When Esther came back, there was already a girl in sakura-colored clothes, whose name was Feng Sakura. You really found a sakura-colored sword elf, and her hair was like a phoenix flame.

But it doesn't matter, since they have already been brought over.

Moreover, the sword elf that Esther found was quite satisfied with Feng Sakura, so he did not ask Esther to bring the sword elf back.

In the evening, Feng Sakura, dressed in a dojo costume, sat cross-legged in the dojo, waiting for Ye Ye to arrive.

The sky gradually became darker and darker, and finally, the sound of footsteps sounded in the dojo.

Feng Sakura immediately got out of her drowsy state and looked in the direction of her footsteps.

I don't know when, the dojo is already lit up, and the brilliance like stars shines down in the dojo.

Unknown creatures like fireflies floated in the air.

"Take it off, it's the last thing, Feng Sakura, have you really made up your mind?" Ye Ye sat down in front of Feng Sakura, and behind him stood Esther and Restia. There is a sword spirit named Firefly.

"I've already made up my mind!" Feng Sakura nodded.

"I will give you the power to clear the witch, and you will become my possessions, understand, my possessions!" Ye Ye deliberately deepened and paused on the 'belongings'.

What Feng Sakura couldn't contain was that she immediately thought of what Ye Ye would do to her as a man. Under the fluorescent light, she could see Feng Sakura's complexion turning red.

However, Feng Sakura also made a decision right away, clutching the clothes of the dojo with her palms and nodding fiercely, "I understand!"

"Yinghuo, come here!" Ye Ye smiled with satisfaction, then snapped his fingers, letting Yinghuo walk between himself and Feng Sakura, facing Feng Sakura.

"She is an elf named Sword Elf, sign a contract with her, you will get power that is not magic but more powerful than magic!" Ye Ye said to Feng Sakura.

"The power I want is my own power, not the power of magic, or the power of something that eats demons!" Feng Sakura was directly angry.

Yinghuo was directly brought into the Demon Devouring Sacred Artifact by her. After all, Loki's Demon Devouring Sacred Artifact was the reference of Restia and Esther, such as the sword of silver pavilion. As Loki's righteous daughter, you can use She has also seen the demon-devouring holy artifact that acts like a human, and naturally she considers the firefly to be the demon-devouring holy artifact.

The perfunctory anger made Feng Sakura almost attack. ..

Chapter [-] Transformation!

Chapter [-] Transformation!

"No, you call this a sword dance, you are just juggling!"

Ye Ye's stern voice echoed in the dojo.

Feng Sakura, dressed in a witch costume, holds a firefly and learns sword dance and unique sword skills under Ye Ye's training.

Of course, the witch costume is just Ye Ye's bad taste.

"I understand!" Feng Sakura wiped her sweat and continued to train under Ye Ye's guidance.

The sweat had completely soaked her clothes, and the sticky feeling made Feng Sakura extremely uncomfortable. Now Feng Sakura really wanted to take a bath, but this idea was suppressed to the lowest point.

This attitude of Feng Sakura is also appreciated by Ye Ye.

Although this is based on the motivation brought by hatred.

"I'll show you my sword dance, take a closer look, what are you missing!"

Ye Ye watched Feng Sakura perform the sword dance again and again, and finally shook his head and said to Feng Sakura.

It's like this over and over again, and Feng Sakura's sword dance gradually has some appearances.

This is also based on the foundation and talent of Feng Sakura. With the contract advanced sword elf as the basis, and his own learning talent, he will soon be an entry on the sword dance.

Shenwei is also growing continuously, and it is not too weak.

At least he is no weaker than himself as a heretic inquisitor.


Ye Ye's wooden sword penetrated the space, and with the airflow, it slammed the phoenix cherry blossoms upside down and flew to the wall, and the clothes became messy, revealing the underwear inside.

Feng Sakura neatly arranged her clothes and picked up Firefly again.

It has been a month, and Feng Sakura has mastered all the sword skills. Of course, just knowing how to use it does not mean how powerful Feng Sakura has already used.

In terms of ultimate sword skills, Feng Sakura still hasn't been able to enter the room, and she hasn't even used the ultimate sword skills in the sword dance naturally.

Elves' battles are both beautiful and dangerous.

In terms of strength, Feng Sakura is already quite good, because it is the descendant of the witch, her body has a good affinity for magic or other powers, and the divine power continues to grow in Feng Sakura's body.

But as a wizard, Feng Sakura is not qualified.

In one month, compared to Feng Sakura a month ago, the divine power in her body has doubled.

"Come again!" Feng Sakura breathed heavily, and took up her posture again. The divine might wrapped around her body to strengthen her body, allowing Feng Sakura's movements to break through the limits of human beings.

The ultimate sword skill was used by Feng Sakura.

There are many flaws, Ye Ye just used the wooden sword to lift the firefly in Feng Sakura's hand, and Feng Sakura flew out again.

Several battles have already made Feng Sakura feel some soreness in her body.

But still unable to fall down, Feng Sakura stood up again, trying to pick up the firefly.


The tattered clothes were torn directly under the activity, and Feng Sakura stayed for a while, because this time not only the clothes were torn, but her breast wrap was also torn.

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