In fact, it doesn't matter to him whether his vision is restored or not, after all, even if his vision is not restored, he can still rely on perception.

Even more convenient and useful than relying on the eyes.

After recovering, for him, he can only see the scenery outside with both eyes.

"Already, can you move?"

Some time after Ye Ye left, the girl next to Orochi Kusanagi regained control over herself, and her eyes were filled with fear for Ye Ye.

As the most powerful artifact in Norse mythology, the Spear of Eternity was imprisoned without any resistance.

In particular, what annoyed Lafmeka was that Kusanagi Orochi watched her imprisoned in place without helping her.

"Okay, Laformeca, let's go too!" Kusanagi Orochi ignored Laformeca's questioning, got up from his seat, and turned to leave under the gaze of the people around him because he was dressed as an ancient samurai.

Laformeca followed and stopped asking the question she asked.

There are some things that Laformeca should not ask or know.

Ye Ye was able to make her unable to move without any resistance, even using her own strength. This was actually done by someone other than Odin, which really terrified Laformeca.

Originally, Kusanagi Orochi was only the temporary holder she chose, but now, Laformeca did not dare to be disrespectful to Kusanagi Orochi.

After all, Kusanagi Orochi called that terrifying guy a big brother.


After saying goodbye to the Kusanagi Orochi, Ye Ye arrived at the Duo Magic Academy as promised.

Loki has been waiting for a long time, and the man in the suit is still next to him, known as the strongest heresy interrogator.

However, seeing Ye Ye now, he has lost his previous attitude and is extremely respectful towards Ye Ye.

With such a change, it is natural that Loki contributed to it.

Loki just revealed some trivial information about Ye Ye, which made him terrified. Ye Ye's horror was more terrifying than he thought.

Then there was this change in attitude.

"Let's go, the little princess of your Kusanagi family has been waiting for a long time!" Loki said, leading Ye Ye towards the ultimate prison in the forbidden area.

In the forbidden area, Loki is surrounded by a barrier, not only that, the most solid and strict prison in this world is also well-deserved.

After all, it is a prison that can keep Kusanagi Shuyu in it.

The power of Kusanagi Shuxi's ghost erupted, but it was terrifying, but this prison was hardened under repeated outbreaks.

However, it is impossible to last for a long time. To be able to maintain it up to now, Loki also relied on Kusanagi's affection for Kusanagi's roar to make Kusanagi's emotions develop in a good direction, so that Kusanagi's riots are maintained within the boundaries. Inside.

This time, Ye Ye's taking Kusanagi Shuyu away could be regarded as a momentary ticking time bomb for taking away the prison.

Even this prison can't be blocked for too long. One day, the power of ghosts will break out and the prison will not be blocked, and even other prisons and mortals will be implicated.

The people imprisoned here are all extremely vicious witches.

The body of Mephistopheles, the leader of the Fantasy Order, whose soul was blown away by Ye Ye, was in this prison.

After walking through a series of doors, we finally reached the final area.

In the final area, Kusanagi Shuyu was locked in a pillar wearing special clothes that suppressed her power, and was tied to her body with chains that also suppressed her power.

Now, falling down in front of a pillow appears to be sleeping.

Although Kusanagi Shuyu is imprisoned in this way, Loki is still doing his best to satisfy Kusanagi Shuyu on top of his life needs, and he is not treated like a mortal at all.

After all, who made Kusanagi Shuyu come from the Kusanagi family, and the Kusanagi family still has a guy like Ye Ye that makes Loki difficult to fear. ..

Chapter [-] Lord Patriarch!

Chapter [-] Lord Patriarch!

"How about you, get out of prison!"

On the street, Ye Ye took Kusanagi Shuxi to look here and there. Kusanagi Shuxi was imprisoned for all these years and was very interested in the changes in the outside world.

want this want that.

Of course, Ye Ye also met Kusanagi Shuyu's request.

Buying and buying along the way also makes Kusanagi Shuxi extremely satisfied.

"Master Patriarch, can you go see your brother now?" Kusanagi Shuxi remembered something important while enjoying the rare relaxation.

"Right now, not yet. Tonight is your brother's theater. It would be bad for you to delay Xiao's work because of you!" Ye Ye said.

His eyes squinted in the same direction, and there was a faint magical aura that only Ye Ye could detect.

There is also the viciousness and that Mephisto's breath. Tonight, the good show is about to start.

Loki also wanted to teach the sword of black pavilion to Kusanagi. Under Loki's calculation, it is estimated that the matter of Kusanagi is indispensable for tonight's events.

However, after he left, the Kusanagi family needed a strong pillar.

This is naturally Kusanagi's asthma.

As for the Kusanagi Orochi, he would definitely not be willing to return to the Kusanagi house.

And now Kusanagi's strength is still too weak, and if he wants to increase his strength quickly, in addition to Ye Ye, there is another way to do this is to use the Devil Devouring Sacred Artifact in July.

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