[33] Temporarily formed project team

In order to divert his attention, Aoki quickly took out the phone with the other hand.

After rummaging in the phone book for a while, I dialed a number.

After a while, a neutral voice came from the phone.

"Yo, isn't this the former sales champion Aoki, why did you suddenly think of my old colleague?"

Hearing the familiar voice and tone, Aoki's mouth twitched into a smile.

"How are you doing recently, Xiaolin, have you found a job? Why don't you come and be my assistant?"

"I'm still worried that I can't find a job at my level? I was too tired to work overtime in the past two years, so I thought about taking a break first."

"Excuse me, is there any pendant on the leg of the boss? I'm ready."

"Didn't you still clamor for me to be your assistant just now? Why are you cowardly now?"

"In an industry with such a serious involution, you dare to say that you need to rest, how can you not hold your thighs tightly, hahaha~"

"Come on, just say something, I don't know you yet?"

Hearing this familiar mantra, Aoki couldn't help but think back to the tomboy who had been drinking and having fun with them all day.

Obviously wearing a red ponytail, she doesn't look like a woman.

So Aoki always treats her as a brother, and the relationship is quite harmonious.

Knowing that she doesn't like going around in circles, Aoki said.

"I'm working as a tutor outside. Now a student wants to make a small game, but there is no program."

"Student? I'm afraid it's not a female student, right? It's absolutely impossible for you to be so concerned about a male student."

"Cough, cough, I don't know what you're talking about, so just say help or not."

"It's just a small game, can't it be done in minutes? Just let them contact me when the time comes."

"Then I'll leave it to you. If there are any children in the family, remember to ask me for guidance, and I'll give you half price."

"Okay, okay, my Connor just went to elementary school, and I don't want her to suffer like this."

"Huh? When did you have an elementary school child? Why didn't I know?"

"It's a long story. I'll tell you when I have time to come out for a drink. Then let's do it for now, hang up."

There was a click, and Xiaolin hung up the phone.

Aoki put down the phone and frowned strangely.

He always felt that he had heard the name Connor somewhere, and it felt inexplicably familiar.

Before he could think about it, Ying Riri launched a new wave of attacks, which made him come back to his senses.

Turning around, seeing her nervously looking at him, Aoki said with a smile.

"You can rest assured that I will do things, and I will pull everyone into a group later.

Just communicate with her if you have any needs, and I will also help you talk in the group. "

Hearing this news, Eiri hugged Aoki excitedly.

Then excitedly ran to the desk, picked up the mobile phone and announced the good news to the members of the society.

After a while, she walked over to Aoki with her phone and said.

"Teacher, I have pushed you the business cards of the members of the club. Please help us to set up a group for us."

Aoki opened the VX and found that Ying Lili had sent him several business cards.

After adding all of them as friends, he added everyone to a group.

Aoki: "Please modify your nickname so that you can contact @Everyone later"

Eri Sawamura: "Eri Sawamura is in charge of the art and original painting of the game, please give me more advice"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: "Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, in charge of the script and script, please give me more advice"

Michitome Icedo: "Ahaha~! I'm Michitome Icedo who is in charge of music"

Kato Megumi: "I'm Kato Megumi, a script trainee, I hope I can help everyone..."

Aoki: "@小林, 小林-sang, come say hello to the young people~!"

Xiaolin: "Just call me Xiaolin, and leave the program to me."

Michitome Hiodo: "Oh oh oh! It looks very reliable, is this a mature adult?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu: "Don't envy Michiru, this is a height you will never reach"

Michitome Bingtang: "??? What do you mean, I can be very mature too, okay?"

Kato Megumi: "Well... shouldn't we discuss the progress of the game first..."

Eri Sawamura: "Xiao Lin is a master that the teacher finally invited, don't scare people away!"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: "Teacher on the left and teacher on the right, do you like him so much?"

Eri Sawamura: "??? Do you want to fight Kasumigaoka? I can accompany you to the end!"

Kato Megumi: "That..."

Xiaolin: "Hahahaha, young people are just so energetic, I can't even envy them anymore"

Aoki: "According to your active atmosphere, without the project manager to promote the progress, I am afraid that the game will not be able to make it next year..."

Xiaolin: "What's the matter, hahaha, there is no dead line, let's do it slowly?"

Kato Megumi: "That...this game will be released in August, I don't know if it's the dead line you said"

Aoki: "..."

Xiaolin: "..."

Aoki: "It's less than two months away, I really don't know where you got your self-confidence"

Xiaolin: "Is it too late to run now? It's a hell of a project that's done..."

Michitome Hiodo: "Although I don't understand what you're talking about, it looks amazing."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: "I really convinced you guys, people are saying that we have no hope for this game"

Eri Sawamura: "Eh~? Are we going to end it before we start?"

Kato Megumi: "That...this is the schedule I made, I don't know if it's something the teachers need"

Xiaolin: "I didn't expect that the person with the least sense of existence is actually the most reliable person in the team..."

Aoki: "Just follow this schedule, and Kato Megumi will be the project manager in your project team in the future."

Under Aoki's decision, the club's game project finally started normally.

Although the members are not very reliable, their professional level can still be trusted.

Aoki felt that it was not impossible to make the game in two months.

It should be possible... right? *

[34] I teach you composition, do you use it to draw fans?

Under Aoki's matchmaking.

The game project of the Blessing community is on the right track.

As a senior programmer, Xiaolin's technical strength is beyond doubt.

No matter what messy ideas they come up with.

She will only reply with a "no problem" and realize it as soon as possible.

It's like putting a Ferrari engine on a car that's not bad on its own.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is even more powerful.

Aoki silently watched them in the group discussing the details of the game excitedly.

I can't help but think of the time when I was studying filmmaking with my roommate in college.

At that time, the ideas were wild, and the execution was terrifying.

Just move forward desperately, without worrying about whether you will lose money in the end.

"This is the so-called youth..."

Looking at the message reminders that kept popping up on the phone, he couldn't help saying.

However, the development of things seems to be different from what he imagined.

A week after the project team was formed, Xiaolin sent him a private message.

"Are you free tonight? Come out and get together?"

Aoki thought that he had not seen her for a long time, so he agreed.

He left a set of carefully selected exam questions for the five sisters as self-study homework.

And told them that they couldn't come to the house for counseling at night.

Aoki then changed into a set of casual clothes and took a taxi to the city.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, he came to a liquor store.

He skillfully opened the door and saw Xiaolin sitting by the window waiting for him.

Walking to the dining table and sitting down, looking at the old friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Aoki couldn't help but smile.

"It's the first time I've seen you in casual clothes. You usually wear suits and leather shoes."

After brushing the reddish hair on his forehead, Kobayashi threw the menu to him and said.

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