Captain America asked Guo Huang and others for help in a pleading tone, and then waited for the reply from Guo Huang and others.

  Hearing Team America mention the name Loki, Thanos was stunned again.

  Because a few days ago, it was Thanos who lent the army to Loki, and wanted Loki to get the universe cube and give it to him.

  Now both the Chitauri army and Loki appear in Tony's world.

  That means...he and Tony are from the same world! ! !

  Thinking of this, Thanos even trembled slightly, and couldn't help but secretly glanced at Tony beside him.

  Discovering the abnormality of Thanos, Tony asked with some doubts: "Brother Thanos, what's the matter with you?"

  "I... I suddenly feel a little pain in my head."

  Thanos covered his face, his expression was as ugly as eating shit, and he didn't know what to do.

  Until now, he managed to make such a close friend as Tony, but Tony was actually from the same world as him.

  When he collects all the Infinity Stones in the future, he will randomly clear half of the life in the universe.

  At that time, what if he accidentally knocks Tony out with a snap of his fingers?

  Gan!Really TM uncomfortable!Worry to death!


  Seeing Thanos' expression, Guo Huang burst out laughing.

  Of course Guo Huang knew what Thanos was worrying about, it was nothing more than Tony.

  After these days of getting along, the relationship between Thanos and Tony is so good.

  If you really want him to cut ties with Tony, he's really reluctant.

  So Thanos decided that when he snapped his fingers in the future, he would not clear the population of the earth.

  Half of the life in other universes was eliminated according to the original plan, and he made a special exception and stopped touching the planet where Tony was.


  After making the decision, Thanos sighed helplessly.

  He felt that his encounter with Tony seemed a mistake.

  But no way, sometimes the world is just such a coincidence.

  Can only say: fate, wonderful.

  "Help! Who will save me!"

  However, just as Thanos was worried, a woman with a child was suddenly surrounded by the Zeta Swiss Corps in the distance.

  "Hey! Stop!"

  Finding that civilians were in crisis, Mikoto ran over to rescue them instantly.

  "Sister, wait for me!"

  Kuroko used space to move and quickly followed.

  "Guys, I'll leave it to you here. Captain, let's go."

  Tony closed the steel helmet again, then grabbed Captain America and Black Widow by the shoulders and flew to the Stark Building.

  "Hmph, I hope you can hold out until we come back."

  Sol glared at Thanos, picked up Agent Patton, started spinning the hammer in his hand, and followed Tony.

  After the Avengers left, everyone took action, and they couldn't hold back.

  "Yo Xi! I'm going to get on Zoro!"

  "Ah, the enemy on the left is handed over to me."

  Luffy and Zoro rushed out instantly and ran towards the Chitauri army in the distance.

  "Very thin."

  Kamen Rider! Decade!

  Monyato pushes the imperial knight driver in his abdomen, and turns into an imperial knight with cool sound effects.

  "Sarah, come and make me happy."

  Esdes pulled out the knife from his waist and walked gracefully towards the Chitauri army, showing a morbid smile.

  "Oh? Sword masters from other worlds, I am looking forward to your strength."

  Eagle-eyed Mihawk saw Esders drawing a knife, and thought that the other party was playing with knives just like him.

  So he slowly followed Esdes, ready to see Esdes' swordsmanship.

  I want to see if the opponent's swordsmanship is different from that of the Pirate World.

  Only Guo Huang, Ahri, Midouzi, Banye, Zhishui, Itachi, Sakata Yinshi, Yuan Dagu, and Thanos remained motionless.

  "Boss, here I come."

  At this time, Obito and Accelerator also walked out of the dimensional channel and came to Button City.

  Obito just went to wake up Accelerator, so it took a little time.

  Seeing that the employees were finally assembled, Guo Huang snapped his fingers lightly and closed the dimension channel.

  "Huh? What are these guys?"

  Accelerator yawned and looked listlessly at the surrounding Chitarui army.

  The whole person was hazy, and it was obvious that he had not woken up.


  At the same time, at the top of the Stark Building, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was installed on the machine, which was connected to the portal in the sky.

  Standing on the balcony with a scepter in hand, Loki smiled as he watched the chaos in Button City.

  At this moment, the Avengers all flew from a distance and landed on the roof.

  "Loki! Close that damn hole!"

  Thor glared at Loki angrily, wishing he could kill this idiot brother with a hammer.

  "Jarvis, is there a way to smash that machine?"

  Tony flew in the air and looked at the machine at the top.

  Jarvis responded immediately: "Mr. On, there is a layer of defense made of pure energy around the machine, which cannot be penetrated."

  "Sheet, it seems that we can only deal with this reindeer first."

  Tony didn't hesitate, raised his palm and shot a yellow laser towards Loki.

  Team America, Black Widow, Agent Patton, and Sol also rushed over, and were about to take Loki.

  "It's useless, my army is destined to flatten this planet, and your resistance is futile."

  Loki looked at the Avengers in front of him, he didn't choose to fight hard, but jumped directly from the upstairs with the scepter.

  A Zeta Swiss captured Loki in a flying machine and fled with him into the distance.

  That's right, Loki had long expected that the Avengers would come to the door, so he arranged a retreat for himself in advance.

  "Tony, Sol, run after you two! We'll stay and find a way to close the portal."

  Captain America saw Loki escape and immediately gave an order.

  Tony and Sol caught up in an instant, following behind Loki.


  (Update here today! Continue to update tomorrow! The guests will show their talents in the next chapter! Brothers, please look forward to it!).

Chapter 135


  In Button City, a group of reporters are risking their lives for a live broadcast with cameras on their shoulders.

  "Gentlemen and ladies, the number of these alien creatures is too large. The police and army are completely helpless with them. Now most of Button City has been completely occupied. Residents living in Button City are requested to evacuate the city immediately!"

  A blond female reporter held the microphone very nervously and pointed to the giant beast in the sky and the army of Chitarui on the ground.

  Not only the reporters at the scene, but even the audience watching the live broadcast while hiding at home broke a cold sweat for them.

  "Three swords! Hundred and eighty troubles!"

  "Rubber! Machine guns!"

  At this time, Zoro and Luffy suddenly came from a distance and rushed into the Chitauri army.

  As soon as they entered the encirclement, the two began to show their skills and instantly defeated a large group of Zeta Swiss soldiers.

  "Watt? Who are those two people? Camera! Go there!"

  The reporters at the scene hurriedly pointed the camera at Zoro and Luffy, and everyone was surprised.

  But this was just the beginning, and what surprised them even more was still to come.

  In the next second, a huge icicle with a height of 20 meters suddenly appeared in the center of the city, instantly attracting the attention of all [-] people.

  Esdes stood on top of the icicle and looked around with disdain.

  Then she created a large number of cone-shaped ice cubes from the air and stabbed a Leviathan beast directly to death.

  "It's just too weak, I'm really not happy at all."

  After stabbing a giant beast to death, Esdes sighed in disappointment, dissatisfied with the strength of the Zitari army.

  The eagle-eyed Mihawk standing under the icicle looked at Esdes with a bewildered face, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

  Originally, he thought that the other party was playing with knives like him, but Esdes never used knives on the way. Any enemy encountered would be smashed to death by an ice cube.

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