Ram and Rem on the side also took the stretcher and walked towards the ward of the hospital.

As he walked, he still used magic to stabilize his spirit.

Originally, he only brought him here because he couldn't bear to see his fellow clan die like this. After Ye Ye took over, these demi-humans also left.

It's a matter of righteousness to be able to do this, they.

"The knife wound, there are chains on his feet, he must be a slave who escaped, it's really distressing!" Ye Ye saw the heavy marks on his ankles.

"Rem, you and Ram are going to prepare the medicinal materials, I will stabilize his injury first!"

Ye Ye said as he ripped off the tattered clothes on Cat Niang's body, and the black wound on the back was extremely frightening, as if he could vaguely see the bones.

"Huh? No, what, man..."

Ye Ye felt as if his head had been hit with a hammer, and his expression was dull.

Well, it turned out to be a fake girl.

No wonder there are no boobs.

No wonder he was caught and used as a slave.

After all, there are not a few nobles who are good at this.

"Cure the disease first, cure the disease first!" Ye Ye shook his head, showing a helpless expression, since they are all men, there is nothing to be afraid of. If it is a girl, he still has to find a way to deal with waking up. He came here.

Ram and Rem brought the medicine over according to Ye Ye's request. Due to the appearance of the wound, Ye Ye didn't let Ram and Rem come in either.

After knowing that the little guy in the eyes of the injury is actually a blue child, Ram and Rem can't be allowed in.

The ability to manufacture all medicines is activated in Ye Ye's hands, and all medicinal materials change rapidly in Ye Ye's hands.

ps: Addicted to male sex all day long.jpg! ..

Chapter [-] Want to learn magic!

Chapter [-] Want to learn magic!

Ye Ye is a medical idiot, but it is only limited to the application. In Ye Ye's mind, he has stored medical skills that he doesn't know about several worlds, but after obtaining the ability of Bayi Yonglin, it is wasted, and now it is only necessary The right medicine is good, simple and fast, and the effect is fast.

In terms of the degree of medical treatment, Ye Ye deserved to be a genius doctor, but as a doctor, Ye Ye was still completely unqualified.

Ye Ye's current position is the last such embarrassment.

The ointment was smeared directly and roughly on the wound of the pseudo catgirl, and suddenly the breath like sulfuric acid rose up with the white mist, and the flesh around the wound that had already deteriorated melted in a visible way to the naked eye. When completely ablated, it is wiped out by the leaf pages at once.

Even if he is in a coma, this severe pain still makes the little guy have some reactions, his body is shaking subconsciously, if he still has some strength, it is probably not just shaking but struggling.

Ye Ye could see that the little guy had gone through a lot of unsteady exercise, coupled with the infection caused by the wound, he could still breathe because of the magic power that filled his body.

However, this magic power wouldn't save him much time. If he hadn't delivered it to Ye Ye, he would have died in Jiuquan within ten minutes.

After all the rotten flesh was eliminated, it revealed a pale and feeble color. Not only was he detached, but he was also suffering from ischemia.

Another kind of ointment was evenly applied by Ye Ye, and the medicine made with the ability of Bayi Yonglin was naturally not an ordinary medicine.

This little guy's life was saved.


"Felix-sauce, bring the hot water over here!" Ram's voice resounded in the hospital.

"Okay!" Felix, who was listless, immediately lifted his spirits. After a few steps, he picked up the wooden tub that did not match his figure and came to the ward where Ram's voice appeared.

He was the fake cat girl Ye Ye saved.

Ye Ye was in the middle of the room bandaging the poor guy whose leg was bitten off by a demon beast.

"Felix, use magic to stop the bleeding!" Ye Ye had just come over, and frowned when he saw the blood that was still oozing out, but he was too lazy to deal with this kind of bleeding.

Fortunately, there is another Felix beside him.

Everyone, whether they are demi-humans or others, has a talent for magic, and Felix is ​​no exception. He can see Felix's talent when he is caught by his own magic.

Ye Ye also looked a little weird when he tested Felix's magical properties.

water properties.

Felix's pseudo-mother is also because of her own too large water attribute magic power.

This is no wonder, after all, the water attribute magic itself has the effect of beauty, and this attribute is also rare in men. Of course, there are also some, but some of them are affected.

Felix was greatly affected.

Although he realizes that he is a blue child, his behavior and tone are biased towards girls.

The magic of the water attribute is still very satisfying to Felix, after all, most of the magic of this attribute is in the direction of healing.

Ye Ye also taught Felix the healing magic.

Then, things like traumatic hemorrhage were taught to Felix to deal with.

In a word, Ye Ye is too lazy. Compared with direct drug administration, this kind of hemostasis is really not to Ye Ye's appetite.

Ye Ye had also stopped the bleeding before, but now that he has Felix by his side, this job is decisively pushed to Felix.

"Okay sir!" Felix already knew how to make perfect, a water-blue brilliance emerged from his hand, and then there was some change in the wound, a thin layer of blood scab.

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