She herself was imprisoned in place by Ye Ye.

Izanami was also a pitiful person, but it had something to do with Ye Ye.

"Oh, good!" Yato and Ebisu nodded blankly, then started their search.

I'm terrified, so to speak.

Moreover, there seems to be some distance between him and Ye Ye, even the most inconspicuous Ye Dou. There is some distance between him and Ye Ye, and he also has some restraints.

Because the difference in strength is really too big.

They didn't even see that Ye Ye had resorted to such tactics.

Ye Ye didn't bring out any artifacts. A god without any artifacts has such a powerful power that he even suppressed Izanami, the mother goddess of creation.

What a terrifying power this must have.

It is really impossible to view Ye Ye with common sense.

"I found it!" Ebisu found what he wanted, Ye Ye glanced at it, and it turned out that the puppet warlock was exactly the same.

It's just that this pen seems to be more perfect.

"Let's go!" Now that he got what he wanted, Ebisu didn't want to stay here. Although he felt sorry for his mother goddess, it was not because he had too much nostalgia and affection for the goddess. After all, he But the abandoned child.

It was Ebisu's limit to be able to think about Izanami instead of hating it.

"Stay, stay!"

Izanami cried out miserably, and her voice rang through the yellow spring.

However, Ye Ye, Yebisu and Yato had already returned to the entrance.

Because of the enchantment, there are no demons from this entrance and exit to enter the small world and then come to the human world.

"You guys are finally back!"

Ye Ye was greeted by an enchantment.

There are several child-like artifacts around, and after Ye Ye appeared, he sang the bird in the cage, and an enchantment was established.

The caged boy, this is the artifact child adopted by the Tianshou artifact group.

As a child's artifact, it is impossible to distinguish between good and evil, and this can be used to make these child's artifacts sing the caged bird and cause an enchantment.

This enchantment is extremely terrifying, of course, this is relative to the world outside Ye Ye.

All creatures in this circle will be weakened by the enchantment lock of the caged bird, and their power will be greatly reduced.

Then, the group of days will hunt with overwhelming force.

The caged boy has always been the reason why Amaterasu's artifact group is so terrifying.

In history, there were quite a few gods in Eastern Ying who were against the sky.

And those gods were all defeated by Amaterasu under the caged birds.

It can be said that Amaterasu can easily unify the caged birds of the Eastern God system in a long time ago.

"I didn't expect there to be additional discoveries. Last time, because your invasion of Gaotianyuan was too sudden, the caged bird had no chance to use it on you at all. This time, it happened to solve you together!"

The gods outside the caged bird also laughed when they saw Ye Ye.

The weakening of the caged bird is extremely terrifying, in their opinion, even Ye Ye, under the caged bird, is impossible to match them.

As the subordinates of Heaven, their strength is naturally not bad.

They are also conceited.

Ye Ye stepped out of the passage first, followed by Yato and Ebisu.

And then found the current situation.

Someone betrayed them.

Ebisu immediately had blue veins on his forehead.

The location of the small world, even the sky cannot be found in a short time, the only explanation is that someone betrayed them and made this god realm high.

Who is it!

Ebisu's face was ashen, his dream just started, is he going to die here? ..

Chapter [-] Puppet Warlock!

Chapter [-] Puppet Warlock!

"Shashen, you have today too, and today I will avenge my brother Jianyu Leishen!"

A god of the Tianshou Group held an artifact and took a step forward and walked into the caged bird.

Among the caged birds, what is considered evil is weakened, and what is considered good is even strengthened.

This is also the reason for using the child's artifact that does not distinguish between good and evil.

Because under the brainwashing of the Tianshou Group, they made these artifacts think which is evil, which is evil, which is good, and which is good.

When he saw Ye Ye, this god looked constipated.

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