After all, what happened on the eighteenth floor happened because of Hestia. In the final analysis, the destruction of the safety zone on the eighteenth floor was also caused by Hestia, so the activities had to be compensated for at least!

Ye Ye went to clean up all the monsters on the eighteenth floor this time, and then used the Wallis that he had stored in the guild to have the guild help buy a large amount of supplies and transport them there.

By the way, the Wallis stored by Ye Ye in your guild not only did not decrease because of this, but also increased compared to the previous time. Ye Ye has been throwing magic crystals into the guild recently.

For example, at the [-]th floor, the amount of magic crystals obtained was not a small amount. The magic crystals of the Earth Overlord were also deposited in the past. There was no pawn, just deposited in the past.

The guild also didn't want Ye Ye to pawn them. The magic crystal of the Overlord of the Earth can't imagine how much it is worth. If it is really pawned, I am afraid that Ye Ye will be their creditor for life.

At this moment, Hestia was in a corner, looking at Ais through a gap, with an extremely dangerous look in her eyes, her great enemy, Ais!

Although she knew that Ye Ye couldn't have just one woman, Hestia still held the idea that one less is one less.

Ye Ye had no choice but to let Hestia drive away those unnecessary people.

Eighteenth floor!

"Chun Ji, all right, let's go!" Ye Ye looked at the fox girl beside him, and said, the girl named Chun Ji nodded.

Long golden hair, blue eyes, and a tail of the same color as the hair, with a black first round on the neck!

A kimono in one suit is so cute that no matter where you go, both men and women will kill each other!

She is taciturn and seems to have had some stories that led to her current character.

Fox people, even among the many types of orcs, can be called the only magical race, similar to elves, although they are still weaker than elves in terms of magical talent.

The fox people, headed by the extreme east, are only a minority of races living in a limited area. Most of the magic they use has a completely different nature from the magic used by the goblins who are the representatives of the magic race. They are extremely rare and are classified as rare magic.

As a fox, Chunji also has a rare magic that is comparable to Bell's innate skills. This magic can make the designated person level up in a short time. No matter what level it was before, this magic can be said to be a bug .

Even if it is lv6, lv7, after getting the magic of Haruhime, you can advance your own level by one level.

Of course, Ye Ye's boon is simulated by himself, so he won't be affected by magic.

Chun Ji was discovered by Ye Ye when he was in Magic Ishtar's family. Chun Ji was originally a noble of his own race, but was finally calculated by a little human clan and was kicked out of the family.

The little people took Chun Ji and received a monster attack, and finally left Chun Ji and fled by herself. After that, Chun Ji was rescued by a thief. After knowing that Chun Ji was a virgin, she sold it to Orali and was bought by Istar. .

It's a pity that their family was wiped out by Ye Ye on the first day they bought it. Although Chun Ji was rescued in time, it seemed that Chun Ji had suffered a lot after going through so much.

She is very sticky to Ye Ye now. Talking to a stranger is to show hostility. It seems that everyone except Ye Ye is her enemy. Even if she sleeps at night, she has to be with Ye Ye. Sitiya is about to explode with anger, obviously it's her time.

He originally wanted to have a good relationship with Ye Ye, but it was destroyed like this. Seeing Chun Ji's pitiful appearance, Hestia couldn't do anything about it. In the end, in the presence of Ye Ye, he gave her to her. Chun Ji updated the Divine Script.

Chun Ji's divine script may be because she resisted when she was bought by Ista, so on the waist, you must know that the divine script on the people in Ista's family is in a very private place. Although she was also a woman, Haruhime didn't want Ista to see her private parts at that time.

After some resistance, perhaps because Ishtar saw the potential of Haruhime, there was no coercion.

The always strong Istar also softened. On the first day of Chun Ji's arrival, she was jealous. It is conceivable that if Ye Ye hadn't eradicated Istar's family, what would Chun Ji's life be like in the future.

