Through the moonlight, Ye Ye also saw that, attacking himself, possessing the power to destroy the world in this world... a kitten that has been flying in the air?

"What, it turned out to be such a cute thing, what you just said was what I wanted to ask!" ..

Chapter [-] The head of the fire element!

Chapter [-] The head of the fire element!

"I like it, what can you do!" Perhaps the elf with the appearance of a kitten shouted in an angry tone, still arrogant and arrogant. attacked.

This time it was still ice.

Not just one, but hundreds.

But the result is the same, all the ice is shattered by Ye Ye's side and becomes the most primitive magic, although for the fire element and the ice derived from the fire element, it can be said to be absolute in this world. The ability to control, but if Ye Ye wanted to, he could easily grab the control.

Because I am stronger than it is.

"It seems that you are not an ordinary elf in the elemental elves. Let me guess, you are the head of the elemental elves. When I entered this world, one of the six great elves who wanted to block me!" Ye Page said, also recalled.

When he entered this world, he was attacked by the guardian elves of this world. Of course, Ye Ye taught him a lesson.

Now, take a closer look, Ye Ye is the one who has confirmed the identity of the cat-like elf in front of him.

The elves are actually a general term, which includes two branches: subhuman elves and element elves, and the six big elves belong to the element elves.

Moreover, it is the leader of the six attributes of all the elemental elves, each of which has the power to destroy the world, but is inferior to the envy witch.

For example, the leader of the fire element in front of Ye Ye, if he wishes, he can freeze the world.

"It's you, you stowaway, it's useless to talk about it. Since I found you, then I can't let you stay in this world any longer!" The cat's face also showed a stunned expression, and then it became Dangerous.

The appearance of the cat is just the change it made to contact Emilia, and its body is a giant golden beast.

"What, do you want to fight here?"

Ye Ye's words immediately let the anger accumulated to the max, and the big elf that had begun to transform into a cat returned to the normal cat like a deflated balloon.

"Despicable guy, do you dare not take Emilia as a threat and fight me like a man, Parker, the leader of the fire element, the final beast of the eternal frozen ground!" Parker was angry with the appearance of a cat. It doesn't look like she's angry at all, but instead, she's acting like a spoiled child, and she's a little cute.

"Am I threatening you with Emilia? Did you forget the pain of kicking your ass when I came to this world!" Ye Ye said, Parker also stiffened in the air, this It was only when he recalled how he looked when he stopped Ye Ye.

After all, it has been two hundred years. It wasn't Ye Ye who mentioned it, but Parker forgot about Ye Ye.

I, at first, seemed to be really kicked, and then the pain subsided for several years.

In retrospect, Parker's face couldn't help but turn red.

Can't beat it...

"Would you like me to help you remember it again!" Ye Ye snapped his fingers, and Parker shouted in surprise as he felt the magic power leave it, and then it was picked up by Ye Ye.

It's like catching a kitten.

"How dare you insult me, insult my dignified final beast of permafrost!" Parker felt weak for a while, and the magic in his body did not belong to him, which made Parker's dignified final beast even more vulnerable than ordinary cats. .

Waving his paws, Parker struggled, but the slaps on Ye Ye's hands were so weak, as if he was massaging Ye Ye.

"How is it possible that you can actually surpass my control of the fire element magic, what is your origin, what do you want to do in this world, even if I pay the price, I won't let you love Ami? Liya did it!" Parker stopped struggling and was carried by Ye Ye in front of him, yelling angrily and making a fuss.

In the end, it was Emilia in the end.

Ye Ye is interested, why is Parker so obsessed with Emilia, let's say it's love, the elf is asexual, is it possible that it is the same as him, is it because of Emilia's talent on the ice?

"The head of the fire element, the first of the six major elements, if you talk about it like this, you will lose the face of your elemental elves!" Ye Ye shook Parker, causing Parker to glared at him again.

"What lolicon, do you think I'll be the same as you? Emilia is a rare ice-attribute genius, but my best contractor, how could I let you harm Emilia! ' said Parker.

He probably didn't want to be considered to have the attributes of Lolicon, and he also fully revealed his purpose of approaching Emilia.

"Okay, now that I've told you, you should tell me, why did you approach Emilia!" Parker asked.

It looks like I won't finish with you if you don't tell me.

It must have forgotten its own situation. Now it is Ye Ye's captive.

"You are my captive now, what qualifications do you have to make conditions with me!" Ye Ye said, swaying Parker again.

"You shake me again and I'm angry!"

"and then?"


Seeing the discouraged Parker, Ye Ye smiled and let go.

At the same time, it also loosened the control of magic power.

"You bastard!" After regaining his magic power, the first thing Parker did was to use his magic power to summon flames under the urge of anger.

However, Parker, who was robbed of his magic power by Ye Ye, should be aware of it. Even if it is fire, the end will be the same as using ice.

"If I find out what you want to do to Emilia, I won't let you go!" The flame was ineffective, and Parker also let go of this cruel sentence, afraid of being imprisoned by Ye Ye again, and left directly.

ps: The fifth shift is completed, please subscribe and reward! ..

Chapter [-] Gives you the protection of time!

Chapter [-] Gives you the protection of time!

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