【55】Saving Ying Pear from fire and water

Seeing the wicked smile on Aoki's face, Eiri couldn't help but glared at him angrily.

He saw through everything, making her feel powerless to resist.

Taking a deep breath, he tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart and said "gently".

"Since the teacher knows everything, then I'll take it as your agreement."

Aoki turned his head when he heard the words, and said in a teasing tone.

"Oh? Is this the attitude of Ying Riri-san asking for help?"

Hearing this, Eiri felt that a string in her mind that had just been repaired was broken again.

Go straight into Super Saiyan form, and rub Aoki against the sofa with both hands and feet.

His face was red from scratching, and he had to raise his hand in surrender.

Under Aoki's interjection, the embarrassment between the two has long since disappeared without a trace.

Ying Lili let out a bad breath, and he also enjoyed the benefits with satisfaction, a win-win situation.

Therefore, the heart of playing tactics is dirty.

Closer to home, the two seriously chatted about the topic of the original painting.

"Tell me honestly, how many original paintings are there in total, and how many have you completed?"

Eiri scratched her head a little embarrassedly, and said with a shameful smile on her face.

"Not much, not much, there are only forty-seven original paintings in total."

Aoki was not satisfied with this answer, raised his eyebrows and asked.

"So, how many did you finish?"


Maybe it was because she didn't think it made sense, so Eiri almost lowered her head under the sofa.

"In one month, only five of the forty-seven original paintings were drawn...

If you are so efficient, you have to think about making a living outside, and I am afraid that you have to change jobs every month. "

Aoki's words are not alarmist.

Businesses focus on efficiency.

Even if you end up sacrificing a little quality.

It is also necessary to ensure that the product can be launched on time.

So, judging from the character of Ying Lili's pursuit of perfection.

To make a living abroad, either accept reality or improve efficiency.

No matter which path she chooses, I am afraid it will be an extreme test for her.

Aoki covered his forehead and said helplessly lying on the sofa.

"Tell me, how many background images do I need to draw to meet the construction period?"

Don't look at the number of background images in GalGame.

But the details of each one are far more complicated than the portraits.

Therefore, in the same time, the difficulty of creating background images is much higher than that of character portraits.

Eiri happens to be not good at details.

During my daily tutoring, I learn drawing skills related to the human body.

This results in the progress of the background image not being able to be picked up at all.

Under the anxiety, she couldn't even draw satisfactory results in the portrait painting.

As a past person, Aoki quickly analyzed Ying Lili's mental journey.

The fact that she has not collapsed until now is enough to show that her heart is quite strong.

After all the pears can't be completed, I can find foreign aid.

It is equivalent to asking for help when there is nowhere else to go.

It's good to be able to do this.

With his hands behind his head, he sank into the sofa.

It's like trying to hide on the couch to escape reality.

Aoki couldn't help but smile slightly when she saw Ying Riri's appearance.

Since the lovely students are in trouble, let the dedicated teachers take care of the aftermath.

"If I solve the problem of the background image for you, can you fix the other original paintings?"

Hearing this, Ying Riri's eyes lit up.

This shows that Aoki is willing to help her through this difficult time.

At this moment, the girl seemed to have a boulder in her heart.

The whole body became a lot easier.

Aoki is not an original painting that can't interfere with character portraits.

But different painters have different painting styles.

In order to keep the style consistent, a single painter is usually responsible for a certain link.

For example, Aoki is only responsible for the background images, while Ying Lili is only responsible for the character portraits.

In other words, Aoki or Ying Lili are responsible for all the original pictures.

Now that Aoki has taken over the creation of the background image, Eiri can concentrate on handling the character portraits.

It is not impossible to drive out more than [-] original paintings in a month.

Thinking of this, Eiri sat up excitedly.

Then suddenly thought of something, frowned and said.

"Teacher, this won't take too much of your time, will it?

If it affects your work, then I'd rather handle it myself. "

I heard that Ying Lili was still worried about him at this time.

Aoki smiled with relief, waved his hand and said indifferently.

"You don't have to worry about it, just leave it to me."

After receiving Aoki's affirmative answer, Ying Riri was completely relieved.

He stood in front of him with his hands on his hips and raised his chin proudly.

"Then I can rest assured!"

After speaking, he seemed to think of something, and then continued.

"The tutoring fee during this period is paid, and it is the teacher's hard work."

Hearing that, Aoki just smiled and said nothing.

Ying Lili didn't know what the original artist of his level was worth.

If it is an original painting for a game company, it can sell for thousands of dollars.

If the original artist is more famous, the leaflet can even be sold for tens of thousands of dollars.

Therefore, the tutoring fee mentioned by Ying Lili is not at the same level as the value that Aoki actually creates.

Fortunately, Aoki is not a person short of money, so he didn't take it seriously at all.

After deciding on her job, Eiri became active.

She rummaged around on the desk, then pulled out a stack of colored drafts from the drawer.

After confirming that it was correct, she sat next to Aoki with the draft and said next to his body.

"Teacher, look, here are the drafts I drew before, there are about five or six of them."

Aoki pulled his hand out of the sofa with difficulty, and then concentrated on reading the draft.

In general, there are several scenarios.

The school street, school gate, classrooms, commissary and canteen representing school activities.

Foothills, beaches, playgrounds and arcades that represent wild activities.

The room of each character representing the indoor event and the room of the protagonist, etc.

Counting carefully, there are more than [-] chapters of original paintings in these scenes alone.

Looking at these demands, Aoki felt deceived.

This little girl is also playing tactics, right?

Just throw half the workload on me?

Eri also seemed to sense Aoki's emotions.

He scratched his head embarrassedly, and said in a rare low voice.

"Indeed... it's a bit too much, but if the teacher is so powerful, there must be no problem~!"

Aoki will not be eroded by this sugar-coated cannonball.

If it weren't for the beautiful girl beside him, maybe he would have run away long ago.

Thinking of enjoying some benefits from time to time, after weighing it for a while, I agreed.

"Alright, alright, I'll take care of this.

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