Hit the jackpot.


The sight spanned a distance of hundreds of meters and saw a badge on the vampire. The badge was extremely luxurious and made of gems and gold, but it was the same taste as vampires.

On the badge, there are four words printed on it.

It should be the family and surname of this vampire. ..

Chapter [-] Crazy Scarlet!

Chapter [-] Crazy Scarlet!

"As long as I drink the blood of another hundred human beings, my lost blood can probably be recovered!" The vampire seemed to be thinking about something, so he ignored Midnight Leaf Page.

But immediately, Ye Ye's divinity was immediately discovered by him.

"Look at what I found, god, now a god, your blood will not only help me recover, but also make me go further!" The vampire looked surprised, without saying a word, his body turned into a bat-like figure. The black wind swept over.

It's just illusion.

The distance of several hundred meters was only reached in a short moment, and the palm with sharp nails appeared abruptly not far from Ye Ye's neck, and it was about to be pinched.

"You really have confidence!"

The next second, the vampire realized that his palm was about to break, and Ye Ye grabbed the vampire's arm just a few steps away from Ye Ye's neck.

Moreover, the strength is getting stronger and stronger, his arms are gradually bent, and finally broken.

It was only a few seconds from Ye Ye grabbing his arm until the arm was broken, and the vampire made a harsh sound after feeling the pain of the broken arm.

The surrounding houses were all lit up with lights.

The sound of dogs barking is also incessant, echoing in the village.

Immediately, the peace of the village was shattered.

"You..." Only then did the vampire react. Damn it, what the hell did he do just now, a real god, he actually wanted to suck the blood of a real god, just rely on him The current body is severely damaged.

Isn't this looking for death?

The excitement for a while made him impulsive!

Feeling the lingering aura on Ye Ye's body, the vampire even broke out in cold sweat, is it Martial God?

This is really a draw!

"I won't die here!" The vampire was very determined, turning around and using all his means to run.

He still expects to go back and pay, let the Scarlet family's plan fulfill him, and win the final victory. How could he die here.

I am the true ancestor of the future, a pure-blooded vampire, and I should not have died here.

When faced with death, vampires react extremely violently.

"You want to run when you pretend to be forced? How can there be such a good thing!"

Ye Ye also moved, so Ye Ye was not unfamiliar with physical art, and his speed was even faster than the vampires of the Scarlet family who had used special methods.

The Sha weapon also appeared. As a weapon, the Sha weapon is a derivative of Ye Ye's divinity, and the level is not high, so there are no restrictions in this world.

It was just a flash of cold light, and the arm of the Scarlet family's vampire had already been cut off.

Ye Ye glanced at it, wasn't this arm broken by him just now, the vampire's recovery ability is indeed good, and the injury of the broken bone was healed so quickly.


Scarlet's vampire screamed. He had lost a lot of blood and was severely injured.

When he was in the Scarlet family, most of his blood was drawn, which greatly damaged his vitality as a vampire who used blood as the source of power.

For him now, any injury that lacks arms and legs like he is now is fatal to him.

The continued loss of blood will make him fall into death.

Scarlet's vampire wanted to use his self-healing ability, but unfortunately the broken part of his arm was infected by the evil spirit of the evil weapon, and he could not recover it no matter what he did.

This semi-pure blood vampire should have the strength of a big monster, but now it seems to be inconsistent with the truth.

Ye Ye penetrated the body of Scarlet's vampire with the shackle, and did not hit the key point, nor did the power of the shackle erode him, but sealed him on the ground.

I wanted to warm up, but it wasn't a warm up.

The shackle penetrated Scarlet's vampire's body as if it penetrated rotten wood, but a little bloodshot spread out, which was like an empty shell.

"Let me go, please, let me go, Lord God!" Scarlet's vampire prayed.

He has an obsession and cannot die here.

The Scarlet family is already crazy, and they treat him like this, and he is not willing to go back without revenge. Moreover, Scarlet has drawn the blood of most of the pure blood vampires in the family, trying to create a real pure blood the true ancestor.

This is also an opportunity for him, he may become the first true ancestor born in this millennium.

With such a bright future, there is nothing wrong with stealing life now.

When he becomes the true ancestor of pure blood, he will pay.

The vampire of the Scarlet family thought a lot and put down his body to beg for mercy.

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