The temperature suddenly became hot, but Meihong and Ye Ye could still bear it. If they were ordinary people, they would have been roasted by the heat in an instant.

As expected of the flame of the phoenix, it is indeed powerful.

The strength of this undead bird should have reached the top level.

The top level of the big monster.

"This is the flame of the phoenix. If you can integrate the flame of the phoenix, your strength will be greatly increased. Sister Hong, the power you use is similar to the flame of the phoenix. This is the most suitable for you. Yes!" Ye Ye said to Meihong.

Meihong stared at the flame of the phoenix in front of her, and felt the echo from the depths of her body. She wanted the flame of the phoenix.

"The next training is to slowly establish a connection with the flame of the phoenix, and then finally merge the flame of the phoenix!" Ye Ye said.

"However, there is still a faster way!" Mei Hong said suddenly, showing a determined look.

"Although you are a native of Penglai, you won't die, but the pain of being burned to ashes in an instant is no good!" Ye Ye shook his head and said.

Meihong looked at the flame of the phoenix in front of her with a determined face. If she wanted to gain strength, she had to pay a price. Meihong not only wanted to enlist the flame of the phoenix, but also wanted to swallow the flame of the phoenix.

Stepping in the air, Meihong walked into the flame of the phoenix. The temperature of the flame was very hot. Meihong was vaporized by the flame in an instant, then reborn in the flame, then decomposed in the flame again, and then in the flame. rebirth.

Ye Ye stood in front of the flames of the phoenix for a long time, watching Meihong constantly appear and disappear in the flames, and sighed.

However, this is also a choice for Meihong. Meihong is not reconciled and always stays behind her. Meihong wants to become stronger enough to face any threat.

The flame of the phoenix will bring Meihong an unprecedented improvement.

I dare not say that you can reach the level of the top big monsters, but there is no problem in escaping from monsters of that level.

With the accumulation of time, Meihong will step into the ranks of the top big monsters.

The flames here are bound to attract the attention of some monsters. Ye Ye turned around and returned to the foot of the mountain to protect her sister Hong.

Of course, it is impossible for Meihong to be disturbed. The flame of the phoenix will become Meihong's defense, and even a big monster will be at a loss.

Leaf precautions are for another reason.

Now Meihong is completely naked, yes, her clothes have long been destroyed by the flames of the phoenix.

Ye Ye was waiting quietly for the Four Holy Beast Barrier set up at the foot of the mountain, and Meihong's transformation was completed.

Ye Ye is very confident, even if his Four Holy Beast Formation is a top-notch monster, he can't pass through it silently. ..

Chapter [-] The phoenix reborn from ashes!

Chapter [-] The phoenix reborn from ashes!

Even if Ye Ye can't directly induce the world to build a more powerful Five Saint Beast Barrier than before, even the weakened version of the Four Saint Beast Barrier's power is not weak.

In the night sky, the flames of phoenixes illuminate the surroundings like torches.

Even if the breath of the phoenix is ​​sealed by the barrier, this vision still attracts a lot of monsters.

This place belongs to the realm of monsters. Although this place is extremely hot due to the flame of the phoenix, there are not many monsters, but there are many monsters in the surrounding area.

This can be seen from the fact that Ye Ye and Meihong suppressed a lot of monsters when they came here.

"Four Holy Beasts Barrier, Suzaku!" Ye Ye moved a part of the barrier at night, Suzaku, also called Phoenix, the phoenix.

In this place, the power generated by the enchantment of Suzaku increases exponentially. Suzaku's phantom is suspended in the sky. The power of the enchantment is not limited to this volcano, but spreads out around it.

Suppress the sky.

Any monster can no longer use the ability to fly.

Luckily, it didn't attract any powerful monsters, just ordinary little monsters, so nothing happened. The little monsters were shocked by the enchantment, and they didn't dare to make mistakes.

three days.

Ye Ye stayed at the foot of the mountain for three days.

Yesterday, a big monster finally attracted.

Like a big monster, he is also aware of some rumors, such as a phoenix sleeping here.

Like a vision, it may be a treasure, or a phoenix reborn, no matter which kind, the big monster is profitable.

The big monster was killed by Ye Ye personally. In the volcanic area, King Fudo Ming could even trigger the leyline's flame ability, crushing and killing the big monster.

"Oh, so it's you. Did you figure out what happened here? The little guy in our family also said that there may be treasures here!"

The demons with obvious characteristics were also attracted.

Although the ghost clan is few in number, there are ghost clan people all over the East Ying.

The people from the ghost clan were just here to join in the fun, but they immediately quit after seeing Ye Ye.

This also played an exemplary role. Even the powerful ghosts left, and the monsters who were still eyeing them also retreated with self-knowledge.

Another three days.

During this period, some big monsters came, but whenever there were big monsters, Ye Ye started the enchantment as a warning. Except for the first one, it was also the only unlucky ghost who was used by Ye Ye as an example to kill chickens and monkeys. The monsters all chose to wait and see instead of fighting.

A big monster chose to wait and see, and was unwilling to start a conflict with Ye Ye. When the second big monster arrived, he also chose to wait and see. If a conflict was initiated, other big monsters would take advantage of it.

It was in this case that time passed another day.

Finally, the phoenix flames that illuminated a large area dimmed.

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