And Wilhelm couldn't help but look gloomy when he saw that Reinhardt had to ask Ye Ye about this kind of thing.

Ye Ye played more roles in Reinhardt than he imagined, which was not a very good thing in his opinion.

For the time being, Ye Ye and Reinhardt stayed in the Sword Saint Family.

Wilhelm also went to consult with other members of the Sword Saint Family.

It didn't take long to come back.

"Although I don't know what to call Mr., but I, Wilhelm, challenged Mr. with the title of Sword Demon. We want to know the strength of Mr. so that we can know whether we can protect Reinhardt!" Wilhelm complained in his heart. , the name has also become formal.

Feeling the dangerous aura from Ye Ye let him know that he might not be Ye Ye's opponent.

But the group of idiots in the family don't know.

After all, he is just an outsider, even if his wife is the swordsman of the previous generation, and his grandson is the swordsman of this generation.

But his right to speak in the Juggernaut family is still too low.

For the family of the person he loves, he can only endure it.

In order to avenge the previous generation of Juggernaut and his wife, the strength of the Juggernaut family is indispensable.

Now, he can only bite the bullet.

"You don't need a master, I'll come!" Reinhardt took the lead and stood up one step. "I'm here to fight with you, Grandpa, and let you know my progress in this period of time. I'm no longer a helpless child. I How strong is enough to protect yourself!"

Reinhardt's luck was very good. Before Ye Ye came, among the ruins he had broken through, he found and obtained a set of blessings by luck.

The first, the first sight, and the second come, these three blessings.

Preemption can prevent Reinhardt from taking a surprise attack, and Reinhardt's first attack will definitely hit.

The first sight can make the opponent's first attack miss, and the second attack is to make the opponent's attack after the second attack miss.

Relying on these three protections plus the protection of the heavens on his body, and his slightly immature swordsmanship, which is also a master of the house, Reinhardt can defeat those ordinary adult knights.

"One move will determine the outcome!" Ye Ye shook his head and patted Reinhardt. Even if Reinhardt had all kinds of protection, there was still a gap between him and the sword ghost Wilhelm. It is possible to rely on protection and not be easily defeated, but with limited physical strength, you will eventually lose.

Moreover, let blood relatives fight, this is nothing.

Ye Ye hadn't been able to take out the shackle for a long time, so this time it's better to let it out.

"Okay!" Wilhelm raised his energy to the highest level, and the magic in the air was turbulent with his breathing.

Although it is different from the direct use of magic power by magicians, knights can also use them, and powerful knights can even use the magic power of an area.

For example, the previous generation of Juggernauts, when they were doing their best, around her, those who were stronger than her were unable to use the magic power in the air, because the magic power was mobilized by her, like a king, they were not able to control it too strongly. Quan, just like when Ye Ye treated Parker.

The appearance of the shackles made Wilhelm and Reinhardt feel cold all over their bodies, with a strong blood shattering aura, so rich that there was no end in sight.

"How many people did you kill to have such a weapon!" Wilhelm's chest heaved and he used his breath to calm down his mood.

"Are you talking about the Sha weapon? His appearance was accompanied by the annihilation of a race. The entire race sacrificed blood when it was exterminated, and then I used it to kill all the invaders!" Ye Ye said lightly said.

"A race..."

Wilhelm started directly, because he was afraid that if he continued like this, he would be deterred and lose his sharp heart, and his perfect state of energy would be broken like a balloon. It was a direct defeat.

The magic power in the air is condensed on the sword, the sword is swung, the air waves roll, the momentum is magnificent, and the attack is also shocking.

However, in the next second, Ye Ye just slashed gently in the air, all the magic power was instantly defeated, and the magic power in the air was indifferent to Wilhelm's call.

He is defeated!

This time...

Wilhelm didn't know what to say, the gap in strength was too great, and now those people in the family were checking Ye Ye's identity, no matter what the result was, they couldn't stop Reinhardt from leaving.

Even if there is a problem with Ye Ye's identity, but Reinhardt will follow and leave, who can resist Ye Ye.

Even if it was the previous generation of Juggernaut, Wilhelm was definitely not Ye Ye's opponent. He knew very well that even the previous generation of Juggernaut could not completely restrict his magic power like Ye Ye.

This is an existence that surpasses the Juggernaut, perhaps reaching the hero level.


"Sure enough, as I thought, that fellow Sword Demon did something on the Sword Saint's body so that the Sword Saint's body wouldn't rot!"

In the cemetery of the Juggernaut family at night, a shadowy figure appeared. Looking at the cemetery belonging to the previous generation of Juggernaut, his eyes penetrated the ground and saw the body of the Juggernaut.

Then he sneered.

Although the previous juggernaut lying in the coffin did not have the protection of the juggernaut, and his strength was greatly reduced, it was still possible to use it for fun to disturb the juggernaut family. ..

Chapter [-] Invisible Cracks!

Chapter [-] Invisible Cracks!

In the tomb, the previous generation Juggernaut opened her eyes, her eyes were dull like a machine, she was just a manipulated doll now, and the magic in the air seemed to feel something, causing some fluctuations.

Even without the protection of the Juggernaut, she is still a generation of Juggernaut after all. Even if she dies, her body's instinct still allows her to command the magic around her.

"It really deserves to be the last generation of Sword Saint. Even if he is dead, he can still mobilize the magic power of this scale. It seems that the joy of being able to give the Sword Saint family will not be small!" Zhong stood up, holding a long sword with the sword ghost's name inscribed in his hand.

It was her own sword that Wilhelm had sealed when she was buried.

The fluctuation of magic power is particularly obvious in Wilhelm, or Ye Ye and Reinhardt. Wilhelm is also leaving immediately, and so is Reinhardt.

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