Teaching Kusanagi swordsmanship also depends on Kusanagi's fate and Kusanagi's choice.

Even if it leads to the destruction of the Kusanagi family, he is unwilling to take action against his sister, which is so similar to him back then.

Otherwise, with the attitude of the Kusanagi Orochi towards the Kusanagi family, how could it be possible to teach the Kusanagi family members of swordsmanship, or to teach all the swordsmanship that the Kusanagi family has now lost to Kusanagi Roar.

"Yeah, long time no see, big snake!" Ye Ye replied with a smile.

"Then my sister is she..." Kusanagi Orochi hadn't been so complacent for a long time, not only in expression but also in mentality.

"Alive, stay with me!" Ye Ye responded.

"I'm still alive, I'm still alive, I just know!" The stone that had been pressing on Kusanagi Orochi's heart fell. ..

Chapter [-] Student Council President!

Chapter [-] Student Council President!

"Manager, please bring two chocolate cakes!"

A group of boys and girls in the uniforms of the Sorcerer Academy walked into Ye Ye's small shop.

Those who were still in the store couldn't help but distance themselves when they saw the group of people wearing green uniforms. After all, although the reputation of heresy interrogators was not too bad, it was also a great deterrent.

Of course, many also have curious eyes.

After all, the candidates for this group of heretic interrogators are all very young.

"Two chocolate cakes!" Ye Ye shouted to the backstage.

"Received!" A slightly energetic voice came from the background.

"Well? That's it!" There was doubt on the face of the surrounded girl. It seemed that there was a magical breath just now, but it disappeared in a flash, maybe it was her illusion.

"President, what's the matter!" The students of the Magic Academy next to the girl couldn't help asking when they saw the girl's expression.

"Nothing!" The girl shook her head.

"Here Inquisitor!" Ye Ye's gaze stayed on the girl for a second. The magic really existed, but he covered it up in time.

In the backstage kitchen is a witch, Ye Ye has no resistance to those witches with good morals.

When Ye Ye was about to open a shop, Ye Ye met a poor and down-to-earth witch who had good magic power, but even if she was hungry, she was unwilling to use magic power to do evil.

Ye Ye took in this witch.

As it happens, this witch's ability is refined, and it is also useful for making cakes.

It is also because of her magic operation that the efficiency has improved a lot, and it is the current demand that is supplied.

Ye Ye's gaze swept back and forth in the store, and the girl who was made the president had doubts and scrutiny on her face.

To the student council president of the Magic Academy, Ye Ye smiled helplessly.

But fortunately, he blocked the magic breath in time, otherwise he would be discovered.

It's not that Ye Ye didn't set up an enchantment, but the enchantment was wrapped around the store, that is to say, the magic fluctuations in the store could not be sensed from the outside world, but it was different when entering the store.

Ordinary heretical inquisitors wouldn't notice it, but it's really hard to say about the level of the student council president of the Magic Academy.

The cake was ready, and it was handed over to the students of the Magic Academy.

Before leaving, the girl who was the student council president of the Magic Academy took a deep look inside the store.

It seems to be on top of this store.

never mind.

Ye Ye shook his head and didn't care. With him around, it would be impossible for the girl to find any clues.

"Yo, store manager, please bring me a vanilla-flavored cake!" Kusanagi Orochi passed the girl and walked into the store.

It can only be said that people are in good spirits when they are happy, and now the Kusanagi Orochi is no longer so lifeless.

Last night, Ye Ye brought Kusanagi Orochi to meet Kusanagi Mei, although he was already an uncle, but Ming still recognized Kusanagi Orochi.

When the siblings meet again, Kusanagi Orochi's long-term pursuit is also satisfied.

Joining the Fantasy Religion is just to find Ye Ye and Kusanagi life by using the power of changing the Fantasy Religion, but even now that the wish has been fulfilled, Kusanagi Orochi does not want to withdraw from the Fantasy Religion for the time being.

He is still very interested in the plan to kill them for the time being.

"That person just now?" The girl and her teammates were on their way back to Tsushima Magic Academy, but after all, they were the student council president, and they had already noticed the strangeness of Kusanagi Orochi.

Dangerous, inhuman.

"You guys go back first, I still have some personal matters to clear up!" The girl said to her teammates, not giving a chance to refuse, she turned and walked towards Ye Ye's small shop.

The pace is fast, and it looks very eager.

"It's already, isn't it anymore?" But it was still a step slower. When the girl returned to the shop, it was already a step slower, and the Kusanagi Orochi was no longer here.

In the girl's mind, the figure of Kusanagi Orochi combined with a person, imagining the wanted criminal of the sect.

"One step slower!" The girl left with nothing, but she was also interested in Ye Ye's small shop.

Recently, it may not be too peaceful.

First came the arrival of the witch of Mephisto, and then came from a fantasy sect. Is it the evil spirit in this city?

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