"It's natural to remove the spirits, Rem, I'll leave these spirits to you." Ye Ye said, his eyes turned to Rem.

"I see." Rem nodded, she had recognized these things that didn't feel good for a long time.

"They, they are all innocent. These tragic children's resentful spirits just want to return to their parents and don't want to be enslaved by that spirit, how can you..."

Mai Taniyama pointed at Ye Ye and made a sound, but the sorceress Ayako Matsuzaki covered her mouth immediately.

Matsuzaki Ayako has some understanding of Ye Ye's deeds, and it is precisely because of this that she did not say anything to stop Ye Ye.

Whether it was Kazuya Shibuya, Masha, priest, or monk, they all initially wanted to purify the spirits and free them, not to eliminate them directly.

"Forget it, Rem, I'll do it myself!" Ye Ye also noticed their changes, so he couldn't help covering his forehead and shook his head.

It would be a bit inhumane to let Rem kill the spirit directly.

Although Ye Ye's shot usually involves removing spirits, he didn't expect to purify the spirits.

"Just be quiet for me." Ye Ye looked at these spirits, and the evil spirit who was already rushing over to enslave these children and stomped his feet.

The ice quickly spread out from the stomping position of Ye Ye, not only the objects, but also the spiritual bodies were frozen in it.

These spirits floating in the air were shrouded in ice and fell into the living room one by one, as well as the spirit of the middle-aged woman, her cyan palm almost touched Ye Ye's neck, but it was also engulfed by the ice. sealed in it.

In just one move, their troubled spirits were sealed by Ye Ye.

The insurmountable gap filled the frozen space with the sound of gasping for air.

"These spirits are handed over to you, the younger generation remember not to forget to go to the association for the record." ..

Chapter [-] The Cursed House!

Chapter [-] The Cursed House!

"Have you contacted that master?"


"Now they should have arrived at the master's office. I hope this time we can solve the curse of our family!"

On the edge of the coastline, there is a huge manor built with countless rows of trees, and a family gathers together in a huge manor, all with decadent faces.

"Are you coming again?"

The little boy and the little girl had a weird face and laughed shudderingly. It's hard to imagine a child showing such a terrifying and weird face.

If there is any sophisticated temperature testing instrument, it must be found that the temperature next to the two children suddenly dropped by five degrees, and then returned to normal, accompanied by the disappearance of the strange face.


Ye Ye also welcomed a new customer today.

"I'm Yoshimi Zhangwen, this is my niece Yoshimi Hazuki, you are the master."

The young man brought a little girl to Ye Ye's office and sat on the sofa in the meeting room. He placed his palm on his niece's shoulder as if to give the little girl a sense of security.

"Let's talk about it, do you want me to solve the curse on this little girl? That's a very simple thing."

Ye Ye said that the picture that appeared in his eyes was that the cursed breath of the little girl was wrapping its teeth and claws around the little girl Yoshimi Hazuki.

"Master is not a master, have you already seen the curse on my niece? However, this time I not only want to ask the master to solve the curse on my niece, but also ask the master to solve the curse of our family!"

Yoshimi Zhangwen sighed, his tone was right, and then slowly untied a white strip on Yoshimi Hazuki's neck.

What was revealed was a purple trace that seemed to be tightened by a rope.

"Ye Yue, stand up and turn around."

Yoshimi Zhangwen said softly, the little girl Yoshimi Yeyue turned around, Yoshimi Zhangwen opened the chains of the younger generation, and then the pupils of Rem and Ram on the side shrank.

On the back of Hazuki, there is a line of writing that bulges like a sarcoma, showing a burn-like appearance.

"The name of the ring? It's a bit interesting. For such a curse on a little girl, did your family provoke some powerful spirit, and then the era suffered its revenge."

Ye Ye narrowed his eyes and said.

The ring name, which is the name given to the deceased.

"Chanyue Courtyard Prison Virgin."

Ye Ye looked at the line of words standing up behind Yoshimi Yeyue and slowly read it out.

"Does this mean that this child will definitely go to hell? It's really a bad name." Rem gritted his teeth.

"It's not just plain bad taste, it's a curse, and it's not a normal curse, the one who cursed..." Ye Ye smiled.

This little girl will really go to 'hell' after her death, and her soul will be permanently enslaved, unable to become a Buddha, and can only be passively purified

"As the master saw, my niece has such a curse. In fact, every time our family changes, a lot of people will die unexpectedly, and almost half of our family will die. Right." Ji Jian Zhangwen smiled bitterly.

"So what do you think about this curse?"

Ye Ye asked.

"Yes!" Under Ye Ye's contagious words, Ji Jian Zhangwen was silent for a while, then he gritted his teeth and nodded to look at Ye Ye.

"In fact, we are just latecomers, the branch of the Yoshimi family. This curse did not appear when we were still separated. It was only after we learned that the main family died unexpectedly. , I accidentally discovered a book, which recorded the demise of the main family, I am afraid that the curse came from the main family, I have not dared to tell my family about these conjectures."

Yoshimi Zhangwen said, and his body was shaking as he spoke.

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