"What kind of body is this, it's so powerful." Valvrave No. [-] and No. [-] were caught in a hard fight, which seemed to be specially developed for their valvrave bodies, and restrained valvrave bodies everywhere.

This made the two of them in a hurry, and they were also of good psychological quality, otherwise they would panic, and they would be defeated by this kind of machine if they were not careful, and the battle situation changed all of a sudden.

"Silver fuselage, go to help Valvrave Unit [-] and Unit [-], and rescue Haruto's Unit [-] by the way." Alfred said in communication.

Haruto's valvrave No. [-] was also entangled. Although Haruto's valvrave No. [-] was powerful, they couldn't afford it.

The valvrave body has a time limit. Once the heat reaches a peak, it will crash. At that time, the meat on the chopping board will be slaughtered.

This was also taken into account, so this time Alfredo decided to fight quickly and rushed in directly because of time constraints!

"Oh, this kind of machine, has it come out already? It's a demon inside!" Ye Ye immediately became interested, it was a demon inside, and this machine was also the strongest existence of the Dolceian Army in the battlefield, Ye Ye Of course not to be missed.

"Come here." Ye Ye exerted the power of space, and the space began to distort. Together with these machines, Ye Ye increased the power of space, and all the machines of the Dorsia Army were pulled to Ye Ye. in front of.

"The power of space, I can't keep you!" Seeing Ye Ye's power, the demon envoys who drove several aircrafts immediately had endless killing intent on Ye Ye, and he absolutely could not leave Ye Ye, and the original Colonel Kane. generally.

They were also intimidated by Ye Ye's talent.

Even on the home planet of their demons, the power of space can only be used by the legendary existence, Ye Ye can use it, doesn't that mean that Ye Ye can grow into the legendary existence.

If it is their demonic group, they may be happy to cultivate Ye Ye at all costs in order to return to their home planet, but Ye Ye is also an artificial demon, their taboo!

Before Ye Ye grows up, they will kill Ye Ye here to avoid future troubles.

However, Ye Ye won't let them get their wish. Ye Ye's current combat power is unmatched. If he exerts his full strength, it is not impossible to destroy a planet at the cost of the power of runes.

"Go to hell." They all charged towards Ye Ye with their weapons in hand. They knew that laser weapons were ineffective against Ye Ye, so they wouldn't make such a low-level mistake.

"It's useless." Ye Ye took out the Tang Dao and blocked their attack.

"Give me some more fun." Ye Ye drove the Valvrave No. [-] and kicked it out, with a hard afterglow, and a burst of shards like glass scattered in the universe.

Forcing one of the aircraft back, Ye Ye drove the second valvrave to dent the armor of the aircraft with an elbow.

"Kacha." For the rest of the body, Ye Ye slashed out with a knife, with the power of runes, flashing white light, and chopped the opponent's weapon into pieces. This battle can be said to be completely suppressed by Ye Ye, and they did not fight back at all. Power.

Ye Ye has some time and their consumption, Ye Ye's body is not the same as other bodies, the body overheating exists, but it will be absorbed by Ye Ye's transformation into energy!



[One chapter is delivered, and there are still two updates this afternoon. In this case, today is the fourth update, and there are two more updates to the sixth update. The update will continue at [-] o'clock and [-] o'clock in the evening. It is four o'clock in the afternoon. Update at [-] o'clock, there is still an update around [-] o'clock~~~] ..

【Extra】Chapter [-] Look at my big move!

Chapter [-] Look at my big move!

"How is it possible that our joint attack is so vulnerable." The demon envoys who were repelled felt incredible. This was too powerful. It was a bit outrageous.

"Go to hell, there will be many of your companions waiting for you in the future." Ye Ye raised the Tang knife and slashed it down, but attacked from behind them.

Even if the body is protected by the power of runes, in front of Ye Ye's overwhelming power of runes, it will be broken like a piece of paper.

"Xiaojing, come closer to me." Ye Ye then connected to the valvrave No. [-] machine.

Immediately Ye Ye said to Lianfang Xiaolujing that the three valvrave machines in the distance had broken through the blockade and came to the main battleship.

"Guide Shoko." In the command room, Elf looked at Guide Shoko, guide Shoko bit his lip, the girl on the side comforted guide Shoko, and finally guide Shoko nodded.

"Haruto, use the belly-cutting sword." Al Elf said to the communication, Haruto nodded, and immediately Valvrave No. [-] began to fight fiercely, and the heat all over his body began to erupt.

"The critical point has been reached." Finally, the heat reached a critical point. Haruto took out his tachi, cut his abdomen, and pressed close to the energy stove. The energy on the energy stove was close to the tachi.

Pulling out the katana, Haruto swung abruptly, and together with the main battleship, most of the surrounding battleships were destroyed by Haruto.

Ye Ye used the power of space to protect Lianfang Xiaojijing's valvrave No. [-] and Rukino Saki's valvrave.

The power of the attack did not hurt the two of them at all. Looking at the retreating Dolceian Army, Ye Ye chuckled in the body, and the power of the running space disappeared, and the guide Shoko in the command room was already weeping.

"Finally protected." Alfred also breathed a sigh of relief.

In this battle, Alfredo was the most nervous. Finally, they also succeeded. The next step is to attack the earth, and then push it to the Dolceian regime.

"Comfort her well." Said to the girl on the side, and Alfred just walked out of the command room.

He was going to check the settings of his underground arrangement, whether he knew the identities of the silver body and the others.

"Huh, I'm finally back, it's really cool to be big this time, it's the first time I feel like I'm still alive and well." Rukino Saki said with a smile.

Opening the door of the valvrave No. [-] machine, Ryuki Nosaki came out in a battle suit, with a good figure in sight, and Lianfang Xiaolujing also came out. In fact, Lianfang Xiaolujing has hidden big breasts.

"Hey, Ye Ye, how did I perform in this battle?" Liukino said to Ye Ye, and even Fang Xiaolujing also looked at Ye Ye and wanted to know this question.

"At least I haven't been hit before. The technology has improved a lot. I don't need to say about Xiaojing. The operation is very perfect. As expected of a computer genius, the valvrave machine can be used so quickly." Ye Ye said, but it was a little perfunctory. meaning inside.

"Where are you." Suddenly, the communicator of Ruki nosaki sounded, it was a message from Ruki nozaki's best friend, and then Ruki nozaki replied a message.

"Ah, Ye Ye, I'll go out first, Shizuo Shoko seems to be very sad now." Ryuki Nosaki changed into her battle uniform.

In front of Ye Ye, there was nothing to hide. If it wasn't for Rukino Saki saying that something was wrong, Ye Ye really wanted to fight with Rukino Saki for [-] rounds.

After changing into the school uniform, Ryuki Nosaki walked out of the passage, leaving only Ye Ye and Lianfang Xiaolujing.

I don't know if it was due to the influence of Ruki no Saki, even Fang Xiaolujing also changed into the battle uniform in front of Ye Ye, but Ye Ye won't let it go this time.


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