"Hey, I saw it. That's the deep-sea habitat ship." A black object was swimming not far away, and big blue eyes appeared. This is the deep-sea habitat ship that the admiral said.

"Very good, everyone, fire!" Xiao shouted, and the barrels on the four turned to the deep-sea habitat ship, Boom!The cannonball was fired, but perhaps because it was the first battle, I had no shooting experience, so the shot went wrong.

Ye Ye wasn't worried either, even though the four had no experience, but one of the four surrounded and beaten one, the victory was proper.

"Is this how the ship girl fights?" The human messengers in the back couldn't help but nodded as they watched Akatsuki and the others fired cannonballs from what looked like toys on their bodies.

"Damn, it didn't hit, what should I do!" Xiao couldn't help but pouted, and the deep-sea habitat ship opened its mouth, with a cannon sticking out, and the mouth cannon was fired.

As a destroyer, the speed of Xiaoxiang Raiden's four people is beyond doubt, and there is only one cannonball, Xiaoxiang Raiden escaped even if his experience was low.

"Hmph, how dare you underestimate me, look at my mines!" Lei took the lead in sending out a mine, followed by three mines.

With four explosions, the thunder and lightning stopped in place.

"Is it done?"

"Yeah!" The smoke dissipated, and the deep-sea perch has now turned over and floated on the sea.

"First attack, complete victory!"

"This is the defeat of the deep-sea habitat ship!" The human messenger saw the whole process. The deep-sea habitat ship was defeated, and the ship girl who was supposed to be their main force now ignores their human beings, which makes human beings The messenger smiled bitterly.

But fortunately, there is this academy, this time his purpose is to negotiate with Ye Ye and ask Ye Ye to control the ship's mother to drive away the deep-sea perch.

"Sister King Kong, we have already arrived." On the changing sea of ​​Jianniang Academy, the four figures marched in a single horizontal formation, and another fleet's Jianniang arrived. ..

Chapter [-] The Fourth Fleet arrives!

Chapter [-] The Fourth Fleet arrives!

"This is the guard house, it looks so deserted." King Kong looked towards the coast, because all the people here left because of the deep-sea perch, but some empty shells were left behind.

However, this just met Ye Ye's requirements. Ye Ye has remodeled this place, and the guard house has a new look. It's just a little bit less popular, but it should be fine when all the ships arrive.

"Oh, King Kong sister, let's inform the Admiral that we are coming." Kirishima said to King Kong, and then contacted the communication here.

"Admiral, the [-]th Fleet's Kongo-class battleship Kongo Hiei Haruna and Kirishima have already arrived." The secretary ship found Ye Ye and said after receiving Kirishima's communication.

The human messenger has already gone inside, and the result is not very good. The other party actually wanted to send someone to enter the Jianniang Academy. This Ye Ye refused, and the other party also threatened to supply Ye Ye resources.

What Ye Ye dismissed was to drive him out and ask for resources. Isn't the sea in front of him full of resources?Besides, the resources of the guard house are not too small. According to Akashi's report, the materials for each item are no less than [-].

This is already enough. Adding in the resources that some people want to obtain by hiring a ship girl for maritime trade, Ye Ye is not worried about resources at all.

"King Kong-class battleship? Let them come in and open the gate." Ye Ye said, the secretary ship sent a message to Akashi, the place used for the attack was opened, and the four King Kong entered and unloaded their equipment.

"Wow, it's really a good place." King Kong looked around, it was very convenient when attacking, and it really wasn't a bad thing to come here.

"Let's go, Kongo-san, Hiei-san, Haruna-san." Kirishima said, "Let's report to the Admiral."

Among the four King Kong sisters, King Kong is the eldest sister, Hiei is the second sister, Haruna is the third sister, and Kirishima is the younger sister.

The King Kong sisters have already arrived, and the other ship girls should be coming soon, Ye Ye nodded secretly, it is estimated that more ship girls will arrive in the next few days, and it seems that they need to prepare for the reception.

"Hello, Admiral, King Kong de-su, a returned child from England! Please give me some advice." King Kong said at first, and there is actually a little story about the gathering of the four sisters.

As a Kongo-class battleship, the four of them all have feelings. Haruna and Kirishima were originally produced by a shipyard, so they have been together all the time, while Hiei and Kongo gathered later.

Along the way, he relied on the four people to break through alone, and the firepower of the four of them was invincible, so he quickly reached the guard house.

The four-person alliance can be easily killed even if the opponent is also a battleship.

The firepower is too fierce and the speed is full, so it is naturally faster than other ship girls.

Like a fleet with fierce firepower and a large number of people, that is, only the fourth fleet of King Kong.

Then Hiei, Haruna and Kirishima also introduced themselves.

"You are the second one to arrive, and your room has already been allocated." Ye Ye said, at this time Xiao walked in, and the last attack was a complete victory, which kept Xiao in a good mood.

Moreover, Lei also fulfilled his promise and let Ye Ye hit his chest. Until now, Ye Ye still has a sense of guilt.

It turned out that he was really attacking his chest, and sure enough, his integrity had already fallen off.

"Xiao, this is your senior from the Fourth Fleet. They just arrived today. Take them to get acquainted with them. It is estimated that a few more ships from the fleet will arrive today." Ye Ye said.

"Xiao, take orders!" Xiao Mengmeng's appearance was almost killing.

"By the way, Admiral, do you have time tonight? I prepared black tea!" King Kong suddenly said to Ye Ye, Ye Ye was stunned, and then nodded.

"En." King Kong walked out of the office with Haruna Hiei and Kirishima, who were a little stunned.

Hiei, Haruna, and Kirishima are very envious of King Kong for making an appointment with the Admiral so boldly. At least, they don't have the courage of King Kong, the restraint of a girl.

It was also that King Kong was influenced by the United Kingdom, so the sweep was more open, but Hiei Haruna and Kirishima were different.

They also want to be like King Kong, but they can't let go.

But thinking about King Kong's appointment with the Admiral, they are in the same room, so there is no problem.

"By the way, Xiao, have you ever gone out to fight a deep-sea perch in the academy?" King Kong said to Xiao, and Xiao's impression of the four King Kong was also very good.

At least the temperament of the four made Akatsuki very fond of him.

"Yes, yesterday we attacked a deep-sea perch. This was obtained by Lei begging the Admiral on the condition of a tube top. In the end, we attacked and fought with a deep-sea perch." Xiao fully entrusted out.

King Kong nodded, chest cloth?It seems that the Admiral is good at this, King Kong looked at his chest and suddenly became confident.

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