Last time, Fubuki only wanted to break in when the door was opened, but was scared away in the end.

This time, it turned out that the door was directly smashed and broke in.


"You have no idea what you are challenging!" A muscular man walked out from the crowd, with a neon-like light film on his body, a bit like telekinesis.

"It's a bit like my sister's power." Fubuki looked ugly.

"Crush him!" Ye Ye simply gave this order.

Ram's figure appeared directly beside the muscular man, his palm directly shattered the light film on his body, and then acted on the muscular man with unparalleled strength.

The overwhelming force usually made the muscular man fly upside down, crushing a few scientific researchers.

At this time, the entire space was filled with red, and the alarm sounded.

The researchers who were still watching the excitement before dispersed in a rush.

"Do you know where your sister is?" Ye Ye asked towards Fuxue.

"This..." Fubuki was a little embarrassed.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. Anyway, we want to uproot this organization, so we can just overturn the sky and look for it." Ye Ye also shrugged, and continued to let Ram and Rem use their own ghost power to defeat the enemy blocking the way. .

As for the weirdo that Fubuki mentioned, I had already seen two of them, but they were both killed by Ram and Rem in one blow.

Fukiyuki still underestimated the strength of Sister Ram and Ye Ye.

Sure enough, there is no vacuous person under the reputation, and Ye Ye's reputation is resounding in this circle, and his strength is beyond her imagination.

My previous guess was that there were some people watching the sky from the bottom of the well.

However, the words of such power!

Excitement and fiery appeared in Fubuki's eyes.

He must be able to save his sister.

It really doesn't require any prior planning, it's just a simple and rude attack. ..

Chapter [-] Take the tornado away!

Chapter [-] Take the tornado away!

"Damn, what happened, the guards, the weirdos, and the superpowers, what are they doing? Are we organizing and raising them for dry food?" The person in charge of the base roared in the red alarm.

The constant vibrations made him very clearly know that the base he managed was being demolished.

Thinking that the day before yesterday, he had also demolished the base of a provocative small organization, and the retribution came too quickly. Today is his turn.

But what made him even more angry was the negligence of his own defense.

"Well? Is the signal stable?" Suddenly, the display screen, which was originally a snowflake, showed the appearance of most of the base's channels.

However, about one-third of the screen is directly blacked out.

The head of the organization is bleeding.

In other words, about one-third of the place has already been destroyed. Even if the invaders are defeated, it will cost billions of dollars to restore the facilities.

This is just the construction cost.

Coupled with the destroyed equipment, the person in charge has a groggy head, oh my god, this Nima is about to explode.

Money, it's all money.

With the addition of recovery instruments, billions of dollars are gone.

To kill this intruder, we must kill him.

Picking up his terminal, his fingers tremblingly clicked on an interface. The scarlet button in the interface had a skull pattern on it. This was the interface for controlling the cell of a super weirdo in the base.

This weirdo is too strong and difficult to control. Although his performance is still well-behaved, he is frighteningly strong, so he was frozen and shut down.

As he pressed the button, deep in the base, the gears on a cell rumbled, and a steel cell rose like a lift.

The steel cell gradually turned fiery red, abruptly, and the burning claws broke through the steel cage.

"Go, kill the intruder for me!" The person in charge of the base gave the weirdo an order with a terminal device in an extremely hoarse voice.

"Understood." The eccentric who looked like a half-dragon man grinned and said to the specially manufactured collar on his neck that controlled himself, and then put his palm on the collar: "I will kill the intruder, and then I will The owner of this base!"

The scales on the arms swelled up to the naked eye, but they were pushed up by the muscles under the scales. The collar, which was as strong as a diamond, gradually softened under the flames, and then was torn off at once.

He couldn't stand the way the organization treated him.

"Is it an intruder? It can be used as a side dish." The half-dragon-like geek stepped on the flames, and began to move forward in pursuit of the frequency in his field of vision.

The collar-like thing was connected to his brain. When talking to the head of the base, the head of the base had already transmitted the frequencies of Ye Ye's four to the half-dragon geek.


"What's the matter? Why has this base suddenly become hot." Fubuki wiped the sweat from his forehead and frowned, already feeling a little sticky on his body.

This made Fubuki very uncomfortable.

Glancing at Ye Ye and Remlam, they were still calm, not even a trace of sweat could be seen from them.

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