There's movement in the tree!

The moment after sensing this, Shizuku Black Iron Bead looked up at the tree, and at this moment, the water vapor also turned into thumb-sized water bombs and rushed over.

ps: There is still an update in the evening. ..

Chapter [-] How about I come to be your master!

Chapter [-] How about I come to be your master!

The penetrating power of thumb-sized water bullets is stronger than bullets.

Under the protection of the water vapor, the black iron bead Shizuku was not idle, and the short blade also stabbed towards Ye Ye.

However, this is just a fantasy.

Ye Ye smiled and suddenly moved a step to the left, but the black iron pearl Shizuku suddenly rushed over from where Ye Ye stood just now.

Using water vapor to create illusions for himself, Kurotsuzhu Shizuku's fighting thinking is also extremely good.

"What!" Kuro Tiezhu Shizuku was surprised, and then had the idea of ​​retreating. She could deal with her own attack so easily. This strength is definitely not something she can compete with.

The elders of the Hei Tie family had to be alerted.

Black Iron Bead Shizuku analyzed it very calmly, the magic power spread out from the Black Iron Bead Shizuku, the water vapor slowly vibrated, and the vibration of the air made a sharp sound.

This magical manipulation is admirable.

"You have an extraordinary talent. As expected of Ikki's younger sister, she also has her own talent!" Ye Ye opened his mouth with admiration for the Black Iron Pearl Shizuku.

"Brother?" Hei Tiezhu Shizuku looked at Ye Ye, with doubts, and even involved his elder brother, Ikki Kuro Tie.

"Who are you!" Hei Tiezhu Shizuku asked with a frown.

Saying that, the breath was lowered, and the water flow was manipulated to condense a lot of water droplets floating in the air, alerting.

"You know, if Ikki is willing, he can easily defeat you. Even the three Heitie disciples are not a threat!" Ye Ye said.

"Those three Hei Tie clan disciples? Could it be that they are because of you..." Hei Tie Zhu Shizuku asked in surprise.

"After all, your apprentice has been bullied like this. As a master, why do you want to avenge your apprentice!" Ye Ye responded with a smile.

"My brother's master? Could it be that when my brother disappeared? No wonder my body became strange after my brother came back. Some wounds healed completely within a day, which is totally exaggerated!" Heo Tiezhu Shizuku thought to himself All, looking at Ye Ye, "Brother became like this because of you."

"Yeah, I gave Ikki a good workout. Now Ikki can be said to be a human-shaped beast!" Ye Ye patiently explained to Hei Tie Zhu Shizuku.

"With such strength, why, why do you have to endure it..." Hei Tiezhu Shizuku's thoughts were disordered, and he couldn't care about Ye Ye, so he started thinking wildly.

"Because Hei Tie Ikki wants to break through, he wants to break through all the restraints imposed on him, but he still feels that he has many flaws!" Ye Ye said.

"But, but..." Hei Tiezhu Shizuku murmured, "Brother, he..."

Kurotie Zhu Shizuku was very distressed, and at the same time completely lost confidence in the Kurotie clan.

The Hei Tie clan has already given up on his elder brother, and his elder brother has also given up on the Hei Tie clan.

My brother has already worked hard for this, and she can't hold back her brother.

"The rivalry between Ikki Kurotsu and the Kurotsu clan is a matter of time. Kurotsuyan won't helplessly watch Ikki, who has no magic talent, climb to the top of the system. What about you, Kurotsuzhu Shizuku, What's your choice!" Ye Ye looked at the black iron beads Shizuku.

Hei Tiezhu Shizuku did not hesitate. Hearing Ye Ye's question, his eyes became firm.

"I will follow my brother, even if the world betrays my brother, I will still be by my brother's side!" Hei Tiezhu Shizuku clenched his palm.

"You said that you are my brother's master, so you can make me stronger!" Hei Tiezhu Shizuku said to Ye Ye.

"Why, do you really believe what I said? Aren't you afraid that I lied to you?" Ye Ye asked.

"I believe what you said is true, I have nothing to deceive you!" Kuro Tiezhu Shizuku replied, "If you were plotting against me with your strength, you wouldn't talk nonsense to me now!"

Kurotsuzhu Shizuku shook his head.

Ye Ye's strength was completely beyond her imagination. Her actions just now did not cause any trouble among the Hei Tie clan. Through the manipulation of water vapor, Hei Tie Zhu Shizuku felt that the surrounding area seemed to be closed.

She is already a bird in a cage.

"Very well, then, tomorrow afternoon, you head towards the east of the Hei Tie clan, and keep walking until you reach a wooden hut, where I will train you!" Ye Ye nodded at Hei Tie Zhu Shizuku, the hut, This is where Ikki Kurotetsu was trained.

"That place, but the place where Ikki was trained back then, is perfect for training you!" Ye Ye said with a smile.

"A place to train my brother?" Kurotsuzhu Shizuku was taken aback, she never thought that the time when Kurotie Ikki disappeared was actually around the Kurotsu clan.

After Ye Ye finished speaking, he became distorted from the sight of Kuro Tiezhu Shizuku, and then disappeared.

Judging from the feedback information of the water vapor manipulated with magic power, the surrounding blockade has also disappeared.

Ye Ye looked like he had indeed left.

The cabin does exist, but Ye Ye hid it from Ikki Kuro Tetsu's vision in order to make it a little more mysterious.

Tomorrow's training for Kuro Tie Zhu Shizuku, Ye Ye also has to prepare, how to make Kuro Tie Zhu Shizuku let Kuro Tie Ikki go further on the road of orthopedics.

In addition to training the strength of the black iron beads Shizuku, this is also a special additional tutorial.

Of course, Ye Ye will potentially influence Kuro Tie Zhu Shizuku and let Kuro Tie Ikki go further on the road of orthopedics.

Extreme things can be counterproductive. If you do this kind of thing directly, it is estimated that it will have the opposite effect.


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