The village chief left, Ye Ye took a sip of the tea the witch had prepared for him, and then looked at the barrier again.

This time, not only the dragon, the phoenix ming, and the roar of the beast all appeared.

The villagers also raised their heads and looked at the sky suspiciously.

It was the first time that these voices appeared together.

Ye Ye didn't tell them either.

It turned out that all the guardian holy beasts in this barrier could be forced out. It seems that the jealous witch came in person.

I just talked to the village chief about the so-called witch of jealousy. I didn't expect this to be here. It really means that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here.

But that's alright, it's time to meet the jealous witch.

Since he is called a god by the ghost clan, then he should fight the jealous witch as a god.

Valkyrie Ye Ye reappears!

The Sha weapon also appeared in Ye Ye's hands after a long time. In the world of Yedou, it was used as the companion artifact of the strongest Martial God himself.

It seems that he hasn't summoned the brake for a while.

This time, the shackles were summoned, and the shackles were also trembling and screaming, expressing their dissatisfaction.

"Okay, don't make trouble!" Ye Ye flicked the brake lightly and said softly, and the brake stopped very obediently.

Outside the barrier, the White Whale of Mist has a person standing on it, silver hair, pointed ears, a half-elf, and his body exudes extremely desperate and mottled negative attributes.

As if she was a negative combination of the world.

This is the strongest witch who is ravaging the outside world, and it is also called the most terrifying witch in history, the witch of jealousy.

The Witch of Jealousy has been paying attention to the gathering place of the ghost clan for a long time.

With such a powerful enchantment protection, it is known as the protection of gods. If there are gods here, the envy witch would like to ask why she was abandoned by the world, and why she can't feel any beauty in the world. .

This is so unfair to her.

What is the use of such a god.

She just wanted to slaughter the god, the god who didn't care for her.

This powerful barrier is not something that people can set up, at least even she, the jealous witch, who is called the strongest and worst, can't set it up.

If this kind of barrier is really arranged, maybe it is really only the gods that the ghost clan said.

Not only the White Whale of the Mist, but the three major monsters were summoned. Each of them can cause chaos in the world, and all three can devour the world together.

Especially under the leadership of the jealous witch, the pressure doubled, and the enchantment directly exerted its strongest power. All the guardian holy beasts appeared, and the phantoms staring at the five holy beasts appeared in the air.

However, after all, it only used the power of the earth in one area, so the power of the holy beast is extremely limited.

The envy witch also saw this, so she directly led the three big beasts.

The long silver hair fluttered in the wind, and the beautiful face revealed the negativity that could make people fall into the abyss.

The envy witch, looked up at the five holy beasts, and smiled.

ps: When the White Whale of Mist is typed out, the input method shows the White Whale of Mist Branch, mdzz, this input method pill! ..

Chapter [-] Why Abandon Me!

Chapter [-] Why Abandon Me!

The jealous witch Satila has deep resentment towards this world, just like her nickname, the jealous witch, Satila is full of jealousy for everything in this world.

Why can you get love and I can only be alone.

Why can you be blessed by God, have a complete family, and enjoy everything, but I can only live by bearing the opposite of everything you enjoy.

She is jealous of everything and wants to destroy everything that makes her jealous.

For this reason, the jealous witch Satila has summoned the three great monsters that can devour the world.

It is also for this reason that Satila has an extremely strong attachment to the so-called god-sama.

god?Does it really exist?

Although Satila herself denied the existence of the gods, she still came over after hearing the news of the gods served by the ghost clan.

For hundreds of years, the enchantment has been attacked by many adventure groups and some kingdoms, but today it finally encountered the biggest crisis.

If Ye Ye hadn't returned, the barrier would have been broken.

The fate of the ghost clan is naturally conceivable. Satila is a dangerous person who doesn't care about human life. For Satila, slaughtering the entire ghost clan is just as casual as walking.

"Are you, Lord God?" Satila looked at Ye Ye who appeared in the air, and said, it's just an ordinary sentence, without any emotion, but just hearing it, you can feel what Satila is saying. represents everything negative.

Ordinary people can't help themselves just by hearing it.

"You can say yes or no, you can call me the god of war!" Ye Ye replied.

Looking at Satila, Ye Ye was not affected by the negative influence that Satila carried.

"In other words, you are a god?" The jealous witch, Satila, burst out with terrifying magic power.

The magic power is permeating, like the breath of the abyss. Just relying on the magic power, Satila can slaughter a city.

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