Chapter [-] King Kong's self-brewed black tea!

Chapter [-] King Kong's self-brewed black tea!

"Well, come on, let me fix it for you." Akashi said with a smile.

"Okay." Both Mutsu and Nagato were very happy. They had long been impatient with their current state of being broken, and they could finally get out of this state.

"Well? It will take five hours to repair." Akashi said after checking for a while, Nagato's mouth twitched, well, it's only five hours, I hold back, I'll go to see Little Lolita in five hours. them.

Although it has probably been confirmed that some expelled people have arrived at the guard house, Nagato still wants to confirm with Ye Ye whether he has expelled Little Lolita.

"That, Lord Admiral, how many girls are coming to Kanniang Academy now." Nagato was embarrassed to reveal his lolicon appearance, so he turned around and said.

"Not much, but it should be able to arrive now one after another. You are the fourth batch of ships arriving, the first batch is the sixth fleet, and the second batch is Akashi, the ship who is now repairing for you." Ye Ye said.

"The third batch is Dadian, who is now working part-time as a secretary ship." Ye Ye said again, "The fourth batch is the Fourth Fleet, and you will be next."

"What type of ship girl is that?" Nagato asked eagerly again. Naturally, Mutsu knew his sister's purpose and sighed and pretended not to hear.

"Destroyers, working ships, light cruisers, and battleships. Unfortunately, there are no aircraft carriers or light aircraft carriers and heavy cruisers. Otherwise, a fleet will be formed maliciously." Ye Ye said, the efficiency of forming a team is much higher.

The formation of the fleet will also play a great role in battle.

"Expulsion..." Nagato nodded and started to enter the canal and repair it with Mutsu. Five hours passed.

"After the repairs are completed, remember to notify Dadian, and then let Dadian take him to the Admiral's Office." Ye Ye said to Akashi, who nodded.

Speaking of which, there seems to be an agreement with King Kong tonight. Well, as their future admiral, they can't believe it. Ye Ye met King Kong just after returning to the academy from the underground base.

"Good evening, Admiral." King Kong directly took Ye Ye's arm, put his toes up, and said softly beside Ye Ye's ear.

"Are you waiting for me here?" Ye Ye's expression was a little strange, no matter how he looked at it, he was waiting for him.

"Of course, let's go, Admiral, I found a good place." King Kong said, she came here secretly this time, in order not to let her sisters know.

What the younger sisters are doing, pay attention to what King Kong will not know. Of course, King Kong doesn't mind, but the sisters are too shy. Even if they call Ye Ye over, King Kong believes that nothing will happen. The most is to invite the admiral to drink black tea. .

How can this be possible? There are few people in Jianniang Academy now, but it is a great opportunity. When there are more people, it will be impossible to make an appointment with the Admiral. So King Kong thinks over and over again, let's take the shot first.

I don't blame Hiei Haruna Kirishima, after all, they were born in different places. King Kong is in the UK, so naturally it was influenced by the opening of the UK. However, Hiei Haruna and Kirishima are different, so in terms of personality, King Kong has the same characteristics as the three Hiei. Boldness and openness that do not possess.

"I chose this place carefully." King Kong walked with Ye Ye, and after seeing the carefully chosen place King Kong said, Ye Ye's expression showed helplessness.

Isn't this a grove?The legendary sacred grove, did King Kong bring himself to fight at night?

"I found a small pavilion inside." King Kong said.

"It's here." King Kong took Ye Ye through some trees and stood in a small Chinese-style pavilion. Teacups and teapots were already placed on the stone table in the pavilion.

"This is the black tea I brought back from the UK." King Kong said, King Kong likes and black tea very much. After receiving the influence of King Kong, his sisters also like black tea.

Since he is entertaining the Admiral, he must use what he likes the most.

"Thank you for being able to find this kind of thing on your first day." Ye Ye didn't even notice this little pavilion, and this small forest was at the back of the academy, so Ye Ye didn't even come here.

It seems that King Kong has put a lot of effort into this. No wonder King Kong has not been seen this afternoon. Even Hiei, Haruna and Kirishima don't know where King Kong has gone.

Looking around for such a place, of course, you can't find it.

"Of course." King Kong said, then picked up the Western-style teapot and poured black tea into the cup. The water was still hot, and it was ready.

"Admiral, do you want to try the black tea that King Kong brewed?" Suddenly, King Kong said to Ye Ye with a rosy look on his face.

"What? Isn't that what you brewed?" Ye Ye said, then picked up the teapot and wanted to pour it for himself, but Ye Ye found out immediately that there was only one cup, and it was still in King Kong's hand.

What's this about, doesn't it mean to invite yourself and black tea?Ye Ye couldn't understand something, but King Kong showed a smile. ..

Chapter [-] The secretary ship decides it's you!

Chapter [-] The secretary ship decides it's you!

After Nagato Mutsu was repaired, although Nagato wanted to find the little loli from the sixth expulsion first, but it was so late, Nagato also knew that even if they went, I am afraid that the expulsions were already asleep.

Suppressing the evil thoughts in his heart that he wanted to attack at night, Nagato and Mutsu went to the admiral's room under the leadership of Oedo. Ye Ye was also in the admiral's room at this time, and almost lost his virginity in the woods.

However, King Kong is also a kind of ship girl who fights in the woods at night, and finally came the sentence 'Admiral, you can do this kind of thing, but you must pay attention to the time and occasion'. The meaning of this sentence is that as long as the occasion and time are appropriate , you can do anything to King Kong.

After letting Ye Ye enjoy his benefits, King Kong was also satisfied, and Ye Ye returned to the Admiral's Office.

Ye Ye was planning the next academy courses, exercises were a must, and there would be no shortage of fleet missions and expeditions. Of course, the most important thing was actual combat.

Although there is no deep-sea habitat ship in the sea area around the Guard House, it is only limited to this area. In the frontal sea area near the Guard House, it is still controlled by the deep-sea habitat ship.

The deep-sea habitat, the old nest of the deep-sea habitat ships in the waters in front of the guard house, Ye Ye called it, and there must be a deep-sea habitat ship at the top of the deep-sea habitat ships, there is no doubt about it.

Ye Ye also knows that deep-sea habitat ships will be organized into teams. Although it is not denied that deep-sea habitat ships have the wisdom to form teams on their own, there must be a commanding presence behind them.

Next, first of all, it is natural to slowly advance the sea area, find out the existence of deep-sea habitats, and then eliminate them in one fell swoop, and the planning of the guard house also has to use their own brains.

Although Ye Ye already has a blueprint, but there is not enough manpower, so it still cannot be implemented. Ye Ye wants to build the guard house into a place that provides life, entertainment, learning and supplies for the ships, otherwise he will not directly use the land of guard house. circled.

A regular aircraft carrier, such a ship girl is absolutely indispensable, and it absolutely needs the power of a regular aircraft carrier when detecting.

"Admiral, although this is the second time we meet, but I haven't introduced it yet. I'm the battleship Nagato, please give me more advice, and leave the fight with the enemy battleship to me." Nagato said with a serious face.

"I'm Nagato-san's younger sister, Mutsu of Nagato-type battleship No. [-], please take care, and Admiral-sama, please don't play with fire too much, okay?" Mutsu introduced himself. .

"Also, I can still command, so I'll just leave the command of the battle to me in the future." Nagato said again, Ye Ye's eyes lit up, isn't this the secretary ship?

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