangely shy.

By the way, Ye Ye has always refused!

In fact, Ye Ye discovered Hestia when he entered the bathhouse. Of course, the reason for his discovery was the sound of blowing bubbles. If Ye Ye had the heart, these steams could be ignored.

Hestia's body was completely presented in front of Ye Ye, and the water of the hot spring was naturally very clear.

It's time to pick it up!Ye Ye smiled and followed Hestia. I don't know when, the sound of the collision of the water had disappeared, as if Ye Ye had already soaked in the hot spring.

There are several stones in the bath, and Hestia is now behind one of them. She moved her body slightly to see where Ye Ye was.

However, the steam is really strong, and it is impossible to see clearly. The situation outside, where is the page, where is the page? Hestia still wants to take a look at Ye Ye's body.

Really, Hestia retracted her body and moved her body again to ensure that she was completely covered by stones and would not be discovered by Ye Ye.

"With so much steam, it's impossible for Ye Ye to find it!" Hestia said in a low voice, but it was all heard by Ye Ye, because Hestia was in Ye Ye's arms now.

When Hestia moved her body, Ye Ye calmly came to the back of the boulder and stuck it on the boulder. She was going to surprise Hestia, but she didn't expect Hestia to be like this. leaned up.

"Hey, what, hard!" Soon, Hestia felt that something was wrong, but at this time, Ye Ye would also start to act.

"Ah, page, page, why are you here!" Opie was toyed with, and Hestia's face turned even redder.

"Of course it's for this!" Ye Ye didn't give Hestia a chance to resist, and went straight to the end, with a trace of blood floating in the hot spring.

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