Amid the applause of the crowd, Sanjiu's pretty face gradually turned red.

In class, she never got encouragement from anyone else.

Now that she can be recognized by everyone, she is very happy in her heart.

"Sanjiu solved this problem after thinking hard, which shows the importance of independent thinking.

When reviewing a question, we need to find all the clues that the question gives us.

Then use these clues to find suitable knowledge points, and apply the formula of the knowledge points to solve the problem.

Now congratulations, you got the first key to open the door, this door can no longer stop you. "

Hearing Aoki's words, the five sisters looked at each other happily.

If they encounter a similar question next time, they will know how to answer it.

"Although Sanjiu's method can solve the problem, it does not form a knowledge point.

We can try to follow her line of thought and see if we can summarize the formula. "

Hearing this, the five sisters nodded excitedly.

"Sanjiu-san assumed at first that the cage was full of chickens.

Then we might as well just assume that there are a total of X chickens in the cage.

This X represents the number of chickens, so what is the number of rabbits? "

Perhaps it was the reason why the enthusiasm was mobilized, and the five sisters scrambled to speak.

"The number of rabbits should be 35-X!"

"Yes, then we now know the number of chickens and rabbits, and how many feet each has.

Then we can express it with the formula: 2 feet times X chickens + 4 feet times (35-X) rabbits = 94 feet.

Expressed in numbers, it is 2X+4(35-X)=94. This formula is not familiar to you. "

Seeing this formula, the five sisters under the podium felt a sudden realization.

The previous tutor also talked about this knowledge point, but he didn't understand what he meant.

Now, after Aoki's meticulous guidance, they finally fully understood.

"Since there is only one unknown in this equation, no powers exist.

So this formula is called a linear equation in one variable, and it can be applied to many problems. "

The five sisters calculated according to the one-dimensional linear equation written down by Aoki.

Soon came the same answer as before.

But I don't know how many times faster than Sanjiu's calculation method.

Having truly mastered a new knowledge point, the five sisters couldn't help but get excited.

If it continues like this, I am afraid that in the next test, their results will be drastically changed.

However, Aoki's next sentence poured cold water on the girls.

"Okay, that's all for today's knowledge points, the following is..."

Before the words were finished, Ichika, the most mature sister, hurriedly asked.

"Teacher Aoki, why do you only talk about a knowledge point? There is still a lot of time!"

Hearing this, Aoki stood in front of the podium and waved his fingers.

"It is important to master knowledge points, but it is more important to use them flexibly.

You think you have mastered it, but you may not really be able to use it freely. "

Ernai folded her arms in front of her chest and stared at Aoki with dissatisfaction, as if she felt that she was being underestimated.

Seeing this, Aoki shrugged helplessly, as if to compromise.

"Since you think you can do it, then I will give you the title of my debut.

As long as you can do it, I will move on to the next knowledge point. "

Hearing this, the five sisters took out scratch paper and water-based pens one after another, eagerly waiting for Aoki to come up with the question.

[There are 5 Fridays in May in a certain year, and the sum of their dates is 80. May I ask what day of the week is May [-]th]

Looking at the exam questions on the blackboard, the five sisters were instantly dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

Isn't it good that chickens and rabbits are in the same cage?

Why did it suddenly become a day of the week?

Ernai slapped the water-based pen on the table fiercely and stood up.

Supporting the table with one hand and slung the other on his waist, he said to Aoki with a dissatisfied expression.

"Teacher Aoki, if you want to charge more for tutoring, you can say it directly. There is no need to delay time by doing such a thing."

Sanjiu wanted to go forward to persuade, but Ernao glared back.

Yotsuba looked at the title on the blackboard and scratched her head, while May looked thoughtful.

Only Yuhua understood what Aoki meant, and sat down and gave up struggling.

Facing Nino's duties, Aoki leaned back on the podium and said with a smile.

"Second classmate, I'm not going to use inferior means for this tutoring fee.

If you think that the one-dimensional linear equation cannot solve this problem, it can only explain one point.

You understand the skin of this knowledge point, but there is still a long way to go to fully grasp it. "

Hearing this, Er Nai gritted his teeth and sat back unwillingly.

She knew that Aoki was not lying to her, because there was no need for him to shoot himself in the foot.

If he didn't solve it with a one-dimensional linear equation in the end, then he would lose face.

Aoki leisurely leaned back on the teacher's chair.

Looking at the girls who were thinking hard under the podium.

There is an inexplicable sense of achievement in my heart.

He succeeded in mobilizing their enthusiasm.

Let them turn passive into active, and actively think about the idea of ​​solving problems, instead of passively listening to others.

This is something that the previous tutors did not do, or did not do well.

Only when you really like something, will you actively want to do it well.

Although they are not yet able to love learning, at least there are signs.

Aoki believes that with his own experience in selling crowns, it is matched with the skill effect of [easy to understand].

Sooner or later, they will be able to take the initiative to improve their grades.


To explain, the problem-solving process is written in detail mainly to advance the plot, and there will be no such content after this plot, please rest assured. *

【5】Tutoring career is on the right track

Waited for half an hour.

The five sisters still haven't been able to solve this problem.

Only then did the girls realize that Aoki did not continue to talk about it for their own good.

Realizing this, Ernai lowered her head in shame.

But she was a daring girl, so she stood up and bowed to Aoki.

"Teacher Aoki, I misunderstood you, I apologize to you, I'm sorry!"

When Aoki heard the words, he gently waved his hand, indicating that he didn't take it to heart.

Then he patted the blackboard behind him with his hand and asked in a flat tone.

"So, mastering knowledge points is not as simple as you think.

Need to go through a long period of training, coupled with the practice of inferring other things to consolidate.

If you just want to learn a certain knowledge point, you will suffer in the exam room sooner or later. "

The five sisters humbly accepted Aoki's teaching and began to ask about the solution to the question just now.

"First, we need to look for clues from the topic.

There's only one Friday every other week, you know that. "

Seeing the five sisters all nodded, Aoki continued to explain.

"Then we need to be a little more explicit, assuming the first Friday is the [-]st, what day is the second Friday?"

Hearing Aoki's question, the girls fell silent.

Only May raised his hand and said.

"Second Friday should be the eighth."

"Student May has answered very well, so I will ask another question based on this idea.

Suppose the first Friday is X, what is the second Friday? "

As soon as the words fell, May seemed to understand something.

Calculate quickly on scratch paper.

The rest of the girls looked at the serious appearance of May, and couldn't help but have the idea of ​​competition.

They picked up water-based pens to write and draw on the scratch paper.

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