It is an adult ghost clan, tall and full of oppression, and the ground shook when he jumped off the hill.

With a look of enthusiasm, the ghost clan greeted him.

The ghost clan is extremely united, Ye Ye rescued a little guy from their ghost clan at the beginning, and Ye Ye also directly brushed the favorability of the ghost clan.

The ghost clan is not as rumored, it looks fierce and bloody.

It's all programmed by humans.

After all, humans and ghosts are incompatible, and ghosts themselves represent the fear and dark side of human beings.

When it comes to human beings, the ghosts are not hostile, but they are just their vocation. In order not to let human beings forget their fears, they are constantly attacking human beings.

Ye Ye is now a kind person who is well-known in the East. Even if Ye Ye did not save his family, they would still respect Ye Ye.

"This is the chassis of our ghost clan. Since the genius doctor is fortunate enough to come here, how about staying at our site for one night? I believe that my clan's companions will welcome the arrival of the magic doctor!" The adult ghost clan is extremely enthusiastic and wants to let Leaf pages remain.

Ye Ye did not refuse.

Following the adult ghost clan came to the resident of the ghost clan.

Although he already knew about the ghost clan's situation, Ye Ye still had a great sense of sight.

The difference between men and women in the ghost race is really big.

The men of the ghost tribe are more majestic and rough. However, the women of the ghost tribe are not as big as men, but they are more sexy than human beings. Except for the two horns on their heads, they are eye-catching among humans. .

Of course, although the females of the ghost race are not as good as males, they are still not weaker than males in terms of strength. ..

Chapter [-] Longevity Medicine!

Chapter [-] Longevity Medicine!

The ghost clan did not embarrass Ye Ye, and they let Ye Ye leave after the banquet.

Ye Ye was the only one to leave the ghost clan's territory so comfortably.

"Divine Doctor, accept me as a disciple!"

Ye Ye, as always, wandered aimlessly and came to a village.

The time of January is getting closer and closer, Ye Ye also intends to return to the capital of the moon in the next few days, so it is better to make some preparations earlier.

The arrival of Ye Ye ignited the enthusiasm of this village, and the villagers scrambled to take a look at Ye Ye because of another rumor that suddenly appeared.

Leaf pages can be used to craft elixirs.

Longevity, the unreachable dream of all ordinary people.

It is said that the current emperor seems to have ordered to find Ye Ye, which also adds a lot of credibility to this rumor.

Among the villagers surrounding Ye Ye, a young man dressed in coarse cloth squeezed in front of Ye Ye with all his strength and knelt down with a sincere expression on his face.

However, he didn't think so in his heart.

What this young man thought was to get the elixir from Ye Ye's side, and then to live a long life, and then sell the elixir to the current emperor to become a high-ranking official.

Then he will be able to get out of the way he is now.

As soon as the young man knelt down, the surrounding villagers also quit, and there was a commotion, and the inferiority of human beings was fully demonstrated.

The color of Ye Ying has not changed, and the inferiority of human beings has been seen countless times, no matter which world it is, it is the same.

This world does not exclude the onmyo technique that Ye Ye had previously created in the world of his apprentice Ye Guang.

It should be said that the Onmyo Technique itself is also a part of this world, so Ye Ye's Onmyo Technique is not exclusive.

Spiritual power is circulating in the body, and the silent onmyo technique is performed. During the quarrel, the villagers did not realize that Ye Ye was no longer surrounded by them.

When they woke up, it was already dark, Ye Ye used onmyoji to make them concentrate on arguing with others, and their perception of Ye Ye's existence was weakened to a minimum.

Longevity medicine is not only attractive to humans, but also to monsters.

Especially those little monsters, they are even more eager.

However, they were all killed by Ye Ye using onmyoji.

Ye Ye forcefully killed all the attacking monsters in order to deter those restless monsters, but he did not expect it to have the opposite effect.

Ye Ye's powerful Onmyoji technique earned Ye Ye the title of Great Onmyoji, which further increased the credibility of Ye Ye's ability to manufacture longevity medicine.

But this is not important anymore, Ye Ye has already returned to the capital of the moon.

This time, Ye Ye used the Onmyo Technique to hide himself and returned to his room. After all, it was already verified on the ground that Onmyo Technique could also be used.

The one-month sentence was soon to be fulfilled.

Bayi Yonglin also took Ye Ye to meet those high-level executives in Moon City.

Although I don't like these high-level executives very much, but Bayi Yonglin insists on it, there is no way to do it.

"Today, I want to take you to meet someone!"

After coming out from the top, Bayi Yonglin did not let Ye Ye go, but walked towards the center of Moon City with Ye Ye.

This is the real center, and everyone who can come here is a prominent member of the Moon Capital.

Ye Ye had never been here.

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