For Chun Ji to stick to herself so much, Ye Ye also credited herself with giving Chun Ji a sense of security.

After all, she was there when she killed Ishtar's family members, because she didn't feel a hint of depravity in Chun Ji's body at that time, but she was very pure, so Ye Ye deliberately let go of the massive attack at that time. Chun Ji.

Unexpectedly, this is how Chun Ji sticks to herself, but being entangled by a little loli who is the best of the orc race is quite a good feeling. Ye Ye has long wanted to give it a try when loli grows up! ..

Chapter [-] Neutral Cube - Elf!

Chapter [-] Neutral Cube - Elf!

Lolita is not too much. Since Chun Ji wanted to follow her, Ye Ye let Chun Ji join the family. Anyway, now Chun Ji has nowhere to go. If she doesn't want it, where else can Chun Ji go.

And Chun Ji's skills are here, so she can't get rid of Chun Ji. More importantly, Chun Ji is a loli, and she is still very cute, and she is still very sticky to herself.

If you have the ability to raise it, who wants to throw it away?

Chun Ji wore a kimono, took small steps, lowered her head not to look at the adventurers passing by, and held Ye Ye's left hand with both hands, her pitiful appearance not only did not eliminate her own attention, but also attracted attention. .

However, this caused Chun Ji to get closer to Ye Ye, her body was going to stick to Ye Ye's body, and she was going to get in the way of Ye Ye.

"Lord Page, this is the one next to you!" Many adventurers from the family who had contacts with the Hestia family, their eyes lit up when they looked at Chun Ji, and then asked, all thinking that Nei Chun Ji was cute And the eyes lit up.

"It's the newest member of our Hestia family, it's called Chun Ji!" Ye Ye introduced Chun Ji, but Chun Ji didn't make a sound. It was obvious that Chun Ji was afraid of life, so the adventurers didn't bother. Chun Ji.

"Fox clan, you really found a treasure!" Seeing the fox ears on Chun Ji's head, everyone knew about Chun Ji's race, which is quite powerful.

It's not that the fox family is less than the elves, on the contrary, there are more, but almost all the fox families are not among the Oralis, and most of the elves are in the guilds of the Oralis!

Naturally, it does not mean that elves are not rare. Even if they join a family, they will join those top-level families and the guild. Of course, the top-level families are friends with the guild. The relationship between the family and the guild is not bad.

After all, the exchange of magic crystals can only be done in the guild, and the relationship with the guild is bad. No family will do this. The end of doing so is very terrifying. Gotta kneel!

Moreover, Ye Ye also realized that the combat power of the outside world of Orari is obviously not as bad as Ye Ye thought when he first came to Orari. , but there are also some ferocious races.

For example, the fox clan among the orcs, known as sorcerers, is definitely no less powerful than the superior clan among Oralee!

Some subspecies in the human race also have some more powerful ones, and the powerful ones are at the level of lv3 to lv4. Of course, the powerful ones only occupy less than one percent, and they are completely two dimensions away from Orari. !

"Yeah!" Ye Ye put his hand on Chun Ji's head, which gave Chun Ji a sense of security. Now Chun Ji's situation is very simple, she is no longer uneasy by Ye Ye's side, and by Ye Ye's side Just feel safe.

If you want to get out of the shadows, it probably takes a little time. Ye Ye didn't refuse, so that's fine. Although Chun Ji wants to be with her at night, she can't do interesting things with Hestia, but Sleeping with a loli in your arms, although you can't eat it, it's not a loss!

"Chun Ji, let's go, go back to the family!" Ye Ye has already done everything on the eighteenth floor, all the materials have been shipped, and the monsters have also been beheaded. Because of Ye Ye, the monsters It won't be refreshed within a week, it's a compensation from Ye Ye.

As for how to stop the spawning of monsters, just warn the will of the dungeon!

It's a pity that among the Oraris, I haven't heard of anyone with a fox clan, otherwise it would have played a role in the current situation of Chun Ji!

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