The reason for his failure was that he underestimated Kusanagi.

Kusanagi Roar, who contracted the Sword of Black Pavilion, was too strong, and even Mephisto was defeated by the combination of Kusanagi Roar and another witch, and now he is nowhere to be seen.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

Tianming Lu Lizhen rushed over without hesitation and fought with Kusanagi.

"Okay, let's stop here!"

At this time, Ye Ye's voice suddenly appeared, and time seemed to be stopped.

Forever with the power of Sumeru.

Time has only passed a moment, but here in Ye Ye, a long time has passed.

Tianming Lulizhen suddenly flew out, his heroic armor also showed cracks, and finally couldn't bear to self-release, showing a painful look on Tianming Lulizhen.

There are some depressions in the chest, and now Tianming Luli is really short of breath, and it feels like he is about to die.

Facing death, Tianming Lu Lizhen's eyes showed panic, and he looked at Kusanagi roaring for help, which made Kusanagi roaring unbearable.

"Sometimes, if you want to be a good person, you have to look at who the other person is, roar!" Ye Ye's figure emerged between Tianming Lu Lizhen and Kusanagi roaring.

"Patriarch, you, why are you here, and, she, hey, her sword!"

Kusanagi roaring was very surprised to see Ye Ye appearing, and then saw the sword of silver pavilion behind Ming's back, and also looked at his sword of black pavilion and was a little overwhelmed.

What, it looks exactly the same.

"It's not an exaggeration to say that your Black Pavilion Sword is the sister sword of the Silver Pavilion Sword. After all, it was manufactured according to the data of the Silver Pavilion Sword!" Ye Ye said, making Kusanagi Roar even more surprised.

"Is that so?" Kusanagi roared a little surprised when he looked at the Sword of Heisei, but he didn't expect that there was still such a fate between the Sword of Heisei and the Sword of Silverside.

"Are you Kusanagi, the junior of the Kusanagi family now? I heard that you seem to be quite talented, so you are worthy of the black sword made with my data and my silver sword!" Kusanagi Life also looked at Kusanagi's roar.

He is also the one who cursed the twins, and like his younger brother Kusanagi Orochi, he has the most outstanding swordsmanship in the history of the Kusanagi family.

It's no wonder that Ye Ye decided that Kusanagi Roaring would become the backbone of the future Kusanagi family.

Contracted the sword of black pavilion, it does have such potential.

"Forgive me, forgive me!"

Tianming Luli really wriggled and prayed at Ye Ye's feet.

"Lord Patriarch, or we'll..." Kusanagi Xiao did not listen to what Ye Ye said before.

"Wow, didn't I say it? The good old man is also a good-looking person, but he wants to snatch the wife I gave you. Can you really bear it?" Ye Ye pointed at Tianming Lu Lizhen and said.

Xiyuan Temple Rabbit was not far away, and when he heard Ye Ye's words, his face turned red.

Internal decision, private decision, Kusanagi's internal decision's wife, Xiyuan Temple Rabbit experienced the greatest fear in his life today, and also ushered in the most surprising thing in his life.

"Ah, what are you talking about, Patriarch, you are in free love now, and it's the little rabbit who decides who you want to marry, and Patriarch, you can't make such a decision on your own!" Kusanagi's face turned red and hurriedly retorted. , and then still glanced at the Xiyuan Temple Rabbit.

Although I didn't look at Xiyuanji Rabbit's expression carefully, I felt relieved when I saw Xiyuanji Rabbit's dazed expression, as if he didn't hear it.

As everyone knows, this is Xiyuan Temple Rabbit who is overwhelmed by surprise when he hears those words.

"Wow, take your classmates from Xiyuan Temple back first, and leave the rest to me!" Ye Ye said.

Kusanagi Xiao glanced at Tianming Lu Lizhen, who looked for help, and just wanted to plead again, but seeing Ye Ye's bland but intimidating appearance, he couldn't help swallowing the words he was about to say.

Indeed, it is impossible to say that there is no disgust for Tianming Luli. After all, Tianming Luli is really the culprit, and the damage to the Magic Academy is also caused by him.

Seeing Kusanagi roaring away with the Xiyuan Temple Rabbit, Tianming Luli was really desperate, and then the original form was revealed, and the original character was revealed.

"Shut your mouth and see what this is!"

Seeing that Tianming Luli really wanted the world to be destroyed, Ye Ye stepped on Tianming Luli's face and took out a soul.

The shadow of an illusory woman struggled in Ye Ye's hands.

But it seems so powerless.

Although the face of the illusory woman is very thin, the familiar Tianming Luli really can see that this is the soul of Mephistopheles.

"Speaking of which, Mephistopheles is really killing herself. Last time I let her go, but this time I bumped into the muzzle of my gun. Well, this time there is no way."

Ye Ye said that he crushed Mephistopheles' soul in front of Tianming Lulizhen.

Mephistopheles in the emergency area of ​​the prison also suddenly lost his voice after Ye Ye crushed his soul, and died as his soul dissipated. ..

Chapter [-] Take away the truth of the second order hall!

Chapter [-] Take away the truth of the second order hall!

Seeing Mephisto's soul shattering in Ye Ye's hands, the hideous expression on Tianming Lu Lizhen's face finally turned into a look of fear again.

Ye Ye, who has the power to play with his soul, will torture his soul.

In the face of death, at least Tianming Lu Lizhen still couldn't be calm, and even feared, especially now that he knew that he could not resist the imminent death, the fear added a little more fear.

"Ming, let's do it!" Ye Ye shook his head and said to Kusanagi, after all, Tianming Lu Lizhen was just a chess piece.

Not only Mephistopheles, but also he is just a pawn.

A fierce pawn.

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