Another undisguised confession made a cheeky guy like Aoki feel a little embarrassed.

Are all the existing little girls so sweet? Chapter 853

Hit the old boy's fragile heart with a straight ball every time.

If every little girl comes up like this, who can stand it?

The peach blossoms can't stop it, and the life of the current charge is really cool!

Aoki looked at Erno's shy look and thought shamelessly.

Before he could speak, he heard Er Nai suddenly "ah", as if thinking of something

"If it's the theme of maturity, wouldn't the outfit I'm wearing be inappropriate?

Following her line of sight, Aoki saw only long legs, and didn't notice the dress at all.

It took a moment for him to react, and he coughed and said

"It's really not suitable, but it's not impossible to solve it.

Hearing this, Er Nai's eyes lit up.

This is an opportunity that she finally won.

If it can't be achieved, I want to wait until the next time and don't know when it will be.

So she excitedly shook Aoki's arm and said coquettishly in a greasy sweet voice.

"Teacher! What do you want to do! I will definitely cooperate with you!

Hearing this sweet voice, Aoki felt as if he had fallen into a honeypot.

It gave him an inexplicable urge to never want to escape.

At that moment, Aoki truly understood the true meaning of the Great Teacher's words.

'Presumably, girls are made of sugar, spice, and something nice.

o Chapter 8 is still the boy from before

This sudden touch made Aoki fall like a cloud.

Fortunately, he was determined and did not sink into this.

He pulled out his hand without a trace, and said to the excited Erno,

"Don't worry about this little thing.

You just need to think about what background and look you need.

Hearing Aoki's words, Erino nodded happily.

Then I ran to the sofa, took out my mobile phone and asked what background the tiger would take.

As a result, Gao Mu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Ting's defenseless beautiful girl is really easy to make people move,

Fortunately, he didn't have the habit of taking advantage and got out early.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll have to walk hunched over.

I saw Ernai was swiping the phone to select the background.

Aoki took advantage of this time to go to the study

I took out my new painting set from the bookcase.

Set up the easel, put on the drawing paper, and prepare the palette

Unpack a new ink pen and soak it in warm water for a while.

When the tip of the pen is fully open, the ink pen is lifted.

After preparing everything, Aoki walked back to the living room.

At the same time, Nino also chose the background he wanted.

She put the phone in front of Aoki and said in a questioning tone

"Teacher, is this background okay? I feel very emotional!

Aoki took the phone and glanced at it, the corners of his eyes twitched.

I have to say that Nina's eyes are really good.

It was a Ferris wheel in the dark.

The sky is full of gorgeous fireworks,

Poison rainbow lights illuminate the surrounding night scene

However, all around the Ferris wheel was empty.

Only a lonely girl is staring at the spinning Ferris wheel

This lonely and heart-wrenching picture can really attract the attention of the little girl.

Even a relatively professional person like Aoki couldn't help but praised the painting twice when he saw this painting.

Demon and.The better the bald painting, the harder it is to imitate

This kind of loneliness that permeates every corner is extremely difficult to restore.

Not to mention that the picture is also mixed with head-scratching details.

Aoki sighed softly, thinking about letting Erina change the background,

But she looked up to see the love in her eyes almost overflowing.

The words of refusal are stuck in the throat.

Taking a deep breath, Aoki decided to give it a try.

Looking forward to Lin's confident smile again, he said to Ernai.

"I'll try my best, don't tell me if I'm not good at drawing,

"No, why am I willing to blame the teacher?

No matter how well drawn, it is the most precious gift to me.

Look, every word of a girl in love is so poignant

Aoki thinks that it is not uncommon to develop diabetes if this continues for a long time.

Along the way, the days are really too sweet.

He took Er Nai into the study and asked her to stand with her hands on the desk.

The girl in the original picture is holding the railing with both hands and staring blankly at the Ferris wheel in the upper left corner.

The red and blue neon lights reflected on her side face, silently telling her loneliness.

So Aoki asked Erno to stand up according to the girl's posture and draw the main character first.

Although he felt a little shy inside, when he saw Aoki's clear eyes.

Nino still mustered up the courage to stand in front of Aoki.

Holding the table tightly with both hands, raised his profile and stared at the ceiling in the upper left corner,

Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried,

.The eyes still can't restore the feeling of loneliness in the original picture

Aoki thought for a while, and decided to try to see if the vivid image could make her into the play.

So, he said to Nino, who was trying hard.

, you keep this position and don't move, and imagine the scene as I said.

Hearing this, Erina nodded silently.

"It's the night of the festival, and you and your sisters are teaming up to party at the amusement park.

Xiangda just opened her mouth,

Ernai talked about the role,

Before her eyes, she was playing with her sisters at the amusement park.

Seeing this, Aoki secretly praised the department and continued.

"I don't know when, you and your sisters got separated by accident.

No one picks up the phone, and you search helplessly around the amusement park.

After searching for a long time, you have not found any trace of them,

Exhausted, you came to the bench to rest for a while.

Before the benches, the fireworks of the amusement park just went off

When you look up, the gorgeous fireworks come into view.

Then you suddenly find that the sisters who have been looking for are happily admiring the fireworks in the Ferris wheel next to the fireworks,

They jubilantly discuss the splendor of the fireworks, not even noticing that you're not around them at all.

A short story ended, and Aoki looked at Ninotoki again.

All I saw was an abandoned girl standing there alone.

Her eyes are staring straight at the upper left corner, just missing a profile, can make people feel the loneliness in her heart

Aoki silently combed his thumb, and quickly sketched this picture on the drawing paper,

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