And this deep-sea habitat ship must be in the deep-sea habitat, which is the home of the deep-sea habitat ship!

However, these are all speculations, and they are all unconfirmed, but Ye Ye has a lot of confidence.

Ye Ye didn't use his own strength. Ye Ye wanted to use an ordinary person's method to command the ship girls to win a big victory. This is what Ye Ye wanted, otherwise it would be too unchallenging.

Of course, things like resources, Ye Ye won't hold back when they use power to get them.

Otherwise, how can I support hundreds of ship girls, especially, some of them still have big appetites.

[Well, the author will not write that kind of chapter where many ships will appear on the stage, so there will be fatigue of review. Now what I am writing is to combine the plot and the like, please subscribe and automatically subscribe, please subscribe all, and ask for various Subscribe, there are still three more updates in the evening to say that the next appearance will be a regular aircraft carrier] ..

Chapter [-] As the Jianniang Academy, there must be classes!

Chapter [-] As the Jianniang Academy, there must be classes!

Since you can't push the picture, then take a class, and teach the exiles a class, although only Xiaoxiang Thunderbolt...

Since it is called the Jianniang Academy, it is naturally a school. The students are the inexperienced Jianniangs and the experienced Jianniangs to teach some of the necessities of battle.

Naturally, the responsibility of teaching teachers was handed over to Nagato, and it should be said that Nagato asked for it himself. For Nagato, "the exiles are really great", so Nagato is naturally willing to have the opportunity to get closer to the expulsion.

And the original task was Nagato, so Ye Ye directly approved Nagato's request.

The human messengers are here again, they are not annoying, Ye Ye is annoying.

"Let's talk, my time is precious, but I don't have time to chat with you." Ye Ye said in an extremely impatient tone, not paying attention to the other party at all.

"I believe that your lord is already clear. Our purpose this time is very simple. I hope you can give up the position of the admiral of the ship and become the assistant of the people we sent." This time, it is not seeking cooperation, but directly Forcing the palace.

Ye Ye was curious, where did the human beings have the courage to dare to talk to him like this. The last time he was just seeking a position as a deputy, this time he had a bigger appetite.

He actually wanted to abdicate himself, Ye Ye's eyes were also a little sharper, was he a little too kind to humans, or did the humans feel that he was being bullied.

But no matter what it is, what is certain is that the few people sitting in front of Ye Ying Ying are definitely trying to die.

"Do you think I'll give up this position? Where did you guys get the courage, I'm just wondering." Ye Ye said with a smile, the human messenger didn't panic.

"Huh? It's the human fleet, and the human fleet is approaching." In the command room, Oedo detected that the steel fleets were heading here one by one, and they had already surrounded the guard house.

"Sir, are you sure you want to resist like this? It's good for you and me," the human messenger said. After the last human messenger got Ye Ye's reply, returning to the human race immediately initiated a forcible policy.

Humans began to hunt down the ship, but so far it has not been successful, because the ship is extremely fast at sea, and is small and difficult to aim, and more importantly, has a strong combat power.

And to the helplessness of the human side, the cannonballs on the human side have no effect on the ship girl at all, just like a deep-sea habitat ship, this is what makes them focus on the ship girl academy.

It took a lot of effort for them to come this time, starting from the inner river, and then detoured many detours to reach the offshore mouth.

The human messenger who came last time saw what he saw, and the situation of the battle between the ship girl and the deep-sea habitat ship was truthfully conveyed to the human side. The fact that the deep-sea habitat ship that troubled them was so vulnerable really surprised the human side.

This power must be in their own hands. Although the human side is afraid of Ye Ye, it can't be bothered. This time the fleet has assembled the highest-level warships of various countries.

"You represent your human side this time, right? This is also your human side's decision, right." Ye Ye said, decisively, he couldn't be more polite to humans.

I really thought I was bullying, Ye Ye's eyes were cold, and the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, like a cold winter.

"Our fleet has already surrounded the guard house, and you have no choice." The human messenger shuddered and said, and a bad premonition began to rise.

"Take him down for me!" The human messenger was a little confused by the sudden feeling of being angry, and then he said to the two people behind him, his bodyguard.

"Hmph, I didn't expect to see such a thing when I came here this time. It turned out that I wanted to let the Admiral give up the position of Admiral, you hateful humans." King Kong originally wanted to give Ye Ye black tea.

But I didn't expect that when I heard these words, King Kong was completely angry.

Ye Ye knew for a long time that King Kong was just outside the door, so he acted indifferently. Of course, with his own abilities, Ye Ye was fearless even without King Kong.

As I said before, Ye Ye's strength is already fearless, and the threat of human beings is just a joke in Ye Ye's eyes.

The reason why the human messengers were confident this time was because they made special cannonballs from the fragments of deep-sea habitat ships that they had accidentally obtained.

In their opinion, this kind of shells should be useful for ship mothers or deep-sea habitat ships.

However, they didn't know that the ship girls also had armor, that is, protective shields. The power of the shells they made hastily was so poor that it was impossible to affect the ship girls.

Even the destroyer with the weakest armor is the same, and at the speed of the expulsion, it is impossible to be hit by the human fleet.

Moreover, the large number of fleets they have gathered is a bad move at sea. Will the deep-sea habitat ships not be able to find the human fleet?

The resentment of deep-sea habitat ships towards humans is not small. When discovering human fleets, all deep-sea habitat ships can do is to attack and attack.

Although there are no deep-sea habitat ships in the first area now, but according to this messenger, the fleet this time is not small, and it will definitely attract the attention of the deep-sea habitat ships in the second area.

As a ship girl, King Kong is naturally not comparable to human beings. It is easy to bring down a few bodyguards, and then make the envoy stunned.

Not only that, he gave the messenger a savage beating and let out Jin just stopped.

This messenger is already half dead.

"Admiral, what should these people do next?" King Kong said, "It's better to feed them to the deep-sea perch."

"No, King Kong, we want to be humane, prepare a wooden boat, send them up and throw them into the sea. It depends on their luck to survive." Ye Ye said.

[The role of human beings has ended here, and there is only the story of the ship girl.] ..

Chapter [-] Mrs. I love you!

Chapter [-] Mrs. I love you!

The alarm sounded, and Akatsuki Raiden and Nagato, who were in class, stopped their movements for a short time. Cold sweat broke out on Oedo's forehead. There were many deep-sea fleets attacking this time.

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