Ye Ye is naturally selfish. It was just a decision made to make the two sisters in his family go faster to level 3. In fact, even following level 1 is fine, but the gods will first consider Euler. Rei's staff is empty.

"I heard Hestia say, will the little guy beside you also set off with you? You are the main force. If you let one lv1 be a drag, but no, what about the safety of other members of the crusade team!" Loki No matter what time it is, he always likes to find various reasons to reprimand Ye Ye for finding pleasure.

The purpose is naturally to reprimand Ye Ye to set off himself in front of Riviria and Ais, and make himself look taller in Riviria and Ais' hearts.

However, when Loki turned to look at Ais and Riviria, they both turned their heads away and did not look at Loki, which made Loki receive a critical blow.

"Chun Ji must be with me. Although Chun Ji is level 1, her magical ability will allow me to transcend the limit of level 9 for a period of time and reach a more advanced realm of gods!" Ye Ye always had to find one An excuse to let yourself display more powerful power.

Chun Ji is this excuse. Chun Ji's magical ability is to increase one's level by one level. Now Ye Ye is already the most advanced level 9 in the eyes of the gods. No one knows what it will be if it is upgraded.

Ye Ye installed a realm of gods, so that he could use the power equivalent to the level of false gods.

Ye Ye also considered the power of the gods. Hestia and the others should have the power of demigods, that is, the power mixed between false gods and true gods, while the oldest gods Zeus and Hera should be at the level of demigods. It is the level of a true god.

A world with one true god is already a very high-level world, and a world where two true gods can be born is even more precious. If this world is mastered, among the worlds Ye Ye possesses, the degree of cherishment can be ranked second.

The first is naturally the world of the unshakable demons and goddesses, and that world is almost at the top of the world!

"The realm of the gods!" Not only the gods, but the adventurers are all shining. Is it the realm of the gods above lv9? Can you be a god too?

This leaf page can tell you that the gift of evolution can indeed reach the level of a god, but it is too difficult. This gift can also support you to evolve to a true god, and the gift will turn into a godhead at that time.

However, this difficulty is impossible to cultivate even if the resources of this world are exhausted.

This kind of gift is indeed a very strange thing. Ye Ye also received a gift from Hestia. If Ye Ye changed his face and said that he was a god, he would be able to create a family, and the gift Ye Ye could also be used.

It can also be given to others, and the effect is not much different from what other gods use!

However, Ye Ye is now trying to rewrite the rules of the gift, but it hasn't happened yet!

ps: I slept all night, so today is the fourth update. I’m a little sorry. There are still two updates in the early morning, one update in the morning, two updates in the afternoon, and one update in the evening, that is This is updated! ..

Chapter [-] Capture the Half-Elves!

Chapter [-] Capture the Half-Elves!

Indeed, there is no gift on this half-elf, so it is impossible for the gods to detect anything strange, but in this half-elf, Ye Ye noticed the aura of the evil gods.

This should be the breath that has been contaminated by living in the power of evil gods all year round. Only Ye Ye captured this breath very well. Ninety-nine percent of her own breath has been removed, and the rest cannot be detected even by herself.

The same is true of the gods. After he did not feel any strange breath in his body, it stopped, and there was no very careful review at all.

I'm in a hurry, Ye Ye immediately cleared the meaning of this half-elf, in order to guide Orari to kill the ocean overlord and lead out the sky overlord, the Hera family and Zeus family and the sky overlord in the battle they It is already clear.

It is precisely because they know the power of the Sky Overlord that they want to use the Sky Overlord to weaken Orari's power. It is an honor to crusade the three major overlords.

Now all the gods can pursue is glory, so they will definitely not leave the overlords alone. Facts have proved that they are right. After all, they also have the existence of gods, and it will be clear if they think about it.

In the Pantheon, Loki looked at Chun Ji beside Ye Ye with his eyes shining, which could make a person's level increase by one level, even she was greedy.

Looking at Chun Ji, Loki said, "Ye, the little guy by your side, um, is called Chun Ji, right? Can her abilities still apply to other people?"

Loki is more concerned with this. If it is possible, then Chun Ji is precious. Even if there is Ye Ye blocking, Loki is trying to dig a corner, but Chun Ji's appearance is not a loss, let alone Chun Ji. Your own strength is so precious.

If there is Chun Ji, then her clan is equivalent to having an lv7, which can compete with the Otasuo, the most powerful weapon in the Freya clan.

Although Loki doesn't care too much about cultivating adventurers who can be comparable to the lv7 Ota of the Freya family, after all, her current family status is equal to the Freya family, even if it is a Freya family. Has an lv7.

Ye Ye was naturally aware of Loki's thoughts. In order to dispel the thoughts of all those present, Ye Ye shook his head and said, "No, Chun Ji's abilities are bound by a contract. Unless I die, Chun Ji will not be able to make peace with her. If anyone signs a contract again, if they cannot sign a contract, they cannot use their abilities!”

Ye Ye's remarks dispelled everyone's thoughts, and Loki's thoughts of poaching the wall also stopped, and it would be meaningless if he could only use it for Ye Ye.

The banquet is disbanded. After all, things have already been settled. The time is to set off the day after tomorrow, giving a day of preparation time, a hundred miles away, the gods are still considering whether there is any way to transmit.

Ye Ye has the ability to lead, but Ye Yexian will only reveal his ability when his eggs hurt. It is conceivable that if he reveals this ability, the gods will definitely trouble him in this regard in the future.

Things that make trouble for yourself, you will never do.

The half-elf immediately left Orari, and still used magic, quickly left Orari's range, and hid in the jungle.

It's almost ten miles away from Orari, it should be okay, the task is completed!

Elves and half-elves are indeed neutral, but if they are brainwashed, they are no longer neutral. This half-elf was captured by the power of the evil god and finally brainwashed, otherwise, no matter what, as a half-elf He will definitely not join the evil god forces.

As an elf's glory, he has completely forgotten.

Suddenly, the half-elf shivered and looked around, "What's wrong, suddenly, why is it so cold!" A cold air slowly began to appear around him.

Filled the entire forest, covering the forest like a fog, which is still good, now the half-elves are facing cold erosion.

He used two magic spells for himself to increase his physique, barely resisting the invasion of ice.

But using the magic that can see through the fog has no effect at all, Ye Ye's cold air contains power, how could it be seen through.

Ye Ye was in the air, the coldness in his eyes was like nothing, and there was a playful smile on the corner of Ye Ye's mouth.

With a grasp of the palm, the ice condensed in the cold air, and then condensed into some beasts cast by the ice, rushing towards the half-elf.

Since it's a fallen half-elf, Ye Ye wouldn't hold back on Aiina's face, so it's completely true to kill him directly!

What is this, the half-elf chased by the beasts of ice roared inwardly, "Did I encounter a rare beast with magical abilities in the outside world? Damn, it's just when my mental power is exhausted!"

There are also such things in the outside world. Some special variants in the beasts are equivalent to the fox clan among the orcs. They have magical abilities and their strengths are not bad, but most of them are equivalent to lv2.

This half-elf's magic is relatively deep, roughly equivalent to an adventurer in the middle of level 3.

However, his attack method is only magic, and the master is a crispy skin. This principle is well interpreted in him. When the skin is crispy, his mental power is about to be exhausted, and he is finished.

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