The coordinates of the parent star are on the spacecraft. Without the coordinates, they can't go back at all. Now the technology of the earth simply cannot achieve a large-scale leap in the universe.

"Fix it for me." The massive outflow of rune power made the spacecraft begin to recover. With a lot of rune power, the spacecraft's recovery speed was terrifyingly fast. After a while, the spacecraft had recovered successfully.

"Coordinates..." Ye Ye looked for the coordinates recorded on the spacecraft and how to use them.

"Finally found it." There was a flash of light in Ye Ye's eyes, and then he loaded the data into the second valvrave machine, and summoned the second valvrave machine Ye Ye was heading towards the universe.

Ye Ye pays attention to cutting weeds and rooting out the roots. The demon envoys will probably be discovered when they fall on this planet. When the time comes, the army of demon envoys will be troublesome, so Ye Ye will kill them directly.

"Is this the magician's planet? It really makes people feel bad." Ye Ye came to a planet according to the coordinates. There are countless collections of runes on the planet, which is the origin of the magician.

Ye Ye landed and immediately attracted all the magicians, because Ye Ye also felt like a magician, but then they just felt bad.

"He is a taboo, kill him!" The magic envoy's planetary technology is still very developed, and immediately there is a weapon appearing.

All the beams were bounced off, and Ye Ye's mouth showed a sneer. It's better not to exist as a demon. Even if Ye Ye doesn't solve it now, the new generation of demons will one day be with the demons. Right.

"You all go to hell." Ye Ye's combat power was activated, all-round strikes, countless beams of light fell from the sky, they had no way to resist, Ye Ye directly swept the entire planet, and then all the demons were killed by Ye Ye Obliteration absorbs the power of runes, but Ye Ye felt the difference in the power of these runes.

"The altar of the demon?" When Ye Ye wanted to destroy the planet, Ye Ye found another strange place. There were fluctuations in space. Ye Ye directly used his space ability to enter this area.

"God of space?" Ye Ye didn't expect that the ancestor of the demon was actually a god, but now there is no god. The original god of space also died in Ragnarok and saved his godhead in a special way. .

There are great obstacles to becoming a god. Only with a strong source, a dharma body and powerful energy can one become a god.

Ye Ye just met this condition, and it was also a coincidence that the power of the magician rune extracted by Ye Ye was the origin, and the origin of the entire planet was enough.

There is no shortage of energy leaf pages, and the dharma body, the second valvrave machine is more competent, and it is possible to transform the second valvrave machine into a dharma body.

"I didn't expect it to get me a bargain." Ye Ye chuckled, and it was also because the current demon family did not have the awakening of space power, so Ye Ye was cheap.

"Godhead, come!" Ye Ye absorbed the godhead, pino and prue Ye Ye took them out, now Ye Ye can't use them anymore, and if they don't take them out, they will be killed when the body becomes a dharma body .

"Sure enough, is this the space?" The godhead is perfectly integrated. The source and the god of space are of the same clan, and Ye Ye is also transformed into the same clan, so the godhead is not at all exclusionary.

"This feeling." The No. [-] body became a dharma body and integrated into Ye Ye's body. After the transformation, the dharma body of the God of Space was the posture of Ye Ye's deity.

Even in human form, Ye Ye has the power to manipulate space.

Then Ye Ye started to hunt down the demons scattered in the universe and became a god. Ye Ye crossed the universe in just an instant.

"Who are you?" Boom's rune power bombarded and killed him.

"Why did you kill us?"

"Your home planet has already gone first, and you are next, what? Are you ready?" Ye Ye used a human attitude.

Next is to kill the opponent.

Except for the princess, pure and pino, all the magicians in the universe were killed by Ye Ye.

Then Ye Ye returned to Earth, because Ye Ye left not long ago, so now the war is officially in full swing, and Haruto and others are also in a hard fight.

"Boom!" Ye Ye bristled and killed all Dolcia soldiers.

"Qingren, leave this to you." Ye Ye said that pure and pino were placed in Qingren's body, and Ye Ye absorbed a lot of rune power, and returning to Qingren's body also made Qingren's body rise instantly. up a level.

"Ye Ye, this is you." Qingren looked at Ye Ye's current posture, the shape of the body changed, no longer like a body, this is Ye Ye's legal body, which is the attitude of a god.

"I'm leaving." Ye Ye was already planning to go to the next world and become the God of Space. This can still be done.

"Really?" Qingren lowered his head.

"Xiao Saki, Xiaojing." Unit [-] and Unit [-] came to Ye Ye's side, they must follow Ye Ye's side.

"Then I wish you a good journey." Qingren said.

"It doesn't have to be like this, we may meet again in the future." Ye Ye said, and then the space distorted and led Lianfang Xiaolujing and Ryuki Yezaki to disappear in place!



[It's over, suddenly it's stuck, so I updated it so late. At ten o'clock, there is still an update of the future diary, and then there is the big appointment battle. I ask for your support, please subscribe for support, the volume is over, okay? It's easy for me, although the chapters are a little less, please subscribe~~~~~~~~~] ..

Chapter [-] I'm the Admiral of the Ship Girl!

Chapter [-] I'm the Admiral of the Ship Girl!

"Hey, Admiral, I want to attack, you want me to attack!" In the guard house, an empty academy, a brown-haired little lori in a school uniform pulled Ye Ye's sleeves impatiently. said.

Originally, she was a restless person, but now staying in the academy for half a month is her limit. A small tiger tooth is inadvertently exposed when she is talking, so cute!

Lei, this is the name of this little loli, a member of the Sixth Fleet, a ship girl!

"Okay, alright, Lei, now there is no sign of deep-sea habitat ships, what are you anxious about? Even if you are anxious, there are no deep-sea habitat ships for you to fight, and your current comprehensive strength can beat destroyers. Is it a deep-sea habitat ship of this type?" Ye Ye said helplessly, looking at Lei's eyes, Ye Ye suddenly felt a little unbearable.

Rejecting such a cute little loli is a sin in itself, let alone a very clingy, clingy, and likable little loli.

In addition to the reason, it is actually because Lei's current ability is too weak, and his comprehensive experience is too weak. A deep-sea habitat ship that fights the lowest-level destroyer will also lose both.

"Isn't there Xiao and Xiang and Dian, it's better to let them go with me." Lei hugged Ye Ye's leg and looked up at Ye Ye, saying that if you don't, I'll just cry for you.

"It's a big deal, it's a big deal, I'll let you touch my chest." Lei puffed out his undeveloped breasts, Ye Ye suddenly shook, it was alluring.

Maybe it's no problem to let Xiao and the others accompany Lei. Isn't there a deep-sea habitat ship somewhere recently?I heard that it is the lowest-level destroyer, and there is only one, just for them to practice their skills.

It just so happens that we can gather some resources. It’s really poor. The Jianniang Academy now only has four people from Xiaoxiang Leiden, which happens to be the sixth fleet.

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