It will take two hundred years for the world to restore cause and effect and the world line, and during this period it will take Ye Ye, the unsettling factor, to leave.

For the safety of Meihong and Hui Ye, Ye Ye and the world have reached an agreement that Ye Ye will return in two hundred years. It will not hinder Ye Ye's return, but will give Ye Ye a proper identity.

After saying goodbye to Sister Hong, Ye Ye left that world and threw himself into a nearby medium-sized world to wait.

But perhaps Ye Ye's luck was too good. This medium-sized world was merging with a medium-sized world to evolve into the Great Thousand World.

As for entering Kusanagi's house, it was just an accident and a whim.

"Lord Kusanagi, this is the place where the members of the Lord's family last appeared. We also went in to look for it, but..." The village chief who led Ye Ye to tell the situation of the Kusanagi family's children when they finally appeared hesitated. a moment.

"I understand, since I don't want to say it, I don't need to say it. Let's stop here. Go back to the village and tell the villagers that it's better to leave this place, if you don't want to die!" Ye Ye waved his hand to stop the village chief, and advised him by the way.

In Ye Ye's eyes, the area in front of him was surrounded by ghosts.

The commander of these ghosts is also S-rank, no wonder the children of the Kusanagi family died like this.

"—The ruthless Queen of Steel, the holy sword that slays demons and slays demons

——Be transformed into a sword of steel here, and grant me divine power! "

On the back of his hand, Esther's elf mark shone brightly.

After entering this world, Ye Ye often summoned Esther.

"Finally summoned me again, really, I didn't even listen to what people wanted to say last time!" As soon as Esther appeared, he was playing a small temper.

"Restia seems to want to come here too!" Seeing the radiance of Restia's elf mark, Esther pouted, obviously being summoned secretly.

Sure enough, he still couldn't hide it from Restia!

"You two!" Ye Ye put his hand on Esther's head and stroked it twice, then laughed.

Speaking of which, I really haven't summoned Est and Restia for a while, so I really have to make up for the two of them.

Restia's dark elf contract bloomed, and Restia was summoned by Ye Ye as she wished.

Although Ye Ye didn't improve his power to a full state and restore his original power, he just reached the limit that this world can achieve, but the consumption for Esther and Restia is still more than enough.

It's not that Ye Ye doesn't want to regain all his power, but in the end, he doesn't want to return to Kaguya's world, he doesn't want to dissipate his power, so it's better to keep it like this, anyway, no one in this world can let Ye Ye feared.

Even if he did not regain his original strength, Ye Ye was absolutely invincible in this world.

What's more, now that Esther and Restia are in their hands, even if all the gods of the Nordic world come over, they will not be able to threaten Ye Ye at all.

Whether it can hurt Ye Ye is another matter. After all, Ye Ye's body is still a god. Although he can't use his true body to destroy the world due to lack of strength, his basic defense is still there, and he can still use it. The power is also the top level of this world.

"This is, what world, such a weak world, still weaker than the Elf world!" Restia frowned as soon as she appeared, showing an uncomfortable look.

Esther is the same, but Esther is not very good at expressing it.

After all, you are used to the world of the Elf World, and you will definitely feel uncomfortable when you come to this slightly lower world.

The concentration of the elements should not be too different.

"As long as Ernie is there, I won't care no matter where!" Esther hugged Ye Ye's arm, stared at Ye Ye and said in a warm voice, while still rubbing against Ye Ye's body twice.

Restia's eyelids twitched, Astor has failed in his studies, he must have failed in his studies with those women, otherwise how could he have become so shrewd.

"Okay, let's go, let's see what kind of trap lies ahead!" Ye Ye's two arms were occupied by Est and Restia, Ye Ye shook his head and laughed, leading Est and Restia. Restia stepped forward.

This feeling is long gone.

Walking into the gloomy-looking area, Esther's dissatisfied voice rang out.

"I hate this kind of breath!" Esther pointed his finger in the air, the white light flashed, and the ultimate power bloomed for a while. This kind of breath around hundreds of meters was strangled by the power of the sword and never existed.

"Although as a dark elf, this lowly degenerate aura is really disgusting!" As a dark elf Restia also dislikes the atmosphere that is close to darkness.

Because this kind of breath is too low-level.

"This is for you.!" Restia summoned a violent dark elf in the air.

The violent dark elf was extremely obedient in front of Restia, and followed Restia's orders to devour these dark breaths, but after swallowing a mouthful, she appeared to vomit and ran back to Restia. around.

They were all fed by the spirit world.

"Hey, I can clean the air!" Restia's hands had black and purple lightning crackling, her eyes like purple glaze became slightly sharper, and the corners of her mouth were raised.

It's been a while since Restia became more and more uncontrollable. I don't know who taught it. Ye Ye thought about it and smiled bitterly, but he really couldn't think of it. After all, there is such a suspect girl There is more than one child.

ps: It’s blown up, Feilu’s blown up, it’s hard to upload, it’s too hard to upload, and it’s hard to upload two more updates. If you continue to write, it’s a waste of time for uploading. ..

Chapter [-] Loki's Shadow!

Chapter [-] Loki's Shadow!

"Whatever you want!" Ye Ye laughed.

Restia's smile was even more charming, and the thunderbolt in her hand flew out like a net, and the black aura she encountered was corroded.

All belong to the power of darkness, but Restia's power is even stronger, both in terms of strength and quality.

I still heard some screams vaguely. It was those weak ghosts who couldn't hold a breath in front of Restia's power.

"I can do it too!" Esther was naturally unwilling to be left behind, and the white light in his hand bloomed like a floating sun, and the light emitted also eliminated all ghosts and the aura that made her uncomfortable.

The area in front of him immediately became clearer, and the air lost the pressure just now and became clearer.

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