"It's really a remote place." Ye Ye followed Alfrew, and now Alfrew has changed into the clothes of the original Dolceian Army.

"Let's go from here." Al Elf said, this is a passage that he discovered with his training partners, and only they know.

"Oh, there is still a secret passage. It seems that you were not a well-behaved child back then." Ye Ye said with a smile, and Elf walked in with Ye Ye.

"That's it." Alfred said, and the exit was ahead.

"You don't have to stay if you're going to be exposed, these little guys have already been brainwashed." Alfred was familiar with the training procedure, so Alfr said to Ye Ye in advance.

Well, as an undead, it is similar to the existence of vampires, so there should be no problem, after all, it is an existence that cannot be killed!

"I know." Ye Ye said, he knew it for a long time, and he was familiar with the original book. These children are war tools for killing people without blinking an eye.

"That's it." Walking out of the passage is a large basin. This is where the training takes place. Because the cave is very hidden, no one notices Ye Ye and Alfred.

"It's quite a lot." There are hundreds of people below, which is more than what Ye Ye saw in the original book.

"Only a few of them are the ones that are really cultivated, and I am afraid that the rest will be disposed of soon." Alfred said, the rules are so cruel.

"It's cruel, but it's precisely because of this cruelty that the top secret agents are trained, isn't it?" Ye Ye said, and Alfred nodded.

"Okay, let's go, summon the body when necessary." Alfred said, they want to inquire about the information from here!



[This is what chapters are here, yes, it's the fifth chapter, the fifth chapter, and there are two chapters left, I ask for your support, right, right, um, yes, it's a date I said, at [-]:[-], and then at [-]:[-], I will add more tomorrow~~~~~~] ..

【Extra】Chapter [-] Is the princess a magician? !

Chapter [-] Is the princess a magician? !

"How did we get there, is it the swaggering past?" Approaching the capital of Dolceia, Alfred said to Ye Ye

"No, they stay at the base, you and I just go there. When all the troops are attracted by me, Haruto and the others will come on stage and attack with the valvrave from the rear." Ye Ye said.

"Okay, that's it." Alfred said, and then Ye Ye explained the plan to Haruto and the others, and immediately Alf and Ye Ye set off, in order to prevent valvrave from being too conspicuous.

Ye Ye directly wrapped himself and El Elf with the power of runes and rushed towards the capital of Dolcia. At the same time, the power of runes also changed the appearance, so that it would be a little troublesome to be recognized.

"Okay, Ye Ye, follow me, I'm familiar with this place." Alfred said to Ye Ye when he came to a place where no one was there.

It is natural to be familiar with the capital of Alfredo, after all, Alfredo was in the capital before.

"Okay." Ye Ye nodded and followed behind Al Elf. No one recognized him because of the change in his face. After walking for a while, Al Alf stopped and turned to look at Ye Ye.

"You should be Dolcia's coin, give it to me." Alfred said, it's a bit slow to move forward in this way, so Alfred intends to change the way, but this is the need money.

The last time I went to Sakimori Academy was to complete a mission, so how could I bring coins.

Sakimori Academy didn't use Dorcian coins. Alfr seemed to have heard Ye Ye's Dorcian coins at the transfer station.

Just to use it this time, Ye Ye handed the card to Al Elf. Ye Ye didn't care much about these coins. For him, money was useless, like waste paper.

And even if Ye Ye wanted money, he could do it easily. With the power of runes, he could get anything in the human world!

"Let's go." Immediately, Alfr found a means of transportation, Ye Ye and Alfr headed towards the palace.

"That's it." Alfred and Ye Ye came to the palace. Immediately, Alfr faced another problem, what method was the best way to invade.

For the guards of the palace, Alfred is very clear, it can be said to be very strict, even if Alfred wants to invade, it is a little troublesome!

"Why, don't you just want to invade, why is it so troublesome." Ye Ye said, the power of the runes spurted out, wrapping himself and Elf, and then Ye Ye took Elf and walked towards the palace.

"Ye Ye, what are you doing? We will be discovered by the people in the palace. If we are discovered, it can be very troublesome." Alfred said to Ye Ye, he didn't understand Ye Ye's intention.

"Don't worry this time. With the protection of the power of runes, humans can't see us, and the machine's investigation will be isolated. We are transparent in front of them." Ye Ye also deliberately walked in front of a guard and shook it twice. .

"It's still possible to look like this." Al Elf's expression brightened, and then he walked in with Ye Ye.

"Here, here." Alfred walked with Ye Ye in the palace, the palace was very big, and Alfr and Ye Ye turned a lot of corners and finally reached it.

"It should be this place." Alfred walked in with Ye Ye, it was a machine, with green light shining around constantly, Ye Ye frowned, this is the machine for rune extraction.

The princess is a family of demons, but unlike these demons, the princess is a little too kind, beyond the bottom line of the demon, so the princess and the demon parted ways, and now the princess is imprisoned.

Every day the princess is drawn from the power of runes, so the princess becomes weak day by day, which is why Ye Ye said that forgetting the princess is dangerous.

"Princess you?" Alfred looked around.

"Your princess is here!" Ye Ye took Alfre to the front of the machine, Ye Ye turned on the machine, and it was the princess inside.

"Princess, what's wrong with her?" Alfred asked quickly, now the princess' face is very ugly.

"As long as the machine is stopped," Ye Ye said, Elf hurriedly cut off the energy behind him, the princess fell out of it, and Elf hurriedly caught it.

"Princess is drawn from the power of runes every day." Ye Ye said, Elf's face was ugly. Although he didn't know anything, he knew that it was not a good thing.

"The power of runes can be said to be the life of the magician. Without the power of the runes, the magician will gradually become weaker." Ye Ye said again, and Elf understood what Ye Ye meant.

"Princess, is the princess a magician!" Alfred couldn't believe this fact.

"That's right, but you don't have to worry, the princess is a demon envoy who was abandoned by the demon family, and she was abandoned because she was too kind." Ye Ye said.

"Is it too kind?" Alfred thought of the first time he saw the princess. Indeed, Alfred was moved by the kindness of the princess.

"If this goes on like this, the princess will die in a few days. Now you understand what I mean." Ye Ye said, Elf's face was very ugly.

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