"The class next door."


"That man, look, it was this morning."

"It's not a movie shoot."

"Haruto, that guy is my classmate."

"Great." Sakurai Aina, who didn't know the truth, smiled, and Haruto avenged Shoko.

"You did a good job." Ye Ye murmured, he really deserves to be the protagonist. He is so skilled at the first time he has never touched a mecha. This is a master-level operation, and it is not much worse than Ye Ye. .

"Shoko." Haruto, who was sitting on the body, couldn't help crying again.

"Om." Stopping his feelings, Qingren got down from the body.

"Tatata." At this time, Alfred came over.

"Just laugh at me, as you said, a world without winners and losers is just an illusion." Haruto lowered his head and said. "Who are you?"

"Dorcia Army spy agency, Al Alfre." Al Alfre said.

"Ah?" Qingren was taken aback.

Al Elf directly took out the knife and sprinted to the front of Haruto and stabbed the knife into Haruto's body.

Directly piercing the lover's heart, Alfreh retracted the knife and fell to the ground weakly,

Seemingly to be on the safe side, Alfr took out his hand after Ye Ye fell down and fired a few more shots at Ye Ye.

"I won again, Lizellot," said Al Elf.

"Have you begun?" Ye Ye watched all this quietly, not far away, and the battle for the body was next.

"Al Elf." Ye Ye chuckled, it looked good to have this military advisor.

"Oh, the magician's power has begun to attack." At this moment, Haruto stood up, a scar on his face that radiated red light, showing Haruto's strangeness.

"Ah." Haruto bit Alfre's neck instantly.


It feels a bit like the original work, but the protagonist of the original work must die, and he will die. In the early stage of the plot, we have to rely on it.

【Extra】Chapter [-] Capture the core of No. [-]

Chapter [-] Capture the Core of Number One

"Very good." Everything was going according to plan. Haruto successfully exchanged Alfal's body and had a misunderstanding with Adelaide.

This time Ye Ye's target is the same kind of "Magic" that exists in Unit [-]!

The α system lacks AI, and Pino, that is, the AI ​​in Unit [-] is just right. Although the power of Unit [-] will be reduced without pino, but who cares, Haruto will die sooner or later.

"The rock is cracking!" Being an artificial magician naturally also has the power of runes.

As long as the mind is firm enough, the power of the runes can be guided to make effects similar to magic. In terms of the infinite power of Ye Ye, it can still be done to cause the rocks to collapse.

After all, Ye Ye didn't have an orthodox way to use the power of runes, and even a genuine magician would only use the power of runes to prolong his life.

"Boom!" Green hard rays of light blasted out and shattered the rocks above Adelaide, and the rocks rolled down into a mess.

When it was quiet, Adlaiy and his party would have already fainted on the spot. This just provided a favorable environment for Ye Yeh's operation. These supporting characters are quite useful in the later stage. Killing them will cause trouble in the later stage, which is a little bit. Not worth it.

"You bastard, who are you..." Ye Ye walked in front of Unit [-], and Adlai looked at Ye Ye's background and said with difficulty.

"The willpower is very good, as expected of an agent of the Dolceian Army's secret service." Ye Ye knocked him unconscious.

He doesn't want others to guess that he is the owner of the second machine. If he is seen to have taken the pino, I believe that the Dorcian army will definitely associate the second machine with him. The developer is the driver.

"Sa!" Ye Ye opened No. [-]'s armor to reveal the core inside, exuding the power of green runes, and a virtual girl in red in the core was looking at Ye Ye interestingly, she was No. [-]'s pino .

"Pino, I know you can understand." Ye Ye said, pino is also a magician, but it was used for experiments and became the core of Valvrave.

"You...what's the matter with you!" Because of the power of Haruto's runes, pino stumbled and started to speak.

"How does pino become the core of my body?" Ye Ye said, "At least I can provide you with unlimited rune power."

"Unlimited rune power!" Sure enough, it was the rune power's lure to Pino, and when he heard Ye Ye's words, Pino showed a thoughtful look.

"You...you also need to help me find my brother." Pino continued, "Help...help me find my brother, promise me...I promise you to be...the core of your body."

"Your brother? Good!" Ye Ye agreed.

If I remember correctly, Pino's brother Prue should be in the hands of the magician Kane, and it would be very easy to get it back.

However, Ye Ye didn't want male AI, but he still agreed to Pino first, waiting for the chance to destroy Colonel Kane and prue together.

"You agreed, okay...I will become the core of your machine." Pino said happily, Ye Ye stretched out his hand and placed the power of the runes on the core, and pino got enough rune power to get out of the first machine .

"What about your body?" They are AIs that have been experimented into bodies, and they are different from other magicians, and can only survive in the body.

"Come in." Ye Ye summoned the second machine, opened the core pino and rushed in. Immediately, the second machine underwent some changes, the power of the runes became smoother, and the intricate engravings on the body flashed green light.

"Very good, I'll see the Dorsia Army next. I don't know if they have come back, but don't let me beat them away." Ye Ye walked towards the academy, and the war started next.

Not long after Ye Ye left, Adelaide and his party also woke up, clutching their dizzy head, Adelaide showed a look of pain.

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