Ye Ye here has become a restricted area. As long as they are A-rank knife cutters, they have been warned by the Knights Union not to make trouble here in Ye Ye.

If Xijing Ningyin wanted to rest, Ye Ye's place was indeed the best choice, and it just so happened that Ye Ye's secretary was still her sister.

However, Ye Ye didn't lose anything in the end.

Xijing Ningyin is now a well-known player in the KOK League. She is ranked in the world. With her participation, it will definitely boost the enrollment of Pojun Academy.

Fair trade, no one suffers.

"You really are doing your due diligence!" Ye Ye's eyes fell out of the window. Those people were still monitoring the place, but all they saw was Ye Ye correcting documents in the chairman's room.

It's all too easy to get them into the environment.

"The strength is not bad, it's enough for an episode!" Ye Ye nodded, and he had already obtained the strength of the person who was monitoring here. But if these surveillance people were certified by the Alliance, they would undoubtedly be Class A slashers.

It was nine o'clock, and the ceremony was about to begin.

Most of the people have already come to Po Military Academy.

For example, the current minister of Dongying, and the chairman of other colleges and so on.

There are also people from the International Magic Knights Alliance, the head of the branch Hei Tieyan, in short, it can be said that they have gathered the most distinguished people in Dongying.

"This is the new chairman of the Po Military Academy, right? The cabinet minister in Xiadongying, meeting for the first time!"

Ye Ye came to the gym, and a middle-aged man with some bodyguards greeted him and stretched out his hand with a standardized smile.

Ye Ye glanced at him, but ignored his outstretched hand.

"Cabinet minister?" Ye Ye's most annoying thing is dealing with these political people, so he simply ignores them.

"It's so arrogant..." The cabinet minister was embarrassed in place, looking at Ye Ye's leaving figure and retracting his hand.

The bodyguard beside him couldn't help saying.

"He naturally has his arrogant capital, Valkyrie's master, and his strength is not just as simple as killing five A-level slashers, the world's top powerhouse undoubtedly has his place , such a strong man is enough to change anything!" The cabinet minister is also not angry, without a bit of self-cultivation, how could it be possible to take this position.

Among the A-level slashers, there are not a few who have the power to destroy the country. Those are the top powerhouses in the world. Ye Ye is undoubtedly the top powerhouse. No matter what, the cabinet ministers will not take risks. Go to offend Ye Page's.

"However, compared to me, the Hei Tie family is going to be in trouble!" The cabinet minister looked in the direction of Hei Tieyan and smiled.

He was very happy to see the black iron clan suffer.

The influence of the Hei Tie clan in Dongying is still much greater than his. Therefore, the relationship between these national personnel and the Hei Tie clan is extremely ambiguous.

He is willing to see that the Black Iron family can suffer.

Ye Ye walked all the way to the podium.

The deans of other academies along the road greeted Ye Ye, and Ye Ye just gave a symbolic response.

Ye Ye's first impression of them was that they were arrogant.

However, Ye Ye had arrogant capital.

Bibi Yidweisi has been vaguely named the world's number one swordsman.

The strength is naturally just like her record.

As Edwise's master, what kind of terrifying strength should Ye Ye possess?

They don't know, and they won't try it. ..

Chapter [-] Add to the fun!

Chapter [-] Add to the fun!

"Master Yan, the group of people outside are already ready. We should not get too close to the rostrum, otherwise, if they have any malicious intentions, you will also be accidentally injured!"

Hei Tieyan was not far from the rostrum, and the crowd looked at Ye Ye with coldness in his eyes.

The people around Hei Tieyan whispered to Hei Tieyan, not too far from the rostrum, the bodyguard who had died had Hei Tieyan demarcated an area.

They are all Hei Tieyan's subordinates, and they are all powerful knife cutters. This time, they became Hei Tieyan's bodyguards to protect Hei Tieyan's personal safety.

"Okay!" Hei Tieyan nodded and sat down in the pre-marked area.

This place has a good view of the podium, and it is relatively remote. If something happens, you can respond quickly.

Looking around, Hei Tieyan couldn't help frowning, this time it wasn't a simple task, he just hoped that they could abide by the agreement and kill Ye Ye alone, not implicate many people present.

Otherwise, he will also be affected by some.

This time, he deliberately mobilized the slashers to maintain order to prevent such a thing from happening.

Many people thought that he mobilized so many slashers to maintain order in order to reconcile with Ye Ye, but this was not the case.

Except for Ye Ye, no one found out that in a space in this gymnasium, there was a certain cutter who was hiding.

This is the trump card that those people want to use to assassinate me.

Ye Ye also acted as if he hadn't discovered it, and held a succession ceremony.

The ceremony went very smoothly.

After all, Ye Ye's strength is not to say, he is not picky, and he can even make the International Magic Knights Alliance turn Pojun Academy into his private academy. This does not mean that even the Knights Alliance wants to please Ye Ye.

Therefore, in this succession, they did not make trouble or ridicule, and quietly carried out the succession ceremony.

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